Monday, August 24, 2020

Dating and Dwelling on God's Law

 Lets say someone took the time to read through this blog and do some bible study and prayer.  Given we are working to build The Kingdom of God, and very centered on God, a Christian culture may develop.  Working towards understanding what that culture may look like is an great thought exercise.  Given a man suddenly found God in a big way, and was dating, he may have ended up discovering that society is a mess, and maybe he became confused or angry and frustrated or something.  This is understandable.

  • He must not marry a widow, a divorced woman, or a woman defiled by prostitution, but only a virgin from his own people,  (Leviticus 21:14)
  • But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.  (1 Peter 2:9)

I woke up one day Spring 2014, and I felt tied to God's Laws or rules for his priestly class.  Christian societies value virgin brides.  Given we are building The Kingdom of God, and doing the right things, a culture develops.  I could break this all down for someone, but given someone has The Spirit of God, they may be able to see who has been doing most right, and who was been doing wrong, and we should be coming close to the same conclusions about what needs to happen.   

Given a 30 year old man, and suddenly he can only marry a virgin, how does he navigate finding a wife, and dealing with various sins, and people who have done wrong?  This is a thinking exercise. 

1 comment:

  1. Question: Is it too late? Society has moved in the wrong way for so long.

    Who is your neighbor? Given we are building The Kingdom of God, and developing Christian culture around God, who is your neighbor? Your neighbor should be other Christians. Your neighbor should not be an atheist that was invited to a black mass or a muslim or other non-Christians. When your kids go to school, who is teaching them? Non-Christians or Christians?

    Given a war, famine, plague event, or something destablizing, you may desire to have good people around you. Your neighbors may end up being Christians.

    Given some sort of destabilizing event, society may be more like puddy, it may be more moldable, and people may be more willing to listen. We can start listening now, and do some hard things now. There may be some destabilizing events in the future.

    Why would there be a destabilizing event? Lets look at Ezekiel 16. God is love. (1 John 4:8) Ezekiel 16 uses the allegory of "Jerusalem as God's Wife." She was harlot. What came first? The idolatry or the adultery? Given people are rejecting God, they may have been given over to "Dishonorable Passions." (Romans 1:18-25) Was someone in hook up culture at Harvard University? That would be dishonorable passions. When people are in said dishonorable passions, they may have, over time, developed "Hearts of Stone." (Ezekiel 36:26) They became cold. The wages of sin are death. They were like zombies trying to bite each other and dragging others down with them? Ezekiel 16 starts out with an allegory of "Jerusalem as God's cheating wife," people developed hearts of stone, and in Ezekiel 16:48-52 we have why God's Judgement came on Sodom. God is love. People in hook up culture are not being good ambassadors of God's love. They have been doing wrong. That may, over time, lead to God's Judgement due to a lot of bad decisions.


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