Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Prophetic Intercession

 There are currently forty four blog posts on this blog.  Working to understand Prophetic Intercession, someone may have needed to take the time, with their Bible and God, and gone through each blog post.  This probably may take someone several weeks with prayer where they are doing dedicated Bible Studies and thinking about God.  There has been a learning curve.  Did someone stop and think "This is too hard," or make some excuse to not have to come to grips with hard truth?   See ya? The goal is The Kingdom of God, and someone is working in God's plan for them.  No one necessarily needs this blog post; however, given we are working to understand the Spiritual, and Prophetic Intercession, I have testimony.   This needs to be understood in the context of the blog. Towards understanding that testimony best, someone may need the other posts.  It doesn't matter if someone was a life long Christian or not.  I was life long Christian.  There has been a learning curve, and that learning curve may not necessarily happen over night.   

Through God, Prophetic Intercession ended up being developed.  I didn't know about Prophetic Intercession prior to 2013.  I barely knew what a prophet was other than Jesus and Moses were prophets.  I received a calling Fall 2013. I was a regular man, and had been a life long Christian.  I believed in the supernatural, but I cannot say that I was super interested in it, nor had many experienced that I was aware of.  I received a calling Fall 2013, and I started feeling smarter.  I started to feel like I could comprehend complex questions and issues better than before. I started receiving somethings from God. I started having profound supernatural or spiritual experiences.

Around January 2014, I started having ears to hear and eyes to see. I started compiling a list of songs where the lyrics or sounds started to catch my ear.  A lot of these songs I may have found searching Youtube or other similar websites where I could look up a song, and find similar or related music.  Some of these songs were found on Pandora Radio listening to "Lincoln Durham" or similar themed radio where there was a good mix of blues, rock, folk, and gospel.  Some of these songs I may have like previously, and suddenly God opened my eyes and ears, and I saw the song in a new light.  I compiled a list.  

I ended up with an idea for a Christian Radio Station.  Not necessarily Christian genre music or worship music, but Christian themed music.  I went to Church one day and pitched the Christian radio station idea to two people even.  A day or so later, I was back home, and thinking "God gave me this great idea, why wait?" 

February 2014, I started a Twitter Page. I had been given an idea for a Christian Radio Station. Not playing just Christian Music genre or worship music, but Christian Themed music. I started a Twitter Page to teach people about God. I tweeted music videos, mostly, with a few words to key people into things. Words or Bible verses with a song. The first day I may have made 15 Tweets in no particular order so I believed. DMX had been in the news a year or two prior for creating some God themed rap music.  I tweeted three of his songs with a wide variety of other music.  I ended up with DMX following me for a few days.  The audience I was working to hit was a "general internet audience."  DMX ended up unfollowing me.  I perceived that the music was not black enough for him, and he had some issues. 

After the first day on Twitter, I started receiving a theme or a song, and would put together more of a lesson plan. Every day God may have given me something. The first week or so I would create something a day ahead of time, and then quickly tweet them all to grab attention. I became good at perceiving through God's Holy Spirit, and started tweeting them more as they came to me. Around this time, I also started working for God full time.

Sitting at my computer desk, I became good at perceiving through God's Holy Spirit, and perceiving things. I may have got a feel for a world wide Twitter audience. I may have perceived threats at times and dealt with them. I was perceiving. Intuitive.  

March 17 I felt the Twitter was done.  I had been tweeting almost every day as things came to me.  I had 360 sum tweets or so.  I had grown a lot in faith and discovered some interesting things about music and God.  I felt like a teaching mechanism had been built, and that if someone took the time to review all the songs, they may have their eyes and ears opened as well.  March 17, I felt I was done.  I was accomplished. 

During this time I had a variety of supernatural experiences. That may be another testimony.

May 24, 2014 the following event happened :  "Bible Study: The Holy Grail."

After said event, it may have been like God shifted some stuff around in my head. Some things were rotating. I am not a doctor or scientist. At the end of the trial, I was different. I became aware of more like I was part of a group of people who could communicate, and was communicating with people.

I was perceiving through God's Spirit, and tweeting to a world wide audience. After said trial, I was different.

Linked and pinned to the top of the Twitter was a link to Facebook Page Champions for Christ with a message that said something like "For more, go here." On Champions for Christ, how Prophetic Intercession ended up developed. Many of my tweets went to @ Youtube because I was using Youtube videos, and didn't know where else to send them.  I also tweeted some governments or government agencies as something came to me and compelled by God, or saw something in the news.  I may have gained attention.  I had been gaining attention by tweeting certain entities, the "Holy Grail Testimony" happened, and I felt like I was being watched after May 24.  Kingdom of God Shadow War started or I became aware of it, and in it.    

Working for God, I would posting things I was receiving on Champions for Christ. I would receive questions, and through God, I would work to answer the questions. I was developing The Power of the Tongue, and learning to speak with or through God's Holy Spirit. I found that If - Then statement were helpful for finding truth or writing with God.  I would write some things out, and if I was wrong, it may have felt like there was an invisible barrier under my thumb or finger keeping me from making a post because it was off.  Sometimes I would post something, and immediately feel God.  I would feel God, and God's honor, and if it was off, I would quickly correct it.  I often made spelling or grammar mistakes so those were often quickly corrected, but given I was dealing with complex or deep spiritual questions or issues with people, that is more what I was concerned with. 

Honor is important.  God has honor.  I felt tied to God's honor. 

 On Facebook Page "Champions for Christ," (Dread) I would receive questions.  I would feel honor bound towards working some things out, and answer questions. I had to beat some people down prophetically with God, make rules, explain that it wasn't a game. We ended up with "Christian Fight Club" for a little while.

In general, I may have been tied to God's Honor, and may have ended up honor bound to write or explain certain things.

Does it have to do with the calling God gave me?

Does it have to do with end times?

Was it already covered somewhere else, and you have some research to do?

It is not a game, there are a lot of people in the world. Go see a Priest or Pastor?

Certain persons may have been given some priority due to their relationship to God or the work he has had me doing.

My mind may have ended up tied to Twitter or Facebook or Reddit for a time where my perceptions and what I was receiving was there. God may have shifted where I was at times.

Song: Our World Our Times.

Song: No Leaf Clover.

Have you noticed how sometimes I have commented on my own blog post?  Prophetic Intercession.  I don't know that I care to do that a lot here.  It has been done, and there has been about six years of proof.  It is possible that someone asks God for something or what is posted after this on this blog may relate. 

Short Video:  Hannah Montana Coon Repellent. 


  1. Question: How did prophetic intercession feel Summer 2014 versus what you have been giving testimony to after posting on /r/theology?

    There is a big learning curve there, and it may be hard to give that testimony at this time due to no one having a frame or reference for it except for a small handful of Christians or occult weirdos.

    More or less, questions would come to me. I was a homeless man Summer 2014. Summer 2014 through 2017 or so, comfortable with God, possibly posting things on my iphone4, I would receive a question, I would write it out, and then answer through God. At times, I would become oppressed or feel like I found some occult weirdos. It may have felt like someone was sticking their finger or thumb into my forehead, and trying to force something. It may have felt like there was something on top of my forehead trying to assert a will that was not God's will over me. I would deal with these things as they came to me. It often didn't last more than hours to a day or so.

    In general, I may have felt honor bound through God towards answer some questions, and was comfortable while doing so. Given someone was reading something I wrote, I may have perceived through God, or God may have shared with me some thoughts. Someone may have prayed, and God shared something with me.

    Occult wierdo would be a willful person who had demons. He tried to force something and was wrong. Hey YOU. Occult weirdo possibly reading this? You have demons and are possessed. You thought you were smart. You were not. When you try to assert something over someone you bring demons with you, or were a possessed person of some demonic spirit. Go to Church.

  2. It was hard to have "Christian Fight Club" over reddit, and deal with certain issues similar to how I would have on Facebook. I man may look crazy or something. Spare the rod spoil the child? The rod may have been spared, and I ended up enduring some things for a year and some change.


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Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...