Thursday, September 10, 2020

Authority and Principalities Part II

 Question:  You have inferred that The Pope, Patriarchs, and Bishops may have ended up tied to the Principalities in some way.  Can you expand on this? 

I became aware that Satan has like to steal anointing like The Anointing of Kings. For example, are you aware of the coronation ceremony for the Kings and Queens of Great Britain?   The ceremony hearkens back to Prophet Samuel anointing Saul as the first King of Israel.  Does that make the Queen of Britain, who is also Governor of the Anglican Communion, does that make her God's Anointed?  Towards understanding that, someone may have needed to understanding The Divine Right of Kings. In public education in the US, many people have assumed Social Contract Theory?  To understand the principalities, and powers, someone may need to unbrainwash themselves or just "not know."  Say "I don't know."  A lot of how people have been taught has worked to hide or occult away certain understanding. 

The Queen of Britain has been anointed.  A lot of the British system of Government, even if some people don't like that, has been built around a Divine Right of Kings.  Satan has been a liar and a thief.  He has liked to steal anointings.  Satan's goal has been that man is serving himself or something else, anything but serving God.  Also, there may have been a certain mysticism in understanding anointings.  The Queen of Britain, Governor of The Anglican Communion, was married to a Freemason, and has said some off things about  The Lord Jesus Christ.  Who has she been serving?  

Various Kings and Bishops may have received an anointing.  Satan has worked to steal anointings.  That may mean that someone chose to be part of a corrupt ritual at some point.  Evidence of this in the Catholic Church may have been around Bohemian Grove, or in certain seminaries where there was a corrupt culture and/or gay priest culture.  Working for God day to day, I became aware of some things. 

In Ancient Israel, there were Good Kings of Israel and Judah and Bad Kings.  Someone may have anointed of God.  Was he good King or a Bad King?  He was still the King and still anointed.  Have there been Good Popes and Bad Popes?  Authority may still be authority.  

Working to explain everything I have seen may need to come in pieces for certain people.  Some of it may be scary, and some of it may be gross, and/or cause a lot of anger. Anger is not necessarily bad; however, someone needs to be most aligned with God and God's will and plans. 

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