Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Numbers Part 2

In 2014, I had been receiving eyes to see and ears to hear.  (Ezekiel 12:2)(Proverbs 20:12)(Matthew 13:15-17)  There was a twitter God and I were working on tweeting mostly Youtube videos. 

Question:  Did you have a system in how you arranged said music? 

I became aware of a lot working for God.  I may have become aware of somethings, and they became second nature to me.  I may not have known 100% how to explain them all, or that explaining them may have been important to some people. 

Whatever God was having me do, there may have always been something deeper or more complex to it, and reviewing through what had been tweeted or posted, I may have found more through God.   

Around the 8th of February 2014, I started working for God full time.  What I was receiving had been very profound.  I couldn't stop thinking about God, and God related things.  I had been working on a second undergraduate degree, and decided to stop, and work for God full time.  I ended up living day to day.  Did you know what I was going to do today?  I didn't either other than work for God.   Living day to day, working for God, being a servant of God, God may have shepherded me to hit some numbers and dates right. 

One day it was late at night, I had lost track of what day of the week it was, or what the date was.  I was tweeting on twitter through God.  Personally, I was working on a theme of "Artists from Nashville."   I ended up tweeting The Jews, "The Moan" by Black Keys in the context that they should be in Israel.  I didn't realize it was the Anniversary of Auschwitz.  Just after making the tweet, prior to checking what the date was, I started feeling like "The Human Torch" with supernatural fire over my whole body.  A supernatural burning sensation that was just on or under the skin, that could not be anything other than God.  Was I sorry?  Absolutely not.  I had done nothing wrong.  Through God, I hit a date right, and tweeted the right people at just the right time in God's plans towards God's purposes.  What was I doing prior to?  I was working on a theme, "Artists from Nashville," and suddenly I had a tweet to send the Jews. 

God gave me a system, in general, of creating playlists of music through him.  In general, given we started on a song, we would end on a song that was related in theme.  There was often a clear beginning and end for certain themes or stories.  There may be a number of examples of that in this blog, an easy recent blog posting would be "Somethin In the Water."  I started with Carrie Underwood, and ended with Carrie Underwood.  From start to finish, it may have felt like someone was following along with a progression that made sense.   It has been more of an art than a science? 

1 comment:

  1. Question: Were times important as well?

    5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

    I became aware of midnight and three am, and some superstitions around those hours.


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