The basis of Christianity is Love The Lord your God with all your heart and SOUL and strength and mind. Dwelling on God's law, seeking Truth, and being most right, someone may be guided to some hard Truth, and it may have hurt some people more than others. The Truth hurts. Knowledge brings sorrow. Ignorance is bliss? Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. Seeking to Love The Lord our God, and be most right, has been more like walking in artillery. Artillery is an area of effect weapon. Fire for effect. Danger close. Dwelling on God's Law, liberal have been wrong.
News Article: Rods Of God.
How do you identity yourself? Part of The SOUL has been identity. Someone loving God with their SOUL may be identifying themselves as a servant of God, as a child of God. They are seeking understanding in and through God. Someone reading the title may have become prickly. A man defends what he loves. He identified as a Democrat. He identified as a liberal. He may have been a SJW he had his egotistical pronoun he demanded people to use. Love is a two way street. A man defends what he loves. What did you love with your SOUL or identity? Someone who was a Liberal is always going to be wrong.
I have been teaching about Dwelling on God's Law. I may have already written somethings about this topic. Doing some critical thinking, and dwelling on God's Law, what do you see?
Prophecy. End Times. Growing in Faith. Who is God? What is God's character? How does God work in the world? How does someone lean on God? Learning some things that may or may not have been taught in Church, as well as seeing God's hand in current world events.
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