Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Book of Enoch


The Book of Enoch is Apocrypha. I personally submit to standard Church doctrine on that. I have found that it is incomplete. The Book of Enoch does work with the Bible in certain places. This is Bible study.


Cyrus the Great is mentioned in The Bible 22 times. He is prophesied in Isaiah 45. The Hebrew people felt pretty good about him in The Bible.

Cyrus the Great had 10,000 Immortals. 10,000 Immortals like in The Book of Enoch.

And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of ⌈His⌉ holy ones To execute judgement upon all, And to destroy ⌈all⌉ the ungodly: (Enoch 1:9)

Enoch is mentioned in the Book of Jude.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones

Nothing new happens under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-19)


Another part of the Book of Enoch I found profound is where he starts to compare men like Cattle or to animals. The Lord is a Shepherd. (Psalms 23) A Priest has a flock. Are you in The Fold?

Given men are cattle, then we have Cowboys instead of shepherds, and a whole different understanding and perspective of life.

I have some songs I found to celebrate your new understanding.

Ghost Riders "The Outlaws. Technically, The Internet is in the Sky.

"Cowboys from Hell." Pantera For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.(Ephesians 5:8)

Sing unto The Lord a New Song. (Isaiah 42:10)

Song of Prophets and Cowboys. God is Hard.

"American Outlaws." Whiskey Myers.



  1. Question: How has this done when you have posted it to other Christian forums or Subs on Reddit?

    I ended up banned from a Christian Forum. Part of it may be Critical Theory and Counter Culture that has infected the Church. In 2016, someone on /r/Christianity asked about revival and what people thought about revival. Someone commented "I sure hope not." Something that was pro-man, pro-culture, pro-God in a particular way may have rubbed some people wrong because they were wrong. Part of it may be an understanding of "Nothing New Happens Under the Sun" as a kind of Partial Preterist view that many have not been exposed to.

    Can you read the signs of the times? Part of reading the signs of the times may have been an understanding of "Nothing New Happens Under the Sun."

  2. Question: Are you a Partial Preterist?

    How does God work in history? I gained an understanding, and was shepherded to "Nothing New Happens Under the Sun" as important in seeing God's hand in history. I would be "Nothing New Happens Under The Sun."

    In 2015, there were "Children at the Border." This was immigrants in the US and Europe. Was that "Goths at the Gate" or a "Children's Crusade?" It may have been a sign of the times. Nothing new happens under the sun.


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