Saturday, July 11, 2020

Grim Prophecy

His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire." (Matthew 3:12) 
I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one like a son of man with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.  (Revelations 14:14) 
The Grim Reaper, the figure with in a black robe with a scythe, has allegorical understandings to him that pertain to the Bible.  The allegory of farming and mankind being wheat or chaff has been used.  The symbolism of "Death" with a scythe has been significant.  Why is the Grim Reaper Grim?

Dealing with Prophecy, The Prophets of the Bible may have given some hard prophecy.  Various people dealt with understanding in different ways.  The author of Ecclesiastes seemed cynical.  He seemed to have come into understanding of how God has worked in history, and nothing new happens under the sun.  (Ecclesiastes 1:9-11)  The Truth hurts.  Knowledge brings sorrow.  Ignorance is bliss?  The author of Ecclesiastes seemed to have issues dealing with hard understanding of Truth.  Prophet Jeremiah was known as The Weeping Prophet.  He loves his country and his people.  He gave some hard prophecy such as instructing the soldiers in Jerusalem not to fight.  Different people have dealt with understanding in different ways.  A Judge like a Judge in a Courtroom needs to be honorable and impartial.  He may be Judging someone to long periods of incarceration or death.  It is a serious matter.  Someone who become aware of God's Judgment or potential Judgments, and someone who God may have been working through may have had to be grim.  He has The Love of God in his heart.  He has a circumcision of the heart.  He finds no joy in the Judgment.  He is dutiful. 

Elisha and The Bears
Elisha is a servant of God.  As a servant of God, it may be important how people perceive Elisha.  People understand that he has been a Prophet.  How people perceive Elisha as God's servant may reflect on how people perceive God.  Elisha may have been tied to God's Honor.

Elisha is going about business God had set him on one day.  He walks by some Occupy Protesting youths.  They mock Elisha.  Elisha blesses them with trials.  (James 1:2-4)  Later, two bears come kill 42 of their number.

Why two bears?  I don't 100% know, but God's style of leader may have been more "If Job can do it, so can you."  King David fought bears and lions with his hands and club.  (1 Samuel 17:34)  What kind of man was Elisha?  Elisha went through a trial with Elijah that may have been pretty intense.  The Bible doesn't talk much about the Prophets before they were Prophets most times.  In an understanding of God, we may be able to do some Spiritual Algebra and come close to a right answer.  Elisha may have been quite the man, and also had some encounters with some bears. 
Two bears killed 42 of their number.  Elisha, in his heart, could not enjoy it.  He had to be grim.  His heart needed to be level.

Death and Christianity
God is God of the living.  Arch Angel Michael is said to take the righteous to God.  Someone passing away may not be a bad thing. I found some songs about Death from a more Christian perspective. What is The Form of Death? I arranged said songs to tell a story and help give a better visual.
  • Living in sin is like digging a hole. One day a man starts digging and doesn't know why. He digs down deep, and doesn't stop.A man passing through sees the hole, and looks down. He yells "Hey Crazy, what are you doing!?!"Man in the hole stops and looks around and sees how far he dug. What does he do? Does he lay down and die? Does he climb out? Does he just keep on digging? Let the Godly be Godly. Let the Righteous be Righteous. Let the filthy be filthy.
  • To truly be born again, a man needs to die. He needs to die to the World. Die to the self. It is sort of like the pill in The Matrix. Which one do you choose? Cyanide.
God's Judgement and Prophecy is serious and should be taken seriously.  Someone may have to be Grim, with their heart level to be giving said prophecy.

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