Sunday, August 16, 2020

Purpose in Revealing Hidden Things

 Given I have been revealing some hidden things as shepherded to, what has been the purpose?  The purpose has been building the Kingdom of God.  Given someone has God's Holy Spirit in a big way, and is loosed of certain stumbling blocks, denominational difference may be able to be overcome.  The Spiritual works in particular ways, and in a Spiritual understanding, we may be able to see Truth through God.  I revealed that I hear voices.  Does that make me crazy?  There has been a lot of hate or fear or ignorance to fight through.  In an understanding of The Spiritual, there may be ways, through God, to overcome denominational, and other, stumbling blocks that have been keeping people from most receiving God.  The purpose has been building the Kingdom of God, and at some point, that may mean The Greater Church comes back together. 

In understanding the Spiritual, someone may need a Conceptual Bible Study.  There may have been certain spiritual concepts referenced in The Bible.  Given someone grasps a concept like "Mankind as God's Vineyard," a variety of scriptures fall into place with understanding.  Do you understand the concept of The Body of Christ?  The Body of Christ is an organic society.  There may be a lot of understanding associated with The Body of Christ as an organic society, and in building the Kingdom of God, and being most right, someone is aligning themselves with Truth, and God, and not false ideology, or someone who created some ideas because they hated a Church, or thought they had a better way.  Are we centered on God loving God with all our heart and soul and strength and mind? 

There may be a variety of reasons for shedding some light on hidden things as shepherded by God.  These things may have related with a specific calling.  I was compelled to make myself a target towards people finding God, and having a relationship with God, and correction.  Exposing certain things in the right way may take away the enemies perceived power.   

Question:  In an understanding of Spiritual Laws, are Christians to be "legalistic?" 

It is more about seeking Truth.  Those who love Jesus Christ love Truth.  Given we are building The Kingdom of God, a Christian culture develops.  Not a "Secular Atheist Humanist Culture," or other culture.  A Christian culture. Given a denomination was really wrong, they may have opened the doors to other spirits that were not the spirit of God, and their fruit has been bad.  This has been observable.  Are there are lot atheists in Great Britain, and how is the state of Faith in Sweden?  There have been reasonable answers as to a variety of current world issues, or events, in an understanding of God and the Spiritual. 

As a way to ease people into thinking more correctly, I have had a couple blogs or subs on Reddit.  It was not that I was dictating.  Given a Christian who has been Bible literate, with a few words of correction he could be guided onto being aligned more with The Holy Ghost, and suddenly certain things are clicking and making sense.  He starts putting together different Bible verses from memory or something.  That may be the start of a journey of growing in faith and discovery with God. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. 

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