Monday, September 7, 2020

Being and Doing

 There may be a lot of interesting things on this blog.  Things that are scary and entertaining. Things that hurt and things that heal.  Things that may help inspire and help someone find God in a big way.  The last few years I have been around more academic people online.  There tendency has been to "view things from the outside."  They would like to be outside observers, and talk about things in more of a vacuum.  That has been part of why many have had no legitimacy or authority.   They have not been actively engaged in something.  Given we are bearing our cross, and loving God and our neighbor, we are "doing" and "being."  Loving God may not have started as soft love feelings someone has.  Loving God may be more doing.  Love is a two way street.  Jesus bore his cross.  Have you been bearing yours?  God's plan is God's Kingdom.  Lets build the Kingdom of God together. 

Post:  Power of the Tongue  

I can teach someone about The Power of the Tongue.   The Power of the Tongue, I learned, through God, by doing. I was in The Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God is like a train at a constant rate of motion.  The destination?  God's Kingdom.  Given we are on the train, we may be able to see where God has been, and where God is going, at God's pleasure.  Everything may start with prayer.  We pray. 

God I would like to give my life to you if it would bring you Glory.  Then you go about your business. 

Given we are in The Spirit of God, on the train, it may be like everyone else is moving in particular ways, and connected together, and we are on The Outside.  We may get a "feel" for certain things.  Feeling and perceiving, and The Holy Ghost is how we more develop The Power of the Tongue. 

In understanding The Power of the Tongue, at times, I have felt "More of The Spirit of God."  When I was "More of The Spirit of God" I could not write like this.  My words felt like hammers, and anything I wrote was short and to the point.  I tended to "write in Bible."  I may have needed a scribe to write certain things.  Given we are 100% going for complete power of the tongue, that is where we are going to be.  Some days I may have felt more of the Spirit, and some days, God let me go a little, possibly, towards being able to write some things, and give some testimony while living alone. 

Working to understand some spiritual gifts, some people may have awesome testimonies. In The Parable of the Minas there are unequal rewards based on someone "doing."  Did God give you something?  An idea?  That may have been a mina.   Invest your minas.  Some people may have seen or heard some testimony and been down like, "That will never happen to me," or envious comparing themselves off of someone else.  Lets not do either of those.  Instead, we look to be the best we can be and compete with ourselves.  We are happy working to build The Kingdom of God in God's plan for us.  Given we receive some awesome things on our journey, we give testimony about it.  Said testimony may edify the Church, and help others go high or higher.  

Working for God may be like being on a race track.  Everyone has a lane. At times, it may have been a rely.  Just being on the race track is a blessing. 

Given God gave someone something, is someone stepping on someone else's shoes and why?  In brotherly love, we don't do that.  Stay your lane. 

God is love.  God's love is fatherly. 

Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. (John 5:19)


  1. Question: Is equality satanic?

    There may be something to that. Lucifer, an angel, was said to want to be equal or greater than God and was thrown out of heaven.

    Righteousness is hard. Some people have worked to make everyone equally wicked? A girl lost her virginity to her boyfriend, and her boyfriend left her. She was dishonored. Did her dad care? In what way? She may have become "less than" as a woman. In being less then, she may have ended up a feminist. She looked at some of the worst of men and thought "Why can't I be like that." She worked to drag other down with her.

    Did a woman marry her first boyfriend, and do everything right? Did she appear to have a happy marriage? These types of things threaten The Wicked.

    I gave an example of the female version. The male version may have been more a Harvey Weinstein?

  2. Question: Do you belong to a Church?

    I have been living like a hermit, more or less, other than going out to eat or drink or doing necessarily things to keep going like shopping.

    Being what God has given me had been hard enough. Fighting through denominational bigotry was a fight I didn't care to engage in or for. In building the Kingdom of God, the Greater Church may come back together at some point. That may take a flowing of The Holy Spirit, and certain men proven to be of The Spirit of God who have become more of "One Mind" together.

  3. Question: Have you ever felt "Complete" in the Power of the Tongue?


    I felt that I could not or should not speak other than greetings. No small talk. I also felt that I needed to be locked in a Church or something because all the "stimuli" I was seeing was off. When I say stimuli, things like symbols and colors and such things. I felt I was communicating telepathically.

    This happened suddenly one day where I felt complete in God. I didn't have what I needed to maintain it. I may have needed some support, and not be living on my own, or more prepared for it. Given I am not dead or in jail, and I have not been posting things over the internet for some time, that may be why.


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