Monday, July 13, 2020

You Will Know Them by Their Fruit

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?  (Matthew 7:16) 

The Question:  You alleged in a comment that various "Civil Rights" leaders may have been involved in sex abuse similar to certain Catholic Priests.  Do you have evidence? 

I will list some true statements about The Bible, people who have tended to rejected God, and what the Bible states about them, and various political entities.
  • People who have rejected God were given over to dishonorable passions.  What constitutes a dishonorable passion?  Some people get hung up on same sex attractions as a dishonorable passion in Romans 1:18-25)   A dishonorable passion may have been college students involved in hookup culture and debauchery.  Dishonorable passions may have been someone at Pagan Burning Man concert at an orgy tent.  Someone in a culture of sin was in dishonorable passions. 
  • Christian society value virgin brides.  Have you been living in a Christian society or a Harlot Ezekiel 23 Secular Humanist Society? 
Bill Cosby ended up in prosecuted and in jail.  A jury of Bill Cosby's peers found him guilty, and given he was guilty, he was guilty and he should do his time or whatever the law stipulates.  Bill Cosby also was associated with The Playboy mansion.  Was Bill Cosby the worst person there?  The place was known for loose morals.  Was Bill Cosby really the worst person, or the only guilty party?  Harvey Weinstein was doing wrong for decades, and it was public knowledge.  What Harvey Weinstein was doing was public knowledge, and people just looked the other way, or shrugged their shoulders.  During #metoo, most of the people who were outed tended to support liberal or socialist politics. They were given over to dishonorable passions, and much of what they were doing had been public knowledge.  With their politics, that had a particular fruit.  What were they doing behind closed doors?  Liberal in politics has tended to equate loose in morals. Given there was a conspiracy to out Bill Cosby rather than more guilty people or equally guilty people, why?  Bill Cosby represented a wholesome family figure on TV.  That was how many people may have perceived him.  That wholesome family image The Left has been working to destroy.    

True Statements: 

  • Socialists have believed that marriage has been a failed institution.
  • Socialist and Marxist Counter Culture has been known for debauchery.  
  • Socialist and Marxist Counter Culture has tended to work on emotion and favor Youth Movements.  David Hogg and Greta Thunberg would be two examples of Youth Leadership.  There is nothing wrong with a young man having leadership given he was capable, Marxist Counter Culture has favored youth movements based on emotion towards people being lead away from their wisdom of their fathers.  
  • A young man tends to receive identity from his dad, and family.  Socialist have tended to worked to destroy tradition families towards people being  "married" to the state or to an ideology.  Marxist BLM has supported the breakdown of the traditional family towards people being "Married" in a "Village."  Like the Hillary Clinton book "It Takes a Village?"  
  • Socialist have tended to rejected traditional honor.  They have been liars and deceivers who believe the ends have justified the means.  
  • Socialist have tended to covet their neighbors property.
  • Socialist have tended to put hope into a Atheistic Secular State rather than God.   
When we take all these things in context, someone who was a Socialist may have been involved in debauchery.  He may have been a liar and deceiver doing the wrong things, and believed the ends justified the means.

In general, given someone was left leaning, we can be pretty sure they were doing the wrong things, in debauchery, and sowing of the Flesh.  (Galatians 6:8)  Given we are looking for justice in the Black Community, there have been false teachers, "community organizers" such as Saul Alinsky, trained Marxists such as BLM, leading people astray, spreading corruption, and doing the wrong things.  Marxist BLM has been the problem.  They were not the solution.  They hate themselves, they hate their neighbor, they hate their own country.  They rejected God, and in BLM movements we may have been able to find debauchery, and sin, and abuse.  Did a Pastor support BLM or Socialist NAACP, or was he a social democrat?  He may have been looking towards The State for hope instead of God.  He may have been rejecting God for some ideology that espouses non-Christian things.  He may have been giving authority to Socialist Institutions.  His community and Church may have ended up a mess due to his bad fruit.  You will know them by their fruit. 

What I could do is start showing you various leaders, and newspaper articles I have found towards outing them.  In general, there has been a double standard on morality where a more conservative person was held to more Biblical Moral Standards, and we pretty much just assumed the left was doing wrong.  The goal may not be outing people's sins, but calling them into repentance.  I don't know.  Was someone a false teacher spreading abuse and corruption in a community?  Someone similar to Bill Cosby or Harvey Weinstein who did the wrong things, we may be able to be put on trial.  


  1. I internet searched "Obama accused by gay man of being gay." That may have hurt Obama's image if it was true. He may not have been elected in the first place given that was true. Based on Obama's fruit, I pretty much assume he was doing the wrong things. To out someone may take evidence. We do understand The Left has lied and deceived, and believed the ends justify the means. With a high degree of probablity, I would assume that there may have been a trail leading to evidence of Barrack Obama doing the wrong things morally in his private life, and being associated with dishonorable people such as Harry Reid, he probably lied, and did dishonorable things as president as well.

    News Article:

    That has been the character of The Left. They have not integrity and have believed the ends justify the means, and many people in the Republican Party seemed to be complicit, and didn't push hard enough to hold them accountable.

    We will know them by their fruit. Given someone was espousing particular things, and showing a particular character.....what was happening behind closed doors? Following the dots we may find evidnece of spiritualism and occultism similar to John Pedesta being invited to "Spirit Cooking" by wiccians or abuse.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Question: Given someone was in "dishonorable passions," and it was consensual, what would the harm be?

    God is love. (1 John 4:8) God's love is fatherly. God's love is forever. God's love is sacrificial. (John 15:13) Someone in "dishonorable passions" or debauchery doesn't know God. They don't know love. They were dishonoring and using each other. They may have been causing pain and corruption in society. They may have ended up with "Hearts of Stone" like the Rolling Stones song. In Ezekiel, Jerusalem is described as a Prostitute. She prostituted herself with foreign gods. In understanding of prostitution, there was Baal Worship that was ritualized prostitution. There may have been "Sex Magic" in association with that. Rejection of God, people may have been given over to dishonorable passions. Adultery and Idolatry are similar words for a reason. Which came first? Given men rejected God, some spiritual dominoes may have started falling. Part of reading "Signs of the Times" may be understanding how close society may be to God's Judgment, and certain dominoes falling. Given no repentance, over time, a society may have reached Ezekiel 16:48-52 where the causes of Sodom's destruction were discussed. What lead to the destruction of Sodom? Rejection of God, a rejection of righteousness, people's hearts becoming hard or calloused, having hearts of stone, leading to being arrogant and over fed and neglecting the poor. Socialist don't care about the poor as much as they care about punishing the rich. They have tended towards the seven things God hates.

    Someone rejecting God and rejecting righteousness in dishonorable passions was sowing destruction. They may have been a self-centered seeker of pleasure, and egotist, blind to God and God's fatherly love. The wages of sin are death.

    Why is it wrong to be engaged in sin and hook up culture? Someone engaged in sin was being separated from God. They may have ended up with a heart of stone, and did mean things to each other. They were blind. Given I was to interview some sorority girls looking for stories of "bad dating or partying experiences" what may I have found? People doing mean things to each other and returning the favor? People working to get theirs? Have you ever read "I Hope the Serve Beer in Hell?" Someone living like that was sowing of the flesh. He was sowing destruction. That eventually may have lead society towards Ezekiel 16:48-52 with no repentance. It may have lead towards God's Judgement.

  4. At a Harvard there may have been hookup culture. Harvard started as Christian institution. Harvard has become a Secular Humanist institution with values that have rejected God and righteousness?


    We know that Satanic corruption has been around Harvard. It has been there somewhere.


    That is an example of something Satanic or Demonic. It wasn't just some foolish young people being mean to each other. There was spiritual cause and effect there. Man is made in the image of God. Man is God's Glory. Someone was working to "Reflect" something by the ritualism. Man, made in the image of God, God Glory, was being dishonored, and mocked. Someone putting another man into a sexually submissive position may have been dishonoring and mocking him. That would be demonic. Someone studying the Saints going into pagan countries may have found similar type of things happening playing on some spiritual themes.

    Someone in Harvard would there be a fraternity doing something similar? I don't know. I have never been to Harvard. We do know that there have been Satanists working on performing a Black Mass near the University. Not too far away in Salem, a Satanic Temple was built. Satanic ritual abuse tends towards people doing very particular things such as abusing each other, working to dishonor and mock Man, working to mock God and do the things God hates in the Bible, and other abominations. The mindset of an egotist in sin, who hasn't getting caught, may have been to do worse and worse things, and push the bar.

    When Harvard started rejecting God, they may have opened their school up to predators. A predator may have been someone like a Jerry Sandusky. A predator may have been a blind egotist who was a self-centered seeker of pleasure. There has been a spiritual occult understanding that has tended to be around places where people have rejected God.


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