Sunday, July 19, 2020

Dealing with Soul Ties

Question:  What is a Soul Tie, and how does someone go about breaking them? 

First, someone may need to understand what a Soul is. 

Post:  Soul Development and Christianity. 

Love The Lord Your God with all your Heart and SOUL and Strength and Mind. 

Part of Soul would be identity.  Young man and woman were dating.  Young woman started developing an identity as a couple.  She may have been loving him with her soul.  When a man and woman marry, a woman takes his name.  She was loving him with her identity.  They were separate, and they became "One Flesh."  There are some more complex spiritual elements at work in this understanding.  Man and woman becoming "One Flesh" profound. 

Breaking Soul Ties - Dealing With Heartbreak

Introduction Song: Unchain My Heart

A young person who was of The World may have gone into sin. The heart is powerful spiritually. What is in someone's heart? In the subconscious, your average man today may have past loves around there. His heart may be wrapped around some old girlfriends.
The following is a playlist of music meant to help with this process that was God inspired. It is about self reflection and repentance. Shedding those past loves.

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