Friday, July 10, 2020

Japan and The Ties That Bind

I have been aware of some spiritual things that have been second nature or like breath to me. Sometimes it may have taken the right audience or the right questions towards "This may be important" unless God otherwise instructed me to do something.

I was on, and have had a blog there.The following was posted on the blog that two or so years ago for that audience. 

Breaking Down Supernatural In Media Japan And Anime

After doing so, I started to receive questions about Japan and more Japanese media like there are Anime fans or Japanese people on the board, and they would like to know. I am not very knowledgeable about Japanese media, or anime, but a few things have come on our radar at this time.
I watched "Evangelion" a month or so ago. First, any media mentioning The Spiritual in particular ways may be significant. Why? It came of some spirit. Which spirit? God will not be mocked. You reap what you sow. In terms of "Evangelion," they tell you that one of their sources is Kabbalah.
What is Kabbalah? Kabbalah is Talmudic Jewish Mysticism. It is part of the Talmud.
The areas of Jewish thought that most extensively discuss these issues, Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, were traditionally not even taught to people until the age of 40, when they had completed their education in Torah and Talmud. Judaism 101: Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism
Kabbalah has been known as advanced Jewish Mysticism. As Christians we don't need Kabbalah. The only way to the Father is through the Son. We have the Holy Spirit. Jewish Mysticism via Talmud and Kabbalah is corrupt and gets into fallen angels.

Kabbalah is considered advanced Jewish Mysticism, and according to Judaism 101, it should be done only by married men age 40 or older with extensive education in Torah. Occult groups, Occult groups around Christianity that may not have anything to do necessarily with The Talmudic Jewish Community use Kabbalah. The Golden Dawn of whom Crowley came out of, used Kabbalah. Other occult groups have used Kabbalah. As a Christian you don't need Kabbalah. It is useful to understand what it is for purposes of Spiritual Warfare. Know your enemy.
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. (Revelations 2:9)
Something that has been around Talmudic and Kabbalic circles is the story of Lilith. Lilith isn't necessarily in the Bible, but there seems to be something to the story as far as cause and effect to the Spiritual like there is a Lilith demon. In "Evangelion," there is a "Lilith Angel" who is very central to the story. She is held deep underground and tied up.

The Story of Lilith:

God created Adam and his first wife Lilith. Lilith wanted to be equal to Adam, or didn't want him to rule over him. This is often taken as a sexual thing where she did not want to be underneath him. She flies away, and births demons and abominations.

Madonna, the singer, is a Kabbalist. What is her fruit? We could say that Madonna is a Lilith like character who birthed demons and abominations. That she spread rebellion of wives against husbands and lead others into sin. The song "Like A Prayer" is an abomination which takes spiritual and holy things, and twists them into something sexual. God's love is fatherly. God's love has nothing to do with sex. Madonna may have helped "Birth" a Brittany Spears in a way, who "Birthed" a Miley Cyrus after she turned 18, and so on. These females have had influence over a generation of young people. They birthed abominations. This is one way to look at it.

As far as Evangelion, that is mostly what I have seen, at this time. The above is what someone may need to help break down various media in a prophetic way through God's Spirit. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a counselor.

Attack on Titan
"Attack on Titan" is actually a good one that when presented the right way to someone, you may be able to call them into repentance.

In the Spiritual there are entities. These entities have a character or work in a particular way.
The other goat, the scapegoat chosen by lot to be sent away, will be kept alive, standing before the LORD. When it is sent away to Azazel in the wilderness, the people will be purified and made right with the LORD. (Leviticus 16:10)
The priest who offers it shall eat it; it is to be eaten in the sanctuary area, in the courtyard of the tent of meeting. (Leviticus 6:26)
In Japan there is a lot of sin. The Japanese have been doing some strange and wicked things in general. When Japan was opened up to the West they were "Marco Poloed" in a way. They were opened up to a variety of Spirits. They should choose the savior The Lord Jesus Christ. Their denial of Jesus has opened their society up to other Spirits.

Blood covers sins. Jew and gentile both sacrificed animals for their sins at times. The Levites, the Priestly Class, were allowed to eat from the sin offerings. The High Priest would put the sins of Israel on the head of a goat, and send him into the wilderness. Azazel, an entity the Bible refers to, eats sins? Sin eater? Mankind in the Bible is often referred to as God's Vineyard, The Lord is a Shepherd. God has good plans for people. There are other entities. These other entities look to devour?

Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Some of these forms of media may be taken in a variety of ways. In some way, Japan is full of sin, and there are entities looking to devour?

The Clean Bandit
The band Clean Bandit plays on Spiritual Themes. They are not always right, but they play on Spiritual Themes. Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

We have the song: Rather Be
Your Body is a Temple. Jesus lives inside of you. There are other spirits out there. What Spirit is someone of?

Song:  Battery

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