Sunday, August 16, 2020

God's Secret Council Part III - Spiritual Airwaves and Entities

 Some testimony has been given about Seeing the Spiritual.  There may be Spiritual Airwaves, and in these airwaves there may have been various entities.  Angels and demons and sometimes people.  Comparing and contrasting various mysticism, looking at some testimony from other people found online, and perceiving some things with God, I came to some conclusion. 

In general, someone who was in said Spiritual Airwaves, or experiencing them, may have found some entities and gained in authority by asserting The Lord Jesus Christ, and proclaiming the Kingdom of God through God's Holy Spirit.  Why are we proclaiming The Lord Jesus Christ?  Not because of money.  Not because there were some friends someone was trying to please.  Someone was bearing his cross, and he had the love of God in his heart, and he was working for God as prompted by God.  Doing this, I may have discovered some entities from time to time.  I may have become oppressed or dealt with somethings for a day or so.  Some entities have been like lawyers.  Someone needed to be really centered on God with their full armor of God.  Sometimes I believe I found occult type people.  Was an occult type person in said Spiritual Airwaves?  He was not of the spirit of God.  There may have been demons associated with him being there.  

Part of the occult, from at least around the Crusades, was various individuals working to re-learn what the wise men and court sorcerers of Egypt and Babylon and other places knew.  Someone could have turned to God and asked God.  Instead, certain people were search for "knowledge" for the sake of knowledge, or they may have been looking for "mystical powers" or something.  They were willful.  Some of that ended up in various New Age mysticism.  It has been packaged up and presented in a particular way.  They were wrong. 

Given someone has a book or instruction manual that says "do A and B and C will happen" in regards to some type of mysticism involving the third eye or New Age they should go burn that. We don't need it. 

God is God you cannot control.  I am going to write this again, and you need to read it towards understanding.  God is Almighty is God you cannot control.  God has a character.  Someone growing in a relationship with God is a servant.  God is love.  God knows every hair on your head.  He knows what you like.  He also has the big picture, and a plan.  Someone is meek before God.  At one point in 2014, I would ask God what to eat for my meals.  Scanning a menu at restaurant, I may have been communing with God, and he showed me what to eat.  I don't know that he does that with everyone.  In that type of relationship Man is made in the image of God, and what man does reflects.  I may have been doing very specific things in obedience to God towards moving or setting somethings in The Spiritual.  Abraham was instructed to sacrifice Isaac.  Abraham following directions, and being obedient, and being willing to sacrifice Isaac in his heart, he may have "set" some things in the principalities.  I am not comparing what I was doing to Abraham and Isaac necessarily.  Man is made in the image of God.  What man does reflects.  Someone working in obedience to God in may have been shifting or setting somethings in the principalities.  God instructed Jeremiah to walk around with an Ox Yoke.  This represented the slavery about to be endured.  Jeremiah may have been setting some things in the principalities. 

God is God you cannot control.  God knows your heart.  Someone may need to be in place where they are turning to God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  God knows what is in your heart.  

Question: Is there such a thing as "altruistic evil?"  

God's way is a line.  On either side of said line there may have been forces working to push-pull someone to either side.  God's way is a line.  Walk the line.  Posting to /r/Theology, I found some people who thought they were good people.  They were not. 

My relationship with God has been pretty great.  I didn't need help.  I have testimony of receiving some Catholic Priest.  They would suggest things.  Our goal has been the Kingdom of God.  We were on the same page.  They would suggesting things.  Their suggests often aligned with what God was having me do.  I didn't mind them.   Around two years ago, I posted to /r/Theology, and ended up with "Altruistic Evil."  People who thought they were in the know, or were trying to control me or project things on me, or using prays to try and get God to control me.  They have been wrong.  They thought they were smart or wise, they were foolish. 

Given someone ends up with God talking to him in said Spiritual Airwaves, God is love, and God's love is fatherly.  God has good plans.  God won't ask someone to do more than what they can handle.  That being said, did you know what you could handle?  Someone may have needed to hit his limits via trials.  Trials may have been fasting, isolation, a long journey, being away from home, any number of things.  I don't know that there is necessarily a formula exactly.  Someone may have been hit some threshold of trials through hard life experiences.  He may have been join a monastery, or lived as a hermit or something.  There may have been a few right answers.  How do you know how much you can handle if you have never been tested, or been to your limits?  God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  God won't ask someone to do more than they can handle.  There is a comfort zone where someone is "In a State of Faith" where there is no doubt or fear.  Did someone feel some doubt or fear?  They may have sank like Peter walking on water and looking down.  Someone may have been in a "State of Faith."  Given someone feels some doubt or fear, they go home or to their secret place with God, and pray or meditate or sleep it off.  We get back up again when we feel comfortable with God and are in a "State of Faith."   Was some entity working to push someone out of that "State of Faith?"  He was not on the team.  He was out for himself or something else.  Not for God.  He should be worried more about himself.  It was his soul he was damning, his family he may have put some generational curses on, his Social Darwin Award potentially.  God has a plan.  Given someone is in those Spiritual Airwaves, they need to be humble, penitent, meek before God and God's plans. 

Have you ever experienced like a very overbearing dad figure who had to control everything?  Someone who knows all the answers, and his way or the high way?  After posting to /r/Theology, one day, "Prophets and God and Allegories"  that was what I was perceiving I had found.  Around some theology programs may have been some occultists.  The perception was that I discovered some people that were not in the know, they were not aware of me, and what God had been having me doing, and suddenly they were aware.  Were they Freemasons or something?  I don't know at this time.   I may have been able to "break them off."  To do some very specific things towards breaking them.  We still may do that.  I learned some things, and God may have had a lesson in there. 

In said airwaves, there may have been spiritual entities.  Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words or a war of thoughts.  (2 Corinthians 10:5)  A philosopher at a university may have been engaging in a type of Spiritual Warfare, and he was shaping or framing how people thought and perceived.  On another level, there may have been entities giving people thoughts or ideas.  Many people may not have been "aware."  Given someone is "seeing" they may have become aware.  Given someone was aware proclaiming Jesus Christ and The Kingdom of God, he may have gained attention of some entities.  That would be another aspect of Spiritual Warfare. 



  1. Question: Was there a difference between what you called "The Pigs" a fraternity of men who would wake you up at night, and what you were picking up from /r/Theology, or perceived you were?

    The Pigs were more like "We see you, and show what you got." God may have made some promises. Working for God, I may have had to do some very specific things towards fulfilling some promises.

    On /r/Theology it felt more like there were people "not in the know."

    An understanding of The Pigs gets into some deep state type things that I haven't been motivated to unravel or uncover at this time. I have been aware that it is there. I haven't done all the detective work to connect the dots for someone. I did perceive, and have testimony to being watched for sometime.

  2. Understanding some Trials and Spiritual Warfare:

    As a young man, I was big for my age. I was tall. I played basketball. Playing basketball, I learned to set some good picks, and people would bounce off me. My Grandpa enjoyed watching this and chuckling.

    In an understanding of Spiritual Warfare, God may have catapulted me into some things specifically to make a mess and bounce some people around. Man is made in the image of God. What man does may be a reflection. Do men like to wager on sports games? God may have made some promises in similar ways, and working for God, I may have fulfilled some things.


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