Thursday, September 10, 2020

Authority and Principalities Part II

 Question:  You have inferred that The Pope, Patriarchs, and Bishops may have ended up tied to the Principalities in some way.  Can you expand on this? 

I became aware that Satan has like to steal anointing like The Anointing of Kings. For example, are you aware of the coronation ceremony for the Kings and Queens of Great Britain?   The ceremony hearkens back to Prophet Samuel anointing Saul as the first King of Israel.  Does that make the Queen of Britain, who is also Governor of the Anglican Communion, does that make her God's Anointed?  Towards understanding that, someone may have needed to understanding The Divine Right of Kings. In public education in the US, many people have assumed Social Contract Theory?  To understand the principalities, and powers, someone may need to unbrainwash themselves or just "not know."  Say "I don't know."  A lot of how people have been taught has worked to hide or occult away certain understanding. 

The Queen of Britain has been anointed.  A lot of the British system of Government, even if some people don't like that, has been built around a Divine Right of Kings.  Satan has been a liar and a thief.  He has liked to steal anointings.  Satan's goal has been that man is serving himself or something else, anything but serving God.  Also, there may have been a certain mysticism in understanding anointings.  The Queen of Britain, Governor of The Anglican Communion, was married to a Freemason, and has said some off things about  The Lord Jesus Christ.  Who has she been serving?  

Various Kings and Bishops may have received an anointing.  Satan has worked to steal anointings.  That may mean that someone chose to be part of a corrupt ritual at some point.  Evidence of this in the Catholic Church may have been around Bohemian Grove, or in certain seminaries where there was a corrupt culture and/or gay priest culture.  Working for God day to day, I became aware of some things. 

In Ancient Israel, there were Good Kings of Israel and Judah and Bad Kings.  Someone may have anointed of God.  Was he good King or a Bad King?  He was still the King and still anointed.  Have there been Good Popes and Bad Popes?  Authority may still be authority.  

Working to explain everything I have seen may need to come in pieces for certain people.  Some of it may be scary, and some of it may be gross, and/or cause a lot of anger. Anger is not necessarily bad; however, someone needs to be most aligned with God and God's will and plans. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Body of Christ

Christians are a Body of Christ. When they take communion they eat of the body and drink of the blood. In the Body, some are the hands, some the feet, some the mouth, some the eyes. Some are Apostles, some are Prophets, some are Pastors, some are Evangelists. We all have a function in the Body. A society of believers. We are a Body of Christ, an Organic Society. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Where this is profound for teachers and understanding:

Atomism - A belief that society is made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals or atoms, rather than social groups. (Liberal Belief on Society)

Organicism - A belief that society operates like an organism or living entity, the whole being more than a collection of its individual parts. (Conservative View on Society.)

(“Political Ideologies An Introduction” Third Edition by Andrew Heywood.)

What is an organic society exactly? The US Army may be an Organic Society that has been separate from Civil Society to some degree. In the US Army, there has been Infantry, Medics, IT Guys, and Mechanics. These categories represent a role or function someone is playing in an organic society. Mechanics have a role to play in The Organic Society or Body of People being The US Army. Given they were not doing their jobs well, it may hurt The Body as a whole. People in other functions in the Body may have difficulty getting from point A to point B and completing their tasks. A private, a Sergeant, a Lieutenant, and a Colonel all have functions in The Body. Given Private Jody was fraternizing with Sergeant Battle's wife, that potentially created problems and issues. It creates conflict. Given said conflict is not addressed and fixed, it could potentially lead to some explosive situations that hurt good order and discipline, and people become injured or die. It could potentially lead to a lot of corruption.

Someone who wanted to believe that Society was Atomistic may have wanted to believe that his actions had no effect on anyone else. He may have been in sin, and he wanted to believe that his actions belonged to him, and he wanted to be in denial of the pain and suffering he may have caused people by doing wrong. He who sows of the flesh, from the flesh, sows destruction.

The Body of Christ is an organic society. We all have a function in the Body. Given your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off. Being cut off may mean an excommunication or exile?



Monday, September 7, 2020


 Question-Statement:  What you have been presenting is not hard enough.  In my vision of an Apocalypse_________________.

We prepare for the worst and hope for the best?  I may have become aware of God's Anger and there was war and ugly things rolling through my head for awhile.  Given we need to be hard, we can be hard.  We prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.  God makes promises, he keeps his promises.  Some things may need to come to pass. 

Regardless of what may be happening, there have been a lot of complex moving parts that may need to be addressed.......and during some sort of War, Famine, Plague event.....hammer and anvil. 

What exactly is an apocalypse?  It is an opening of the eyes.  A tearing away of the veil from hidden things.  There had to be a falling away. 

Song: Black Out World 

Authority and The Principalities


The Principalities may be a very complicated subject, and working towards understanding them may lead into what has happened "Behind Closed Doors" in ways that a lot of people may not like.

Before we go on, I have an article and short video. These are brief introductions to The Principalities so we may be more on the same page. You should read article, and watch said video before progressing any further. Is the article or the video 100% correct? They both frame the complex concept of The Principalities in a way that may be more easy to understand, and is a start for a class or lesson or conversation.

Article: Spiritual Realms. Kingdom Watchers.

Short Video: Principalities and Powers - Christian Theology 101

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8)

You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

Notice in the article, that there may have been part of mankind under God in obedience to God. There may been part of mankind under darkness and forces of evil. In understanding The Principalities, someone may need to understand who the The Devil was, they may need to understand that certain forces of authority have been Evil. In doing so, there may be hard Truth.

Ladders give and snakes take. A snake may have had a tongue of a dragon like the false prophet in Revelations. He has had a Gold Horde. Knowledge is greater than silver or gold? With his lying tongue, he may have worked to "occult" away knowledge for himself, and those whom he cared to share it with. Ladders give. A ladder may be like Jacob's ladder helping someone up to God.

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. (Daniel 10:13)

I saw that certain people may have become an "anchor" for something.  Someone was in some occult secret society or mystery school, and he was anchoring some spirit.   I may have found some anchors from time to time and dealt with them through God.  Someone may have inherited something from dad or grandad who was in a secret society, and I helped them let go of it.  

In understanding The Principalities, and authority, who has authority and why?  This is where not hating the Catholic Church has been important.  A lot of protestants may  have been brought up to hate the Catholic Church.  I didn't.  I was not trying to force how I would like God to be, but looking at what is.   

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10) 

 In understanding authority and Church history, did a Pope, a Patriarch, or a Bishop have authority?  In a Catholic understanding they do.  I consider a Catholic Exorcist a "mystic."  They may have been receiving some cause and effect with the spiritual, and dealing with the spiritual.  I looked for testimony on exorcism.  I found Fr Ripperger who has some free lectures on Youtube, and testimony that appeared valid based on things I had experienced.  According to him, sometimes, in exorcising certain spirits, he may have needed to go to a Bishop for authority.  This suggests that there has been something to the Catholic claim on authority.  In that understanding, did certain authority pass outside the Catholic Church?  Did something end up occulted somewhere?  There may be some hard to deal with Truths in there. 

I have seen that there may be a need for certain men, in an understanding of Spiritual Warfare and authority, potentially, certain men could end up a ruler of a principality.  The following may not be 100% correct, but it may help in thinking.  We are looking to help some men in thinking towards building the Kingdom of God, and finding certain hidden things, and dealing with them through God.  

Follow me for a minute:

  • Jesus Christ is a Bridegroom looking for a Bride. 
  • The Song of Songs has been in the Bible as a representation of God's love for Israel or The Church.  
  • The Church is a Bride for Christ.  
  • We have The Catholic Church.  We have The Anglican Communion.  Sweden had its own national Church.  Were all of these like God's wives?  

This type of thinking may have been important towards understanding how the principalities have been built like The Stone Rejected by The Builders Becomes The Chief Cornerstone.   Certain understanding of the Principalities has not been taught towards it becoming Occulted, or people may have had to deal with some hard Truths.  What has been going on with Spiritual Warfare?

Song:  A Girl Named Tennessee.  

Song:  Carolina Blues. 

Understanding less may be more towards building the Kingdom of God at this time. Given someone is hearing God, they should follow instructions.  A man may have become a servant to his sorrow.  Why are we claiming up authority?  Towards building the Kingdom of God.  Men growing in Faith may become "One Mind" with God.  They are coming to same or similar conclusions and learning to think more alike. 

Also:  Kingdom of God Shadow War.  

Question:  Does it have to be a Shadow War? 

Dealing with extreme Spiritual Things may be difficult for your average person at this time.  Some people may need to be lead into understanding.  We guide people to understanding.   Dealing with Extreme Spiritual Things suddenly may be rough.  I don't know that it is wrong to under certain conditions in God's plan.  Christians should lead people into the Truth gently. 

Being and Doing

 There may be a lot of interesting things on this blog.  Things that are scary and entertaining. Things that hurt and things that heal.  Things that may help inspire and help someone find God in a big way.  The last few years I have been around more academic people online.  There tendency has been to "view things from the outside."  They would like to be outside observers, and talk about things in more of a vacuum.  That has been part of why many have had no legitimacy or authority.   They have not been actively engaged in something.  Given we are bearing our cross, and loving God and our neighbor, we are "doing" and "being."  Loving God may not have started as soft love feelings someone has.  Loving God may be more doing.  Love is a two way street.  Jesus bore his cross.  Have you been bearing yours?  God's plan is God's Kingdom.  Lets build the Kingdom of God together. 

Post:  Power of the Tongue  

I can teach someone about The Power of the Tongue.   The Power of the Tongue, I learned, through God, by doing. I was in The Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God is like a train at a constant rate of motion.  The destination?  God's Kingdom.  Given we are on the train, we may be able to see where God has been, and where God is going, at God's pleasure.  Everything may start with prayer.  We pray. 

God I would like to give my life to you if it would bring you Glory.  Then you go about your business. 

Given we are in The Spirit of God, on the train, it may be like everyone else is moving in particular ways, and connected together, and we are on The Outside.  We may get a "feel" for certain things.  Feeling and perceiving, and The Holy Ghost is how we more develop The Power of the Tongue. 

In understanding The Power of the Tongue, at times, I have felt "More of The Spirit of God."  When I was "More of The Spirit of God" I could not write like this.  My words felt like hammers, and anything I wrote was short and to the point.  I tended to "write in Bible."  I may have needed a scribe to write certain things.  Given we are 100% going for complete power of the tongue, that is where we are going to be.  Some days I may have felt more of the Spirit, and some days, God let me go a little, possibly, towards being able to write some things, and give some testimony while living alone. 

Working to understand some spiritual gifts, some people may have awesome testimonies. In The Parable of the Minas there are unequal rewards based on someone "doing."  Did God give you something?  An idea?  That may have been a mina.   Invest your minas.  Some people may have seen or heard some testimony and been down like, "That will never happen to me," or envious comparing themselves off of someone else.  Lets not do either of those.  Instead, we look to be the best we can be and compete with ourselves.  We are happy working to build The Kingdom of God in God's plan for us.  Given we receive some awesome things on our journey, we give testimony about it.  Said testimony may edify the Church, and help others go high or higher.  

Working for God may be like being on a race track.  Everyone has a lane. At times, it may have been a rely.  Just being on the race track is a blessing. 

Given God gave someone something, is someone stepping on someone else's shoes and why?  In brotherly love, we don't do that.  Stay your lane. 

God is love.  God's love is fatherly. 

Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. (John 5:19)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Book of Enoch


The Book of Enoch is Apocrypha. I personally submit to standard Church doctrine on that. I have found that it is incomplete. The Book of Enoch does work with the Bible in certain places. This is Bible study.


Cyrus the Great is mentioned in The Bible 22 times. He is prophesied in Isaiah 45. The Hebrew people felt pretty good about him in The Bible.

Cyrus the Great had 10,000 Immortals. 10,000 Immortals like in The Book of Enoch.

And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of ⌈His⌉ holy ones To execute judgement upon all, And to destroy ⌈all⌉ the ungodly: (Enoch 1:9)

Enoch is mentioned in the Book of Jude.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones

Nothing new happens under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-19)


Another part of the Book of Enoch I found profound is where he starts to compare men like Cattle or to animals. The Lord is a Shepherd. (Psalms 23) A Priest has a flock. Are you in The Fold?

Given men are cattle, then we have Cowboys instead of shepherds, and a whole different understanding and perspective of life.

I have some songs I found to celebrate your new understanding.

Ghost Riders "The Outlaws. Technically, The Internet is in the Sky.

"Cowboys from Hell." Pantera For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.(Ephesians 5:8)

Sing unto The Lord a New Song. (Isaiah 42:10)

Song of Prophets and Cowboys. God is Hard.

"American Outlaws." Whiskey Myers.


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Jesus talked about the signs of the times.

and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:3)

Are their signs of the times that suggest an end of things or a New Age?

  • The Mayan Calendar Predicted the End or the World 2013.

  • The Prophecy of the Popes.

  • Blood Moons.

  • A variety of Prophecy to include "The Latter Rain" movement and Joel's Army. I am not 100% on everything the Latter Rain Movement prophesied, but "Joel's Army" has been something God has had me working on.

  • There had to be a falling away. Someone who was a "man of lawlessness" would be a "Do-as-Thou-Wilt," "Whatever Floats your Boat," "Harry Potter" type person working to privatize good? Make his evil look moral? Link:

We have signs that the End Times may be here.

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

Why has there not been some sort of cataclysmic event? The ax is sharpened. It may be poised above the head. It may be that someone has been really good at following directions and shepherding people through the Spirit of God. God's purpose or plan is not destruction. God would like repentance. God is love.

The Washington Post says "Democracy Dies in Darkness." Where did that come from? Personally, I was on the Washington Post Facebook Page every day for awhile, posting on the news through the Spirit of God. Christians are not children of the dark, they are children of the light. (Ephesians 5:8) I worked to be noticed, and writing through the spirit of God, my words may have been like hammers. Some people may have been ego invested in evil. The Washington Post had ties to Harvey Weinstein, for example. They may not have 100% repentant, at the time, but they seemed to have learned somethings?

When the "Avengers Infinity War" movie came out did people start to see some interesting Shrek meme's with Shrek or Jesus with a Infinity Gauntlet? How did Shrek come into people's consciousness suddenly when he had not been in the news? A day or two after the movie came out, we had "Kingdom of God: Infinity War" which was originally posted on

Previous Post: "Kingdom of God: Infinity War"

Given someone were on, and found someone mention a "Secret Rapture" it may be that people were experiencing God in a cause and effect way, and there was a Christian "Fight Club" online over social media for those who knew were to look. Some people don't like that idea? God scary. People should fear God.

The Four Horsemen

You read the New Testament with an Old Testament understand. The Four Horsemen have been around. They are in The Old Testament. (Ezekiel 5:17) The New Testament just gave a complex allegory for something God does. They have occurred across Europe and the Middle East in various ways.

The First Horsemen is a Conqueror. He is a Cyrus the Great or Hernan Cortez coming in to conquer. (Isaiah 45) He comes with three stressors:

"For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: How much worse will it be when I send against Jerusalem my four dreadful judgments--sword and famine and wild beasts and plague--to kill its men and their animals! (Ezekiel 14:21)

Hernan Cortez was God's First Horsemen. He came with war, famine, and plague. If you read his story, it works like God works in war in the Old Testament at times, and he brought God's judgment on the Aztecs who were a wicked people who practiced human sacrifice and other detestable things similar to the people in the land of Canaan when Israel came out of the wilderness.

Mass Punishment and God

Social pressure often works. Peer pressure. Imagine it is World War III. You have been drafted into the Army. Your Drill Sergeant shows you the regulations. He clearly defines standards, and what is expected of you. A few recruits disagree. They don’t want to do hard things or even simple things like cleaning up after themselves. They think they are special, and wait for other people to do those hard things for them. Someone tries to take leadership and says, “Hey, if we don’t get our act together, and do as Drill Sergeant instructed us, we are going to hurt.” They don’t want to listen.

You come back to your barracks from dinner chow. It was a hard day. You are looking forward to getting some letter from your loved ones. You may have some Army regulated personal time.

The barracks looks like a tornado blasted through it. Bunks have been flipped over. Lockers are laying on the floor. All your personal items have been torn out of your locker, and tossed across the barracks to God knows where. You know you are in trouble.

For the next three to six hours you and your entire platoon is in a giant sand pit sweating, and for some, crying, as you all do push-ups, sit-ups, and other physical training exercises to the point of muscle failure and beyond. Your Drill Sergeants are leading you, and at the same time, they walk back and forth telling you how dirty and filthy and gross you are, and what you need to do to remedy this situation. You listen very well. You hear everything they say because you need a distraction from the pain, and you don’t want it to happen again.

This is what The Four Horsemen are. One conqueror and three stressors. You didn’t want to listen to God? You would rather listen to some atheist who doesn’t believe God is worth following? Fine. Reset and Reload.

The Four Horsemen have come many times. Rome knew them. The Aztecs knew them. They are in the old testament. What will you do?

In the military complacency kills. Man doesn’t put his rifle on safe. His buddy doesn’t look for it and see it? The rifle accidentally goes off. His buddy died, and he is jail. Complacency in the face of sin and wickedness is similar except God’s anger is slow, and he patiently waits for the right time to strike.

After having free wrote this in 2015 on tumblr, I youtube searched Tornado. I found the song "Tornado."

The First Horseman - A Conqueror

Why hasn't some sort of cataclysmic event happened? It may have in an allegorical way. It may be that someone followed directions from God, and saw something, and asked God to have a go at it.

Song: "Bones from the Ground"

Song: "Whoop and Hollar"

What is the message here? Repent.

I have worked for God full time. Getting people's attention, someone may have to be "A Comedian" like an Archytype like in the movie "The Watchman?" (Ezekiel 33) That may be an understanding I received later, I followed directions, and did things as a servant to one's sorrow, and a servant of God. It is nobodies fault but yours.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Prophetic Curses

 The Question:  What is a Prophetic Curse?  

The Prophet Elisha may have been tied to God's Honor.  The Prophet Elisha is walking in obedience to God, doing God's will.  He walks by some ANTIFA, or other protestors, and they mock him.  He blesses them with trials.  (James 1:2-4)  Later, two bears come and kill forty two of their number.  The Prophet Elisha was working for God.  He was dutiful.  A Christian or Godly society is a polite society.  Was someone rude in the wrong way?  Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a "War of Thoughts."  How does someone perceive themselves, and how does someone perceive God?  Given some protestors are mocking someone who has been known to be working for God, Prophet Elisha may have felt honor bound to bless them with trials.  He didn't enjoy it.  He found no joy in what he was doing.  He was dutiful.  He walked on, and didn't look back.  Two bears killed forty two of their number.  I guess they were the chaff? 

They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes.  During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.  (Revelations 9:5,6)  

God's style of leadership may be more "Job did it and so can you."  Christians are to bear their cross.  Did you bear yours?  We don't know a lot about what Elisha was doing before he became a prophet.  David wrestled lions and bears saving his sheep from them with his hands.  Given Elisha blessed some protestors with some trials, and they were attacked by bears, doing some spiritual algebra, Elisha had some encounters with some bears?  Someone opening up seals like in Revelations, may have been enduring some particular trials, and working in obedience to God.  I am not Jesus.  Not the Christ.  Not the Messiah. 

Post:  Understanding and Growing in Faith.  

In terms of prophetic curses, the term Jeremiad has come up.  Some Jewish families may have ended up with generational curses on them.  I may have become aware of said curses, through God, by being part of an online Messianic community.  Have you ever seen an Orthodox Jewish man who seemed very angry at people, and especially other nations, in very particular and rude ways?  He may have had a demon underneath his third eye, and that may have been part of a generational curse. That has been going on for awhile?  

A lot of testimony has been given online since 2014.  Testimony has been given as to Prophetic Intercession, and how it has worked.  Lets say some New Age or other Third Eye Mystic, occult people found said testimony, and started trying to attack me.  They were already going to hell given no repentance.  Complete and total repentance. Hell is one thing, and some people seemed to have been conditioned against believing in it.  Hell on Earth is something that may happen or has happened in God's Judgement.  Said New Age people were getting into demons, and were already committing suicide.  Given they read some testimony I was shepherded to give, and they tried to assert themselves over me, or force things out, they may have ended up Prophetically cursed. What someone does from there is between them and God.    

Testimony was given on Prophetic Intercession.  Did someone feel like they were entitled or special or had The Light outside of God?  They were wrong, and they were approaching the subject matter in the wrong spirit.  The meek before God shall the inherit the Earth.  They were not meek. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Meek and The Bold

  • The Meek [before God] shall inherit the Earth.

  • Fortune Favors the Bold.

King David has or had a heart after God. He was meek before God. King Saul was God's anointed. King Saul wanted to kill David. David had the opportunity to kill King Saul but did not kill him. King Saul was God's anointed, and David feared God. That shows meekness to God.

David was bold. Faith is a knowledgeable dependence. How did David grow in faith?

But David said to Saul, "Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. (1 Samuel 17:34-35)

David had a relationship with God. He grew in faith, a knowledgeable dependence as a shepherd leaning on God tending his flock. When Goliath mocked God and Israel, David was quick to answer the challenge? He was bold. He was meek and bold.

The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)

Someone full of God's Spirit may have been more like Saint Nickolas. He had a zeal about him.

A Episcopalian reads this and points out Romans 3:10.

As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;there is no one who understands; there is no one who seeks God. (Romans 3:10,11)

Meekness towards what or too what? A Utilitarian Episcopalian who was more of a liberal theologian may have brought up Romans 3:10,11 in context of knocking someone's feet out from other them in the course of an argument. Towards what? Someone being meek to The Episcopal Church and Liberal Theology? Was he more of a Christian or a Utilitarian?

for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. (Proverbs 24:16)

"The Pursuit of Happiness" with Will Smith may have displayed a type of righteousness. The main character had a lot of rough things happen. He was a traveling salesmen who invested heavily in a pursuit that was failing. He was not doing well in his business. He had marital issues. His wife left him. He was facing homelessness. There were a lot of trials. He got back up and didn't quit. This may be seen as a Kind of Righteousness. In the same context, someone like Spartan King Leonidas may have characteristics about him that made him more righteous.

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. (Isaiah 64:6)

God's Righteousness comes through God's Holy Spirit. Someone is working as a servant of God towards God's plans.

Not one being righteous may have been a rhetorical or even "Power of the Tongue" spiritual device towards getting men to let go of false perceptions and the idea or perspective that there is righteousness outside of God. It may have been true at a time. This is partly, why someone reads The New Testament from an Old Testament Understanding.

Song: Happiness.

Honor and God's Holiness

 What does it mean to be Holy?  Does being Holy mean someone is a "good person?"  What is good?  Is there an objective definition of Holiness reading our Bible?  As an introduction to this subject, I have a short video from the Bible Project. 

Short Video:  "Holiness."

In the video, God being like the sun was used.  The sun is something good that helps bring life.  The sun is also dangerous.  Someone getting too close to the sun could be destroyed?  Man is made in the image of God.  Have you ever heard the term "He is the spitting image of his dad?"  Man is made in the image of God.  Anything a man does or feels may be a reflection of something.  God Almighty is relatable.  Only God is Holy.  Given a man was working to be more like God, and have God's Spirit in a big way, what may that look like in an understanding of Holiness?  

Sergeant Major around the US Army may have been "some form of righteous" given he was doing the right Army things.  Sergeant Major may have been promoted to his position by keeping the standards, and going through various trials and tests.  Someone getting too close to Sergeant Major in the wrong may die?   Someone doing the wrong things in Sergeant Major presence may die?  Given Sergeant Major walks by someone, Sergeant Major may have had a bit of edge to him, and someone's hair stands up a little bit on their arm?  Maybe.  Sergeant may have kept "The Army Standards."   Jesus chastises and rebukes those he loves.  (Hebrews 12:6)(Revelations 3:19)  This suggests God has standards.  Were you aware of the standards?  These may have been standards for good living.  These may be standards for Holiness.  God has standards.  

Jesus throwing out the money lenders may be an example of God's Holiness.  The money lenders may have been committing usury, or degrading the temple area.  Jesus became righteously angry and tossed them out.  Saint Nicholas, likewise, displayed something similar when he chased some pagans out of their own temple.  Looking at various men of God from history, in an understanding of being "more holy" we may be looking for similar examples.  This understanding of Holiness gets into Thumos or Righteous Anger in the context of God and God's Holy Spirit. 

Previous Post:   Thumos and Holy Fire - Logos

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.  (James 1:12) 

Song:  Rocksteady. 

Is there a danger here talking about Holiness and Righteousness?  A Pastor saying "We are Holy" or "We are righteous" may have been doing wrong.  The Bible says Christians are to be a Holy Priesthood.  There is a context to Holiness.  Was the Church working to be Holy and seeking God, or just claiming a label?  When a Church has claimed a label, they may have been putting stumbling blocks or worse between them and God.  In some experiences with God, an understanding that I was a man, and less then, may have been a start to receiving more.  I had been a life long Christian, and I was not Holy.  I was not a lot of things. 

Follow me:

God is good and Holy and Separate from sin.

I am a man. 

Does that make me evil?  

 As a man outside of God, I may have been evil.  Someone like Apostle Paul or Saint Augustine were the worst of sinners?  In an addressing and acceptance that I was less than, and not Good, may have been the start of receiving more.  God is good, and someone working in The Spirit of God is good?  

Song:  "Shackles."

What does it mean that someone was given over to dishonorable passions?  (Romans 1:18-25)  A Priest or Pastor should have been a good man?   A man of God?  Given they were doing gross or filthy things and sowing of the flesh, what happened?   It may be that they had more of a tradition, and didn't have the Holy Ghost.  It may be that they had bad theology.  It may be that they were rejecting God and his Goodness and Righteousness.  Did someone adopt "worldly" ideology?  Philosophy is important.  Someone like Saint Thomas Aquinas didn't like philosophy, and there was spiritual warfare going on between Greek Philosophers and Gnostics and Early Christians.  Given someone accepted "Liberalism" or "Socialism" or some other ideology, they may have been rejecting God for something worldly.  I was part of /r/TrueChristian for awhile.  That sub on Reddit should be more conservative right?  Around 2016, someone asked about sex before marriage, and there were some people shrugging their shoulders at it.  A variety of "more Conservative" Christians may have adopted or conformed to Marxist, Christ denying, Second Wave Feminism, and other worldly attitudes.  There may have been adultery and other things going on in or around that Church.  Jesus Chastises and rebukes those he loves.  (Hebrews 12:6)(Revelations 3:19)  To chastise and rebuke, there are standards.  Were you aware of the standards? 

Monday, August 24, 2020

Dating and Dwelling on God's Law

 Lets say someone took the time to read through this blog and do some bible study and prayer.  Given we are working to build The Kingdom of God, and very centered on God, a Christian culture may develop.  Working towards understanding what that culture may look like is an great thought exercise.  Given a man suddenly found God in a big way, and was dating, he may have ended up discovering that society is a mess, and maybe he became confused or angry and frustrated or something.  This is understandable.

  • He must not marry a widow, a divorced woman, or a woman defiled by prostitution, but only a virgin from his own people,  (Leviticus 21:14)
  • But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  (1 Peter 2:9)

I woke up one day Spring 2014, and I felt tied to God's Laws or rules for his priestly class.  Christian societies value virgin brides.  Given we are building The Kingdom of God, and doing the right things, a culture develops.  I could break this all down for someone, but given someone has The Spirit of God, they may be able to see who has been doing most right, and who was been doing wrong, and we should be coming close to the same conclusions about what needs to happen.   

Given a 30 year old man, and suddenly he can only marry a virgin, how does he navigate finding a wife, and dealing with various sins, and people who have done wrong?  This is a thinking exercise. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Stigmata and I am not Jesus.

 It was Summer 2014, and I was homeless.  It was in July, and I was on Liberty Street in Durham, NC.  I started coming down with stigmata.  I had been posting things as I was shepherded to by God online, and some people started to think that I may have been Jesus.  I am not Jesus.  Not the Christ.  Not the Messiah.  I started coming down with some stigmata.  I would itch around where the wounds of Christ may have been.  I started rubbing off skin, and wounds started to form.  I needed to assert to some people I was proselytizing to, online, that I was not Jesus.....or God was going to make me a walking miracle in ways I didn't like.  

I asserted I was not Jesus. 

Songs that I was drawn to from around that time, and seemed significant: 

Song:  Resurrection Blues.  

Song:  Rebel of Babylon.   



Prophetic Intercesion Part III - Love is not conditional.

 Lets say someone dug into this blog, and they dug into their Bible, and some testimony.  Love is not conditional.  "Given he does x or y, then I will believe" or something like that.  Love is not conditional.  God is God you cannot control.  God doesn't change.  (Malachi 3:6-7) 

Matter of America is a cool subject matter.  Stuff like that was not forced.  It came to me through God.  It flowed.  I felt compelled today to do "Matter of America part 5."  It hasn't quite worked out at this time.  It may later. 

Searching for songs, I found:

Song:  I Drove All Night. 

I don't know.   It is a good song.  Given it ended up as part of a story, it becomes something more. 


In the media, in what context has "Someone hearing voices" come up? Why? By media, we could do TV, movies, books, music, or other. People online have tended to have short attention spans, especially on Reddit, and not many people are into doing homework. Short songs may work best at this time. When someone has referenced hearing voices where and why? In what context?

Cadence: "In The Early Morning Rain."

Song: "Thorazine Shuffle."

Both examples referenced a "monster inside." Does that make sense in a Christian context? It can. Someone may need to be careful. God is not a monster. Lets look at some themes.

  • Your Body is a Temple. Jesus dwells in a man through his Holy Spirit.

  • Man is made in the image and GLORY of God. Man is God's Glory. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

I am a man made in the image and Glory of God. What is Glory? Glory may be David standing up for God and Israel against blasphemer Goliath. Glory may be an artist creating a piece of art. Glory may be a man's bride on his wedding day. Glory may be a new born child. These things are glorious. Man is God's Glory. As a man created in the image of God, anything that you do or think or feel could potentially be a reflection of something. What are we reflecting?

Song: "Asshole" Dennis Leary.

The Spirit of God is a gentleman. A Christian society is a polite society. The song "Asshole" by Dennis Leary may have gone too far, or in some other direction. There may be something to it. Given someone was serving God most right, they may not exactly fit in. People may hate him because he challenges the thought of the day, and potentially exposes corruption. They hated Jesus first. (John 15:18) The song "Asshole" may be both on to something, and showing how someone could take something too far, and in the wrong direction.

Given someone was hearing a voice, what was the character of said voice? God has a character. Did said voice line up with the character of God? You will know them by their fruit. (Matthew 7:16)

Song: "Losing Your Mind"

Zakk Wylde has claimed to be a devout Catholic. I don't know that I care to do a complete breakdown of Black Label Society at this time. We have a song about potentially hearing voices, and other songs that references spiritual things by Zakk Wylde. In what context?

Given someone was hearing a voice does that make them "Crazy?" They need to be centered on God. They may have ended up "Servant to their Sorrow." They need The Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a Councilor.

Helpful Links:

Is the above understanding dangerous? If it were easy, anyone could do it? A lot of people have been promoting equality. Real equality may come with an equality of trials. (James 1:2-4) Given someone doesn't care to be that equal, I don't know that they have to be. They should be content in their station.

Here I am. Send Me!

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"  (Isaiah 6:8) 

  Song:  Call on Me 

Part of spiritual warfare has been a war of words and a war of thoughts.  How does someone perceive God?  How does someone perceive themselves? 

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Kingdom of God Infinity War

 Kingdom of God Infinity War was originally posted to a Christian forum, of which, I have been banned from. 

Link:  1 Timothy 2:12

I went to watch "Avengers Infinity War" a day or so after it came out.  After watching it I wrote or posted, through God, Kingdom of God Infinity War.  Given I was on ifunny days after, I may have found a lot of meme with Shrek or Jesus with an infinity gauntlet.   Coincidence?  That had been my life since 2014.  I was on top of things and seeing what God was doing. (or Satan.)  I worked to stay on point.  

Given someone likes this blog, I may still have a blog there, and it may have been tailored more towards an audience there. 

Kingdom of God: Infinity War

For today, I am Skrek. Why Skrek? The Spiritual or Principalities have layers. It has layers like the atmosphere. Some of these layers have been like God's Clothes. (The Emperors New Clothes?) We shouldn't expose the Father's nakedness? (Genesis 9) Someone pulling back the layers for you, so you can see, may be an Ogre.

Shrek beats up Thanos. Shrek takes the Infinity Gauntlet like a warrior from the Iliad taking the armor of a Hero he vanquished as a trophy. Skrek now has The Soul Stone. What exactly is The Soul Stone and what does it do?

Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' (Matthew 22:37)

Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.(Deuteronomy 6:5)

Christians are to love The Lord their God with their Heart and Soul. Before Christ, this may have come partially in the form of Nationalism. Jacob's name was changed to Israel. God Almighty is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Isaac was a child of promise. God promised Abraham sons. Isaac is special. David defending Israel against Goliath was an act of National pride and patriotism. It was an act of love and faith with God. Loving God with your heart and soul, in terms of the Old Testament, may have come in the form of identity, like identity politics, how someone identifies and sees themselves. It was tied to a form of Nationalism.

In Ezekiel 23, Israel and Judah are like two sisters God married. They prostituted themselves with foreign gods and foreign nations. That is multiculturalism. Someone with a heart for God is Zealous like David was. Zealous in defending his brothers and his God. Love of money is the root of all evil, and those looking to make money with foreigners or looking for foreign titles or foreign acceptance would be a multiculturalist and prone to sin and idolatry to fit in? Jesus is a Bridegroom looking for a Bride. Men are to love their wives as God loved the Church. The Church is said to be a Bride for Christ.

Identity has a lot to do with the make up of the soul. Where is someone's heart and soul? Someone should identify themselves as a Child of God. They should work to build The Kingdom of God. That is where their soul should be. The Counter Culture is Satanic and based on Marxism and Crowley. It works to splinter and divide man, divide nations, divide the Church. Christians should reject it zealously.

Men who tend to love God and love God's law tend to be traditional people and Nationalists. In Britain, for example, a lot of the coronation of the King or Queen and the symbolism is based on Prophet Samuel and the Anointing of King Saul like the King of Britain is God's Anointed. The Queen is God's Anointed and the head of the State Church, the Anglican Church? Love of God for many British would look like Traditional Nationalism? Multiculturalism would be like drinking a harlots wine? (Ezekiel 23)(Revelations 17)

The head of man is Christ, the head of woman is her husband. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Christ is to man as man is to woman. (1 Corinthians 11:3) The head of man is Christ. The head of woman is her husband. God is said to have married Israel or Jerusalem in the Old Testament. The Greater Church is a bride for Christ.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her (Ephesians 5:25)

There is a 16 year old girl. She starts dating. She has a boyfriend. This is her first boyfriend. She loves him. They end up in sin together. She molds and changes for him. She sees the two of them as a couple. She works to build an identity as a couple. Her identity is shaped by the relationship. As she is shaping their identity together, and because they were in sin, they became "one flesh," she has a Soul Tie. Their souls are tied together.

He dumps her after a 9 months. He didn't really take the relationship that seriously, and may be headed for an extended adolescence. The US Government says he is not a man till age 26 for reasons to do with Healthcare, and he may not understand responsibility and manhood and know who he is due to a variety of factors till around that time anyway. He wasn't ready for that type of commitment.

The 16 year old girl is now a hurt woman. She is damaged. She has to build an identity outside of that relationship. She hates her ex. She ends up a feminist. She wants a career, and she hates men. Her identity around feminism starts to form. That is what she is loving with her soul and her heart.

In college she meets has a new boyfriend. He doesn't like all that feminist stuff. She likes him. Her plan is to be married by 25. Her biological clock is ticking, and he came along at the right time. She drops a lot of the feminist identity to forge a new identity with that relationship.

Kingdom of God

The Avengers movie came out recently. Someone has The Soul Stone. Given someone had the Soul Stone, he could make Captain American a Captain Russia. Captain America's Identity and what he loves and fights for is tied to his patriotism and love of country, what he loves with his soul. It is tied to the pre-Counter Culture value system of what makes a man. With the Soul Stone, someone could make Captain America Captain Russia. His identity and what he loves is changed. How Captain America perceives himself is changed.

When David defended God and Israel against Goliath, he Loved God and Israel with his Heart and Soul. David is a Patriot. God in the Bible is God of Israel, Isaac, and Jacob, God of David's Ancestors who lead his people out of Egypt and slavery. God gave David victory over the lions and bears that would try to steal David's lambs away as he was shepherding. Surely that Philistine stood no chance?

As Christians we are Children of God. Christianity is transformational. Someone accepts in the Spirit of God, and is baptized. They become part of The Body of Christ. The Family of believers. They become a Child of God. That means something. As a Christian, they are important, and play a role in the Body. They should love God with their Heart and Soul. My Father has a House.

Song: "In my Father's House." All are welcome.

We are neither Jew nor Gentile. God will take a servant who fears him from any Nation. God likes Glory. Would you like to work to bring God Glory or work for God's Glory?

Songs from for The Kingdom of God: Infinity War sound track:

"Spoon Man"

"Green Machine."

"Off the Side of the Road"

"Neo's Ballroom Blitz"

Christian Mysticism and Fixing Some People

 Someone did wrong.  They got into some mysticism, and ended up a possessed person.  Go see a Priest or Pastor.  Seriously.  I have not dealt with many people in person, but if someone was going ask me for some help with dealing with third eye things, I may have some understanding of things. 

Someone needs to seek God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  I started with God.  Given I experienced something "Not God" I would wait it out.  I cleaved to God. 

Bible Concordance:  To Cleave  

Someone opened a third eye?  They may need to be singing or thinking of God and praying constantly.  I have liked Agnus Dei, The Lord's Prayer, Psalms 23.  Given someone was oppressed or receiving something not God, they may need to be constantly praying and/or thinking of God and seeking God.   

Given someone relaxed, and allowed something to settle on their forehead, while under oppression, it may have been possible they felt like a "normal person" for a few minutes.  That is a trap.  We go back to singing and praying constantly. God is black and white.  

Friday, August 21, 2020

Dark Night of the Soul and Various Mysticism

 Around Fall 2016, I discovered Christian Mysticism.  I didn't know much about it prior to.  I had been having supernatural or mystical experiences.  Through God, we decided to own it one day.  

Talking to a Evangelical person about "Christian Mysticism" and they may have thought "occult, freemason, bad."  That may have been the first thing that came to mind to many of them.  Talking to a Catholic about Christian Mysticism, and we may have found some mystics or received " of those people of whom I am not."  This is interesting in itself.  Around Fall 2016, I discovered Christian Mysticism, and through God, worked to own it.  I may have experienced a variety of things, and found reasons why, or people who experienced something similar later. I learned a lot, and did some compare and contrasts between different mysticism.  I may be able to break down a variety of things, in time.  Today's topic is "The Dark Night of the Soul." 

Wiki-article:  "Dark Night of the Soul." 

Where do you feel at peace?  Some people go walk in a garden, and smell the nice flowers, and this is a nice experience.  They are looking to be at peace and looking for beauty and looking to God.  Inside, I may have been going at 1000 miles an hour.  Your average person may have defaulted towards strolling to be at peace.  I was a 50% Disabled Veteran with an anxiety disorder. Inside, I may have been at 1000 miles per hour, and at peace.  There is a vast difference there.  In writing this, I am comparing and contrasting what I was going through with the testimony of certain Saints.  Also, I had the internet.  This made a big difference.  Someone with the internet and The Spirit of God may have been super powered.  God may have set some things up for someone to walk into. 

"The Dark Night of the Soul" has been misused by some.  On /r/Christian, and /r/Christianmysticism, one day I found someone proselytizing a type of mysticism.  It looked good, and was dressed up in Christianity, and it took awhile to uncover what was wrong with it.  He linked some material, and I had to really dig through it to find what was wrong.  He also used "The Dark Night of the Soul." In some question and answer, I asked him if a Muslim or a Buddhist could also have this type of mysticism.  He said "yes."  That was the end for him. 

“Therefore I want you to understand that no one speaking in the Spirit of God ever says ‘Jesus is accursed!’ and no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except in the Holy Spirit.”   (1 Corinthians 12:3) 
 Investigating various testimony of people who have claimed to have cause and effect mystical experiences there have been certain themes that have popped up.  Someone who was in some "New Age" mysticism could have gone through something similar to a Dark Night of the Soul.  Given they were not centered on God, they probably ended up a possessed person.  What spirit were they of?  Jesus casts out spirits.   A Dark Night of The Soul may have been a stage in someone going through an awakening.  Legitimate Christians are of The Spirit of God, and may have ended up with things in common with the Prophets and the Saints.  

An easy way to break down different mysticism may be like this: 

  • In Christianity someone's body is a temple.  Jesus dwells in a man through his Holy Spirit. 


  • In other mysticism, someone's body may have been a vessel.  A vessel for what?  Jesus casts out spirits.  

Are you familiar with the Christina Aguilera song "Genie in a Bottle?"  When that song first came out, I considered it a pop song, and didn't think about it much.  The song may have been very spiritually profound.  Christina, in the video, her body was a vessel.  A genie has been an Arabic demon who gave wishes like deals with the devil.  Someone rubs her the right way, and they get something?  Ewww.   Can you scrunch your nose, and shake your head back and forth?  It was a song about possession from someone that came out of Freemason influenced Disney.  Given someone has been following Christina, she has been on "The Voice," and other shows, what has been her fruit and character?  

Comparing and contrasting different mysticism, some themes have come up.  Someone very centered on God, with the Holy Ghost, may be able to see God and "other things" through God.   

Prophetic Intercession Part II

 I have a lot of testimony of profound things happening Summer 2014.  Summer 2014, for me, started about June 1.  What happened just prior?

Post:  Biblestudy:  The Holy Grail.  

Just prior to Summer 2014, I went through a particular trial, and ended up receiving an anointing from God.   Between March 17 and May 24, I had spent a lot of time in jail.  March 17 I was felt done with what God was having me do on Twitter.  God told me to go celebrate.  I walked about a mile to the bar.  I was at "Gentleman Jim's." This particular bar was right next to Middle Tennessee State University, and particularly close to Fraternity Row.  I sat in there by myself, and drank a few pitchers of cheap college beer.  I don't know that I talked to anyone other than asking the bartender for a drink.  I sat in there quietly, and kept to myself, and then I paid my tab and left.  Walking home, I ended up confronted by the police.  I was on Vine St.  My apartment was between Main St. and Vine St.  I could get to my apartment off either streets.  Vine St. was quiet, and dark, and Main St. was well lit with some traffic.  I chose to walk down Vine St.  In eye shot of my apartment, a police car pulled up behind me and tried to pull me over like I was a car.  I kept walking.  Suddenly, I was confronted by two cops.  At this point, I was fed up with dealing with any law in Tennessee.  I was sickened by them based on some passed experiences over the last few months.  I was looking to go home, and they had no business talking to me.  In eye shot of my apartment, I ended up arrested for public intox.  

Being arrested for public intox, the bail was not expensive.  I had money to pay my bail.  Lets say bail was $1000 or $100 with a Bail Bondsmen.  A man pays that $1000, and that is collateral to make sure he shows up at court.  He shows up at court, and he gets his $1000 back.  I offered to pay my bail multiple times and was denied.  To get a bail bondsmen, a man needs a co-signer.  I was in Tennessee alone.  I didn't have family or anyone I had known prior to within maybe 500 miles or so.  I didn't care to call my parents, and it is like twisting arms to try to part them with any money.  I was alone.  I was denied bail multiple times, not by a judge, but by the guards.  I ended up held in jail for 27 days for walking home from a bar. 

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown.  (Revelations 2:10)

 I have a lot of interesting testimony about Tennessee, and some occultism that God showed me was there after the fact.......I didn't know or perceive it till I had left Tennessee, but that is another story.  Given someone would like to read more about what I was doing prior to Tennessee and leading up to being there:  "The Perfect Country Western Short Story."

 Due to being in jail a couple times over minding my own business, and injuring the Honor of the State of Tennessee, I ended up homeless in North Carolina.  Going into homeless I was receiving visions from God.  I was growing in Faith.  I was seeing how far certain things could be taken, and how to lean on God. 

Things going on during Summer 2014:  

  • I have not been a big soccer fan.  The World Cup was happening, and was something that I kept an eye on.  Song:  "La La La"
  • I saw that the Church may have developed certain people who were released into Secular Music.  Song:  "It's on Again." (Did some artists do wrong, and get caught up into somethings?  Possibly.) 
  • I ended up discovering some Spiritual Relevance to Rammstein and posted three of their songs on Facebook.  About a week later, Germany won the world cup.   If The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want.  Song:  Ich Will  

 The following testimony also happened the first two weeks of being homeless in North Carolina: 

Post:  Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

What did hanging out in hotel rooms June 2014 most look like?  I don't 100% like this video as 100% correct.  There is something to it like the author was on to somethings. 

Song:  Fucc The Devil. 

The spirit of God is a like a train at a constant rate of motion.  I was on the train.  I was that God sometimes sets up miracles, and needed someone to walk into them. I ended up traveling all over North Carolina.  I was in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Wilmington, and I ended up hitting the bottom, I ended up maxing out my credit card, and my truck broke down, in Rocky Mount.  How did I end up in these places?  I was a servant to my sorrow, and I was perceiving things through God.  I was looking for signs.  Given I ended up in a particular city, I may have been looking for songs, and other things that seemed relevant and worked in a "No Leaf Clover" type of way. 

Ezekiel 37

Song: "Savages"

 That particular song worked extremely well with things from the past, and things God had been shepherding me into and towards, God working through me for his Glory.   

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."  (John 8:7)

 John 8:7 does not say "don't throw stones."  It infers, "Don't be a hypocrite."  During Summer 2014, I found that I had saved my sins, and worked to confess them, often publicly over the internet.  Honor is important.  I may have had small infractions that hurt my honor.  Maybe I had a conflict with someone, and didn't resolve said conflict most correctly, or the conflict was hurting my honor.  I worked to resolve some things from my past.  Maybe I had some issues from childhood aquientences, I found them on Facebook, and worked to resolve any issue through God.  I worked to confess my sins, and clean my honor.  For a period of time here I was reminded of "The Penitent Man" like Indiana Jones.  I walked around with my head slightly bowed, and was a Penitent Man.   

I  found that dealing with smaller conflicts from my past, or around my hometown, God may have given me more.  I dwelt with something from my past, and then God shared with me something about Barrack Obama or other people on a higher level, and I would go back and forth.  I also found that through God, I tended to soak up mocking and hate.  I may have gone to some Atheist or Feminist Facebook Pages and talked to them about God.  My words felt like hammers through God.  I would soak this up through God, and then start tossing said hammers like Thor in the hammer throw.  I would soak things up, and redirect all that energy somewhere.  

Song:  Harvester of Constant Sorrow.  (That song happens to be newer, but it covered a few themes I may have been working on through God.) 

As a servant to my sorrow, I ended up in Durham.  That was where the VA Hospital was.  I ended up homeless there for six or seven weeks sleeping in my truck till I received an apartment through the VA.  About mid August, the VA helped me into an apartment, and offered to pay my rent for a few months.  Was there more going on Summer 2014?  The testimony gets deep.  This is good for today.  


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Prophetic Intercession

 There are currently forty four blog posts on this blog.  Working to understand Prophetic Intercession, someone may have needed to take the time, with their Bible and God, and gone through each blog post.  This probably may take someone several weeks with prayer where they are doing dedicated Bible Studies and thinking about God.  There has been a learning curve.  Did someone stop and think "This is too hard," or make some excuse to not have to come to grips with hard truth?   See ya? The goal is The Kingdom of God, and someone is working in God's plan for them.  No one necessarily needs this blog post; however, given we are working to understand the Spiritual, and Prophetic Intercession, I have testimony.   This needs to be understood in the context of the blog. Towards understanding that testimony best, someone may need the other posts.  It doesn't matter if someone was a life long Christian or not.  I was life long Christian.  There has been a learning curve, and that learning curve may not necessarily happen over night.   

Through God, Prophetic Intercession ended up being developed.  I didn't know about Prophetic Intercession prior to 2013.  I barely knew what a prophet was other than Jesus and Moses were prophets.  I received a calling Fall 2013. I was a regular man, and had been a life long Christian.  I believed in the supernatural, but I cannot say that I was super interested in it, nor had many experienced that I was aware of.  I received a calling Fall 2013, and I started feeling smarter.  I started to feel like I could comprehend complex questions and issues better than before. I started receiving somethings from God. I started having profound supernatural or spiritual experiences.

Around January 2014, I started having ears to hear and eyes to see. I started compiling a list of songs where the lyrics or sounds started to catch my ear.  A lot of these songs I may have found searching Youtube or other similar websites where I could look up a song, and find similar or related music.  Some of these songs were found on Pandora Radio listening to "Lincoln Durham" or similar themed radio where there was a good mix of blues, rock, folk, and gospel.  Some of these songs I may have like previously, and suddenly God opened my eyes and ears, and I saw the song in a new light.  I compiled a list.  

I ended up with an idea for a Christian Radio Station.  Not necessarily Christian genre music or worship music, but Christian themed music.  I went to Church one day and pitched the Christian radio station idea to two people even.  A day or so later, I was back home, and thinking "God gave me this great idea, why wait?" 

February 2014, I started a Twitter Page. I had been given an idea for a Christian Radio Station. Not playing just Christian Music genre or worship music, but Christian Themed music. I started a Twitter Page to teach people about God. I tweeted music videos, mostly, with a few words to key people into things. Words or Bible verses with a song. The first day I may have made 15 Tweets in no particular order so I believed. DMX had been in the news a year or two prior for creating some God themed rap music.  I tweeted three of his songs with a wide variety of other music.  I ended up with DMX following me for a few days.  The audience I was working to hit was a "general internet audience."  DMX ended up unfollowing me.  I perceived that the music was not black enough for him, and he had some issues. 

After the first day on Twitter, I started receiving a theme or a song, and would put together more of a lesson plan. Every day God may have given me something. The first week or so I would create something a day ahead of time, and then quickly tweet them all to grab attention. I became good at perceiving through God's Holy Spirit, and started tweeting them more as they came to me. Around this time, I also started working for God full time.

Sitting at my computer desk, I became good at perceiving through God's Holy Spirit, and perceiving things. I may have got a feel for a world wide Twitter audience. I may have perceived threats at times and dealt with them. I was perceiving. Intuitive.  

March 17 I felt the Twitter was done.  I had been tweeting almost every day as things came to me.  I had 360 sum tweets or so.  I had grown a lot in faith and discovered some interesting things about music and God.  I felt like a teaching mechanism had been built, and that if someone took the time to review all the songs, they may have their eyes and ears opened as well.  March 17, I felt I was done.  I was accomplished. 

During this time I had a variety of supernatural experiences. That may be another testimony.

May 24, 2014 the following event happened :  "Bible Study: The Holy Grail."

After said event, it may have been like God shifted some stuff around in my head. Some things were rotating. I am not a doctor or scientist. At the end of the trial, I was different. I became aware of more like I was part of a group of people who could communicate, and was communicating with people.

I was perceiving through God's Spirit, and tweeting to a world wide audience. After said trial, I was different.

Linked and pinned to the top of the Twitter was a link to Facebook Page Champions for Christ with a message that said something like "For more, go here." On Champions for Christ, how Prophetic Intercession ended up developed. Many of my tweets went to @ Youtube because I was using Youtube videos, and didn't know where else to send them.  I also tweeted some governments or government agencies as something came to me and compelled by God, or saw something in the news.  I may have gained attention.  I had been gaining attention by tweeting certain entities, the "Holy Grail Testimony" happened, and I felt like I was being watched after May 24.  Kingdom of God Shadow War started or I became aware of it, and in it.    

Working for God, I would posting things I was receiving on Champions for Christ. I would receive questions, and through God, I would work to answer the questions. I was developing The Power of the Tongue, and learning to speak with or through God's Holy Spirit. I found that If - Then statement were helpful for finding truth or writing with God.  I would write some things out, and if I was wrong, it may have felt like there was an invisible barrier under my thumb or finger keeping me from making a post because it was off.  Sometimes I would post something, and immediately feel God.  I would feel God, and God's honor, and if it was off, I would quickly correct it.  I often made spelling or grammar mistakes so those were often quickly corrected, but given I was dealing with complex or deep spiritual questions or issues with people, that is more what I was concerned with. 

Honor is important.  God has honor.  I felt tied to God's honor. 

 On Facebook Page "Champions for Christ," (Dread) I would receive questions.  I would feel honor bound towards working some things out, and answer questions. I had to beat some people down prophetically with God, make rules, explain that it wasn't a game. We ended up with "Christian Fight Club" for a little while.

In general, I may have been tied to God's Honor, and may have ended up honor bound to write or explain certain things.

Does it have to do with the calling God gave me?

Does it have to do with end times?

Was it already covered somewhere else, and you have some research to do?

It is not a game, there are a lot of people in the world. Go see a Priest or Pastor?

Certain persons may have been given some priority due to their relationship to God or the work he has had me doing.

My mind may have ended up tied to Twitter or Facebook or Reddit for a time where my perceptions and what I was receiving was there. God may have shifted where I was at times.

Song: Our World Our Times.

Song: No Leaf Clover.

Have you noticed how sometimes I have commented on my own blog post?  Prophetic Intercession.  I don't know that I care to do that a lot here.  It has been done, and there has been about six years of proof.  It is possible that someone asks God for something or what is posted after this on this blog may relate. 

Short Video:  Hannah Montana Coon Repellent. 

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Purpose in Revealing Hidden Things

 Given I have been revealing some hidden things as shepherded to, what has been the purpose?  The purpose has been building the Kingdom of God.  Given someone has God's Holy Spirit in a big way, and is loosed of certain stumbling blocks, denominational difference may be able to be overcome.  The Spiritual works in particular ways, and in a Spiritual understanding, we may be able to see Truth through God.  I revealed that I hear voices.  Does that make me crazy?  There has been a lot of hate or fear or ignorance to fight through.  In an understanding of The Spiritual, there may be ways, through God, to overcome denominational, and other, stumbling blocks that have been keeping people from most receiving God.  The purpose has been building the Kingdom of God, and at some point, that may mean The Greater Church comes back together. 

In understanding the Spiritual, someone may need a Conceptual Bible Study.  There may have been certain spiritual concepts referenced in The Bible.  Given someone grasps a concept like "Mankind as God's Vineyard," a variety of scriptures fall into place with understanding.  Do you understand the concept of The Body of Christ?  The Body of Christ is an organic society.  There may be a lot of understanding associated with The Body of Christ as an organic society, and in building the Kingdom of God, and being most right, someone is aligning themselves with Truth, and God, and not false ideology, or someone who created some ideas because they hated a Church, or thought they had a better way.  Are we centered on God loving God with all our heart and soul and strength and mind? 

There may be a variety of reasons for shedding some light on hidden things as shepherded by God.  These things may have related with a specific calling.  I was compelled to make myself a target towards people finding God, and having a relationship with God, and correction.  Exposing certain things in the right way may take away the enemies perceived power.   

Question:  In an understanding of Spiritual Laws, are Christians to be "legalistic?" 

It is more about seeking Truth.  Those who love Jesus Christ love Truth.  Given we are building The Kingdom of God, a Christian culture develops.  Not a "Secular Atheist Humanist Culture," or other culture.  A Christian culture. Given a denomination was really wrong, they may have opened the doors to other spirits that were not the spirit of God, and their fruit has been bad.  This has been observable.  Are there are lot atheists in Great Britain, and how is the state of Faith in Sweden?  There have been reasonable answers as to a variety of current world issues, or events, in an understanding of God and the Spiritual. 

As a way to ease people into thinking more correctly, I have had a couple blogs or subs on Reddit.  It was not that I was dictating.  Given a Christian who has been Bible literate, with a few words of correction he could be guided onto being aligned more with The Holy Ghost, and suddenly certain things are clicking and making sense.  He starts putting together different Bible verses from memory or something.  That may be the start of a journey of growing in faith and discovery with God. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. 

God's Secret Council Part III - Spiritual Airwaves and Entities

 Some testimony has been given about Seeing the Spiritual.  There may be Spiritual Airwaves, and in these airwaves there may have been various entities.  Angels and demons and sometimes people.  Comparing and contrasting various mysticism, looking at some testimony from other people found online, and perceiving some things with God, I came to some conclusion. 

In general, someone who was in said Spiritual Airwaves, or experiencing them, may have found some entities and gained in authority by asserting The Lord Jesus Christ, and proclaiming the Kingdom of God through God's Holy Spirit.  Why are we proclaiming The Lord Jesus Christ?  Not because of money.  Not because there were some friends someone was trying to please.  Someone was bearing his cross, and he had the love of God in his heart, and he was working for God as prompted by God.  Doing this, I may have discovered some entities from time to time.  I may have become oppressed or dealt with somethings for a day or so.  Some entities have been like lawyers.  Someone needed to be really centered on God with their full armor of God.  Sometimes I believe I found occult type people.  Was an occult type person in said Spiritual Airwaves?  He was not of the spirit of God.  There may have been demons associated with him being there.  

Part of the occult, from at least around the Crusades, was various individuals working to re-learn what the wise men and court sorcerers of Egypt and Babylon and other places knew.  Someone could have turned to God and asked God.  Instead, certain people were search for "knowledge" for the sake of knowledge, or they may have been looking for "mystical powers" or something.  They were willful.  Some of that ended up in various New Age mysticism.  It has been packaged up and presented in a particular way.  They were wrong. 

Given someone has a book or instruction manual that says "do A and B and C will happen" in regards to some type of mysticism involving the third eye or New Age they should go burn that. We don't need it. 

God is God you cannot control.  I am going to write this again, and you need to read it towards understanding.  God is Almighty is God you cannot control.  God has a character.  Someone growing in a relationship with God is a servant.  God is love.  God knows every hair on your head.  He knows what you like.  He also has the big picture, and a plan.  Someone is meek before God.  At one point in 2014, I would ask God what to eat for my meals.  Scanning a menu at restaurant, I may have been communing with God, and he showed me what to eat.  I don't know that he does that with everyone.  In that type of relationship Man is made in the image of God, and what man does reflects.  I may have been doing very specific things in obedience to God towards moving or setting somethings in The Spiritual.  Abraham was instructed to sacrifice Isaac.  Abraham following directions, and being obedient, and being willing to sacrifice Isaac in his heart, he may have "set" some things in the principalities.  I am not comparing what I was doing to Abraham and Isaac necessarily.  Man is made in the image of God.  What man does reflects.  Someone working in obedience to God in may have been shifting or setting somethings in the principalities.  God instructed Jeremiah to walk around with an Ox Yoke.  This represented the slavery about to be endured.  Jeremiah may have been setting some things in the principalities. 

God is God you cannot control.  God knows your heart.  Someone may need to be in place where they are turning to God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  God knows what is in your heart.  

Question: Is there such a thing as "altruistic evil?"  

God's way is a line.  On either side of said line there may have been forces working to push-pull someone to either side.  God's way is a line.  Walk the line.  Posting to /r/Theology, I found some people who thought they were good people.  They were not. 

My relationship with God has been pretty great.  I didn't need help.  I have testimony of receiving some Catholic Priest.  They would suggest things.  Our goal has been the Kingdom of God.  We were on the same page.  They would suggesting things.  Their suggests often aligned with what God was having me do.  I didn't mind them.   Around two years ago, I posted to /r/Theology, and ended up with "Altruistic Evil."  People who thought they were in the know, or were trying to control me or project things on me, or using prays to try and get God to control me.  They have been wrong.  They thought they were smart or wise, they were foolish. 

Given someone ends up with God talking to him in said Spiritual Airwaves, God is love, and God's love is fatherly.  God has good plans.  God won't ask someone to do more than what they can handle.  That being said, did you know what you could handle?  Someone may have needed to hit his limits via trials.  Trials may have been fasting, isolation, a long journey, being away from home, any number of things.  I don't know that there is necessarily a formula exactly.  Someone may have been hit some threshold of trials through hard life experiences.  He may have been join a monastery, or lived as a hermit or something.  There may have been a few right answers.  How do you know how much you can handle if you have never been tested, or been to your limits?  God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  God won't ask someone to do more than they can handle.  There is a comfort zone where someone is "In a State of Faith" where there is no doubt or fear.  Did someone feel some doubt or fear?  They may have sank like Peter walking on water and looking down.  Someone may have been in a "State of Faith."  Given someone feels some doubt or fear, they go home or to their secret place with God, and pray or meditate or sleep it off.  We get back up again when we feel comfortable with God and are in a "State of Faith."   Was some entity working to push someone out of that "State of Faith?"  He was not on the team.  He was out for himself or something else.  Not for God.  He should be worried more about himself.  It was his soul he was damning, his family he may have put some generational curses on, his Social Darwin Award potentially.  God has a plan.  Given someone is in those Spiritual Airwaves, they need to be humble, penitent, meek before God and God's plans. 

Have you ever experienced like a very overbearing dad figure who had to control everything?  Someone who knows all the answers, and his way or the high way?  After posting to /r/Theology, one day, "Prophets and God and Allegories"  that was what I was perceiving I had found.  Around some theology programs may have been some occultists.  The perception was that I discovered some people that were not in the know, they were not aware of me, and what God had been having me doing, and suddenly they were aware.  Were they Freemasons or something?  I don't know at this time.   I may have been able to "break them off."  To do some very specific things towards breaking them.  We still may do that.  I learned some things, and God may have had a lesson in there. 

In said airwaves, there may have been spiritual entities.  Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words or a war of thoughts.  (2 Corinthians 10:5)  A philosopher at a university may have been engaging in a type of Spiritual Warfare, and he was shaping or framing how people thought and perceived.  On another level, there may have been entities giving people thoughts or ideas.  Many people may not have been "aware."  Given someone is "seeing" they may have become aware.  Given someone was aware proclaiming Jesus Christ and The Kingdom of God, he may have gained attention of some entities.  That would be another aspect of Spiritual Warfare. 


Reading Here, Some May Need This

Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...