Monday, September 7, 2020

Authority and The Principalities


The Principalities may be a very complicated subject, and working towards understanding them may lead into what has happened "Behind Closed Doors" in ways that a lot of people may not like.

Before we go on, I have an article and short video. These are brief introductions to The Principalities so we may be more on the same page. You should read article, and watch said video before progressing any further. Is the article or the video 100% correct? They both frame the complex concept of The Principalities in a way that may be more easy to understand, and is a start for a class or lesson or conversation.

Article: Spiritual Realms. Kingdom Watchers.

Short Video: Principalities and Powers - Christian Theology 101

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8)

You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

Notice in the article, that there may have been part of mankind under God in obedience to God. There may been part of mankind under darkness and forces of evil. In understanding The Principalities, someone may need to understand who the The Devil was, they may need to understand that certain forces of authority have been Evil. In doing so, there may be hard Truth.

Ladders give and snakes take. A snake may have had a tongue of a dragon like the false prophet in Revelations. He has had a Gold Horde. Knowledge is greater than silver or gold? With his lying tongue, he may have worked to "occult" away knowledge for himself, and those whom he cared to share it with. Ladders give. A ladder may be like Jacob's ladder helping someone up to God.

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. (Daniel 10:13)

I saw that certain people may have become an "anchor" for something.  Someone was in some occult secret society or mystery school, and he was anchoring some spirit.   I may have found some anchors from time to time and dealt with them through God.  Someone may have inherited something from dad or grandad who was in a secret society, and I helped them let go of it.  

In understanding The Principalities, and authority, who has authority and why?  This is where not hating the Catholic Church has been important.  A lot of protestants may  have been brought up to hate the Catholic Church.  I didn't.  I was not trying to force how I would like God to be, but looking at what is.   

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10) 

 In understanding authority and Church history, did a Pope, a Patriarch, or a Bishop have authority?  In a Catholic understanding they do.  I consider a Catholic Exorcist a "mystic."  They may have been receiving some cause and effect with the spiritual, and dealing with the spiritual.  I looked for testimony on exorcism.  I found Fr Ripperger who has some free lectures on Youtube, and testimony that appeared valid based on things I had experienced.  According to him, sometimes, in exorcising certain spirits, he may have needed to go to a Bishop for authority.  This suggests that there has been something to the Catholic claim on authority.  In that understanding, did certain authority pass outside the Catholic Church?  Did something end up occulted somewhere?  There may be some hard to deal with Truths in there. 

I have seen that there may be a need for certain men, in an understanding of Spiritual Warfare and authority, potentially, certain men could end up a ruler of a principality.  The following may not be 100% correct, but it may help in thinking.  We are looking to help some men in thinking towards building the Kingdom of God, and finding certain hidden things, and dealing with them through God.  

Follow me for a minute:

  • Jesus Christ is a Bridegroom looking for a Bride. 
  • The Song of Songs has been in the Bible as a representation of God's love for Israel or The Church.  
  • The Church is a Bride for Christ.  
  • We have The Catholic Church.  We have The Anglican Communion.  Sweden had its own national Church.  Were all of these like God's wives?  

This type of thinking may have been important towards understanding how the principalities have been built like The Stone Rejected by The Builders Becomes The Chief Cornerstone.   Certain understanding of the Principalities has not been taught towards it becoming Occulted, or people may have had to deal with some hard Truths.  What has been going on with Spiritual Warfare?

Song:  A Girl Named Tennessee.  

Song:  Carolina Blues. 

Understanding less may be more towards building the Kingdom of God at this time. Given someone is hearing God, they should follow instructions.  A man may have become a servant to his sorrow.  Why are we claiming up authority?  Towards building the Kingdom of God.  Men growing in Faith may become "One Mind" with God.  They are coming to same or similar conclusions and learning to think more alike. 

Also:  Kingdom of God Shadow War.  

Question:  Does it have to be a Shadow War? 

Dealing with extreme Spiritual Things may be difficult for your average person at this time.  Some people may need to be lead into understanding.  We guide people to understanding.   Dealing with Extreme Spiritual Things suddenly may be rough.  I don't know that it is wrong to under certain conditions in God's plan.  Christians should lead people into the Truth gently. 


  1. Question: What has been your view on Race?

    Someone is Christian or other. Race is a social construct.

    That being said, there is an understanding here of Freemasonry, and there were Black Freemasons.

    Are you a man and looking to serve God? God will take a servant who fears him from any nation.

  2. Given someone was catching on to this who was not of European decent, The Holy Ghost is a gentleman. There may be rules to love and marriage when we are applying the Bible. We are not an asshole. There may be better and worse ways to go about some things.


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