Saturday, September 5, 2020

Prophetic Curses

 The Question:  What is a Prophetic Curse?  

The Prophet Elisha may have been tied to God's Honor.  The Prophet Elisha is walking in obedience to God, doing God's will.  He walks by some ANTIFA, or other protestors, and they mock him.  He blesses them with trials.  (James 1:2-4)  Later, two bears come and kill forty two of their number.  The Prophet Elisha was working for God.  He was dutiful.  A Christian or Godly society is a polite society.  Was someone rude in the wrong way?  Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a "War of Thoughts."  How does someone perceive themselves, and how does someone perceive God?  Given some protestors are mocking someone who has been known to be working for God, Prophet Elisha may have felt honor bound to bless them with trials.  He didn't enjoy it.  He found no joy in what he was doing.  He was dutiful.  He walked on, and didn't look back.  Two bears killed forty two of their number.  I guess they were the chaff? 

They were not allowed to kill them but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes.  During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.  (Revelations 9:5,6)  

God's style of leadership may be more "Job did it and so can you."  Christians are to bear their cross.  Did you bear yours?  We don't know a lot about what Elisha was doing before he became a prophet.  David wrestled lions and bears saving his sheep from them with his hands.  Given Elisha blessed some protestors with some trials, and they were attacked by bears, doing some spiritual algebra, Elisha had some encounters with some bears?  Someone opening up seals like in Revelations, may have been enduring some particular trials, and working in obedience to God.  I am not Jesus.  Not the Christ.  Not the Messiah. 

Post:  Understanding and Growing in Faith.  

In terms of prophetic curses, the term Jeremiad has come up.  Some Jewish families may have ended up with generational curses on them.  I may have become aware of said curses, through God, by being part of an online Messianic community.  Have you ever seen an Orthodox Jewish man who seemed very angry at people, and especially other nations, in very particular and rude ways?  He may have had a demon underneath his third eye, and that may have been part of a generational curse. That has been going on for awhile?  

A lot of testimony has been given online since 2014.  Testimony has been given as to Prophetic Intercession, and how it has worked.  Lets say some New Age or other Third Eye Mystic, occult people found said testimony, and started trying to attack me.  They were already going to hell given no repentance.  Complete and total repentance. Hell is one thing, and some people seemed to have been conditioned against believing in it.  Hell on Earth is something that may happen or has happened in God's Judgement.  Said New Age people were getting into demons, and were already committing suicide.  Given they read some testimony I was shepherded to give, and they tried to assert themselves over me, or force things out, they may have ended up Prophetically cursed. What someone does from there is between them and God.    

Testimony was given on Prophetic Intercession.  Did someone feel like they were entitled or special or had The Light outside of God?  They were wrong, and they were approaching the subject matter in the wrong spirit.  The meek before God shall the inherit the Earth.  They were not meek. 

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