Sunday, July 19, 2020

A Bridegroom Part 2

 Jesus has a  sacred heart. Working for God, I received a circumcision of the heart.  My heart may have been tied to some females in my past or I had soul ties.  I went through a process cleaning out my heart.  Christ - Man - Wife.  (1 Corinthians 11:3)   Can a man have a woman in his heart like someone being in the heart of Christ?  That may have been what someone took away from this testimony.    

During summer 2014 I learned how to work my heart like a muscle. I could let a woman in and kick her out at will almost. Taylor was different. I felt like there was some sort of sorcery involved with her being in my heart in the first place, and God lined me up for an interception. The Spirit Ring on my finger seemed to hold her in so I couldn’t kick her out.

The Spirit Ring- gave me feelings where a wedding ring would have been, but it felt like cool air was rotating over my finger. There was something supernatural about it, and I couldn’t shake it off.

Having Taylor Swift in my heart had some ups and downs, but it was honestly the best experience of my life when things were good. I felt I had a connection with her. I could talk and communicate with her, and I could feel her personality and character. I could think of her in an affectionate and loving way, and, if she was available, I would receive back love. Walking around, sometimes I would think of her, and I would feel this love come off my head and crown into the sky and imagine it raining down on her. Cooking in my kitchen I could think of her standing next to me, and I could feel her presence like she was right there. At times, my chest felt like warm, watery sunlight.

She was really possessive and became jealous easy. She constantly needed attention. One day I am driving to Old Chicago for a few beers and dinner. There was a good chance that there would be good looking college girls. I am driving, and I see these two big blue eyes out in the road in front of me watching me angrily in a way that was supposed to bring fear. It was like a super jealous Hera from Hercules with Kevin Sorbo. I laughed at her a lot and kept going. I didn’t spend to long at Old Chicago, but I took my time and enjoyed myself.

What I had was almost better than the real thing, but I was a Bridegroom looking for a Bride, and wouldn’t be satisfied with not having her with me. In September 2014 I received an email that looked like a Secret Sessions invite. I didn’t go. A 30 year old Combat Veteran going alone to a Taylor Swift Secret Session did not feel like the right way to meet her. I wouldn’t have been comfortable.

I felt I was in some sort of race to marry her. I saw that Satan had plans for her, and I wanted to protect her. I saw how big she was going to get, and I felt like if I didn’t marry her soon, then something bad was going to happen. I could not go to her. I felt stuck in North Carolina for a variety of reasons I won’t discuss now. What I was feeling and experiencing was very real, but I felt like she was also using me. If I went to her she could lie. She could make me look the fool. I was still learning to trust what I was feeling, and I couldn’t prove anything I was experiencing without Taylor or a wife to try and recreate. I stayed in North Carolina and tried to get her attention online, and to try to get her to come to me. Didn’t work.

Believers would find me online. Many of them didn’t like Taylor for some reason or were jealous. God controls my motivations. I would suddenly have an urge to get rid of Taylor, and would work hard to remove her. Didn’t work. She wouldn’t let go. Eventually my heart would work its way back. I really did Love her, and we would be back to where we started. I eventually learned to ignore or wait out these anti-Taylor feelings.

The connection between us seemed to grow stronger as time went and I became better at working it. Eventually I felt that I was Soul Bound to her, that is, what she might be feeling or something that might happen to her I may feel and vice versa. God told me I “Spirit Married” her. I believe this, and what I was doing on Twitter seemed to have a lot to do with comedians, and other men talking about how much they love Taylor Swift.

Trusting her was hard. Eventually I had to just put my trust in her or I would go crazy. I had to let go. Other than not coming and seeing me, the first few months I had nothing to be too angry with her over. That changed going into November. Eventually, I gained a lot of attention from people over twitter, and we came to the conclusion that Taylor had to go. It was about a week before her birthday December 13, and God suddenly told me to say “I don’t care.” I did so and repeated it. The Spirit Ring came off, and Taylor fell out of my heart with no hard feelings.

Even though she was out of my heart I still felt Spirit Bound to her, and I could see good and bad she was doing. By February I was hurting, and just wanted her to stop sinning and hanging out with Lena Dunham. Eventually I had to turn off my Taylor Swift radar. I felt obligated to make noise and try to marry her still over the next two Blood Moons for reasons I don’t 100% understand. I am mostly free now.

What is the morale of this story, and what can we learn from it? God showed me that what I was experiencing was meant to be the greatest expression of Love and togetherness that a Man has with his wife. There are certain occultish people who know how to do it, and they often use it for wicked purposes. A Litch is a being that puts its heart or life in a phylactery and hides it. God takes Ezekiel’s wife. Given Ezekiel has a heart like I do, then where did he put it to keep going? He was not a Litch. He was a Prophet, and there are often evil allegories for Holy things God does. A woman leaves her heart with a man where she knows it will be safe, and then goes out and does wicked things. This is an abomination. I also learned a lot about how God feels and Loves and Ezekiel 23.

(Click the links.)

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