Friday, August 21, 2020

Prophetic Intercession Part II

 I have a lot of testimony of profound things happening Summer 2014.  Summer 2014, for me, started about June 1.  What happened just prior?

Post:  Biblestudy:  The Holy Grail.  

Just prior to Summer 2014, I went through a particular trial, and ended up receiving an anointing from God.   Between March 17 and May 24, I had spent a lot of time in jail.  March 17 I was felt done with what God was having me do on Twitter.  God told me to go celebrate.  I walked about a mile to the bar.  I was at "Gentleman Jim's." This particular bar was right next to Middle Tennessee State University, and particularly close to Fraternity Row.  I sat in there by myself, and drank a few pitchers of cheap college beer.  I don't know that I talked to anyone other than asking the bartender for a drink.  I sat in there quietly, and kept to myself, and then I paid my tab and left.  Walking home, I ended up confronted by the police.  I was on Vine St.  My apartment was between Main St. and Vine St.  I could get to my apartment off either streets.  Vine St. was quiet, and dark, and Main St. was well lit with some traffic.  I chose to walk down Vine St.  In eye shot of my apartment, a police car pulled up behind me and tried to pull me over like I was a car.  I kept walking.  Suddenly, I was confronted by two cops.  At this point, I was fed up with dealing with any law in Tennessee.  I was sickened by them based on some passed experiences over the last few months.  I was looking to go home, and they had no business talking to me.  In eye shot of my apartment, I ended up arrested for public intox.  

Being arrested for public intox, the bail was not expensive.  I had money to pay my bail.  Lets say bail was $1000 or $100 with a Bail Bondsmen.  A man pays that $1000, and that is collateral to make sure he shows up at court.  He shows up at court, and he gets his $1000 back.  I offered to pay my bail multiple times and was denied.  To get a bail bondsmen, a man needs a co-signer.  I was in Tennessee alone.  I didn't have family or anyone I had known prior to within maybe 500 miles or so.  I didn't care to call my parents, and it is like twisting arms to try to part them with any money.  I was alone.  I was denied bail multiple times, not by a judge, but by the guards.  I ended up held in jail for 27 days for walking home from a bar. 

Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor's crown.  (Revelations 2:10)

 I have a lot of interesting testimony about Tennessee, and some occultism that God showed me was there after the fact.......I didn't know or perceive it till I had left Tennessee, but that is another story.  Given someone would like to read more about what I was doing prior to Tennessee and leading up to being there:  "The Perfect Country Western Short Story."

 Due to being in jail a couple times over minding my own business, and injuring the Honor of the State of Tennessee, I ended up homeless in North Carolina.  Going into homeless I was receiving visions from God.  I was growing in Faith.  I was seeing how far certain things could be taken, and how to lean on God. 

Things going on during Summer 2014:  

  • I have not been a big soccer fan.  The World Cup was happening, and was something that I kept an eye on.  Song:  "La La La"
  • I saw that the Church may have developed certain people who were released into Secular Music.  Song:  "It's on Again." (Did some artists do wrong, and get caught up into somethings?  Possibly.) 
  • I ended up discovering some Spiritual Relevance to Rammstein and posted three of their songs on Facebook.  About a week later, Germany won the world cup.   If The Lord is your Shepherd, you shall not want.  Song:  Ich Will  

 The following testimony also happened the first two weeks of being homeless in North Carolina: 

Post:  Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

What did hanging out in hotel rooms June 2014 most look like?  I don't 100% like this video as 100% correct.  There is something to it like the author was on to somethings. 

Song:  Fucc The Devil. 

The spirit of God is a like a train at a constant rate of motion.  I was on the train.  I was that God sometimes sets up miracles, and needed someone to walk into them. I ended up traveling all over North Carolina.  I was in Raleigh, Fayetteville, Wilmington, and I ended up hitting the bottom, I ended up maxing out my credit card, and my truck broke down, in Rocky Mount.  How did I end up in these places?  I was a servant to my sorrow, and I was perceiving things through God.  I was looking for signs.  Given I ended up in a particular city, I may have been looking for songs, and other things that seemed relevant and worked in a "No Leaf Clover" type of way. 

Ezekiel 37

Song: "Savages"

 That particular song worked extremely well with things from the past, and things God had been shepherding me into and towards, God working through me for his Glory.   

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."  (John 8:7)

 John 8:7 does not say "don't throw stones."  It infers, "Don't be a hypocrite."  During Summer 2014, I found that I had saved my sins, and worked to confess them, often publicly over the internet.  Honor is important.  I may have had small infractions that hurt my honor.  Maybe I had a conflict with someone, and didn't resolve said conflict most correctly, or the conflict was hurting my honor.  I worked to resolve some things from my past.  Maybe I had some issues from childhood aquientences, I found them on Facebook, and worked to resolve any issue through God.  I worked to confess my sins, and clean my honor.  For a period of time here I was reminded of "The Penitent Man" like Indiana Jones.  I walked around with my head slightly bowed, and was a Penitent Man.   

I  found that dealing with smaller conflicts from my past, or around my hometown, God may have given me more.  I dwelt with something from my past, and then God shared with me something about Barrack Obama or other people on a higher level, and I would go back and forth.  I also found that through God, I tended to soak up mocking and hate.  I may have gone to some Atheist or Feminist Facebook Pages and talked to them about God.  My words felt like hammers through God.  I would soak this up through God, and then start tossing said hammers like Thor in the hammer throw.  I would soak things up, and redirect all that energy somewhere.  

Song:  Harvester of Constant Sorrow.  (That song happens to be newer, but it covered a few themes I may have been working on through God.) 

As a servant to my sorrow, I ended up in Durham.  That was where the VA Hospital was.  I ended up homeless there for six or seven weeks sleeping in my truck till I received an apartment through the VA.  About mid August, the VA helped me into an apartment, and offered to pay my rent for a few months.  Was there more going on Summer 2014?  The testimony gets deep.  This is good for today.  



  1. History with "Ich Will." I tweeted that song a year or two later to a major European banking authority. I believe the next day the particular video I tweeted them ended up removed from Youtube. Oh well. A number of videos I tweeted ended up mysterious removed.

  2. Question: Did you pay attention or have anything to do with The World Cup in 2018?

    I did not pay attention to it. I was living day to day. Did you know what I was doing on said day? Neither did I other than I was working for God.

    In the bigger scheme of things, something may be needed to be brought to my attention, but I was pretty oblivious, more or less, at face value, to World Cup 2018.


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Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...