Sunday, August 23, 2020


In the media, in what context has "Someone hearing voices" come up? Why? By media, we could do TV, movies, books, music, or other. People online have tended to have short attention spans, especially on Reddit, and not many people are into doing homework. Short songs may work best at this time. When someone has referenced hearing voices where and why? In what context?

Cadence: "In The Early Morning Rain."

Song: "Thorazine Shuffle."

Both examples referenced a "monster inside." Does that make sense in a Christian context? It can. Someone may need to be careful. God is not a monster. Lets look at some themes.

  • Your Body is a Temple. Jesus dwells in a man through his Holy Spirit.

  • Man is made in the image and GLORY of God. Man is God's Glory. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

I am a man made in the image and Glory of God. What is Glory? Glory may be David standing up for God and Israel against blasphemer Goliath. Glory may be an artist creating a piece of art. Glory may be a man's bride on his wedding day. Glory may be a new born child. These things are glorious. Man is God's Glory. As a man created in the image of God, anything that you do or think or feel could potentially be a reflection of something. What are we reflecting?

Song: "Asshole" Dennis Leary.

The Spirit of God is a gentleman. A Christian society is a polite society. The song "Asshole" by Dennis Leary may have gone too far, or in some other direction. There may be something to it. Given someone was serving God most right, they may not exactly fit in. People may hate him because he challenges the thought of the day, and potentially exposes corruption. They hated Jesus first. (John 15:18) The song "Asshole" may be both on to something, and showing how someone could take something too far, and in the wrong direction.

Given someone was hearing a voice, what was the character of said voice? God has a character. Did said voice line up with the character of God? You will know them by their fruit. (Matthew 7:16)

Song: "Losing Your Mind"

Zakk Wylde has claimed to be a devout Catholic. I don't know that I care to do a complete breakdown of Black Label Society at this time. We have a song about potentially hearing voices, and other songs that references spiritual things by Zakk Wylde. In what context?

Given someone was hearing a voice does that make them "Crazy?" They need to be centered on God. They may have ended up "Servant to their Sorrow." They need The Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a Councilor.

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Is the above understanding dangerous? If it were easy, anyone could do it? A lot of people have been promoting equality. Real equality may come with an equality of trials. (James 1:2-4) Given someone doesn't care to be that equal, I don't know that they have to be. They should be content in their station.

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