Sunday, July 19, 2020

Heart Powered

A Servant of God is heart powered. Have you ever seen a picture of Jesus Sacred Heart? A Servant of God is heart powered. I have a testimony about that. After the testimony I will highlight some important things for you.
I was sitting in a Davidson County Tennessee waiting room. This is the waiting room for Davidson County jail where there were many people waiting to be processed into jail. Why was I there? That is another testimony.
Sitting in a Davidson County Tennessee waiting room I was dressed in black. I was wearing a black dress clothes with a black sports jacket, and looked good. I was also athletic, tall, and may have intimidated some people by my quiet demeanor. Various people in the waiting room were talking. A female asks me "What do you for a living?" I told her I worked for God. "I thought you were an assassin!" She exclaimed.
Twenty minutes or so later, I was sitting in a bigger waiting room. Suddenly I felt something come out of my heart. Power or something. Something was coming out of my heart, and my perception was someone had prayed, and had faith. I didn't have any proof. I didn't know who prayed, or for what. That is what I was perceiving.
  • But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me." (Luke 8:46)
I didn't know what a Sacred Heart was. It was nothing taught to me in Church. I ended up discovering things. When power came from Jesus, based on the experiences I have had, and in an understanding of a Circumcision of The Heart, power came from Jesus' heart.
  • And he did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith. (Matthew 13:58)
How someone perceives you is important. Jesus may have had some childhood acquiescence, and people who knew him growing up. To them, he may have been Jesus their playmate. Jesus did few miracles in his hometown.

In the testimony I gave, no one knew me. I asserted confidently "I work for God." I looked good, or looked the part. How people perceive a servant of God may be important.

After revealing this, someone may ask "Why don't you go heal people or perform miracles?" I don't know that God has needed me to do something like that. I have been living like a hermit other than going out to eat or drink. I have gone to a few bars that have been kind of like Cheers. I have been a "Servant to my Sorrow," and I have worked online for God mostly at this time. Living alone, serving God, and working to show and prove some things. I have been doing what God has shepherded me to do, and having access to the internet, someone may potentially be able to reach a lot of people.

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