Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Jesus talked about the signs of the times.

and in the morning, 'Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:3)

Are their signs of the times that suggest an end of things or a New Age?

  • The Mayan Calendar Predicted the End or the World 2013.

  • The Prophecy of the Popes.

  • Blood Moons.

  • A variety of Prophecy to include "The Latter Rain" movement and Joel's Army. I am not 100% on everything the Latter Rain Movement prophesied, but "Joel's Army" has been something God has had me working on.

  • There had to be a falling away. Someone who was a "man of lawlessness" would be a "Do-as-Thou-Wilt," "Whatever Floats your Boat," "Harry Potter" type person working to privatize good? Make his evil look moral? Link:

We have signs that the End Times may be here.

Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets. (Amos 3:7)

Why has there not been some sort of cataclysmic event? The ax is sharpened. It may be poised above the head. It may be that someone has been really good at following directions and shepherding people through the Spirit of God. God's purpose or plan is not destruction. God would like repentance. God is love.

The Washington Post says "Democracy Dies in Darkness." Where did that come from? Personally, I was on the Washington Post Facebook Page every day for awhile, posting on the news through the Spirit of God. Christians are not children of the dark, they are children of the light. (Ephesians 5:8) I worked to be noticed, and writing through the spirit of God, my words may have been like hammers. Some people may have been ego invested in evil. The Washington Post had ties to Harvey Weinstein, for example. They may not have 100% repentant, at the time, but they seemed to have learned somethings?

When the "Avengers Infinity War" movie came out did people start to see some interesting Shrek meme's with Shrek or Jesus with a Infinity Gauntlet? How did Shrek come into people's consciousness suddenly when he had not been in the news? A day or two after the movie came out, we had "Kingdom of God: Infinity War" which was originally posted on

Previous Post: "Kingdom of God: Infinity War"

Given someone were on, and found someone mention a "Secret Rapture" it may be that people were experiencing God in a cause and effect way, and there was a Christian "Fight Club" online over social media for those who knew were to look. Some people don't like that idea? God scary. People should fear God.

The Four Horsemen

You read the New Testament with an Old Testament understand. The Four Horsemen have been around. They are in The Old Testament. (Ezekiel 5:17) The New Testament just gave a complex allegory for something God does. They have occurred across Europe and the Middle East in various ways.

The First Horsemen is a Conqueror. He is a Cyrus the Great or Hernan Cortez coming in to conquer. (Isaiah 45) He comes with three stressors:

"For this is what the Sovereign LORD says: How much worse will it be when I send against Jerusalem my four dreadful judgments--sword and famine and wild beasts and plague--to kill its men and their animals! (Ezekiel 14:21)

Hernan Cortez was God's First Horsemen. He came with war, famine, and plague. If you read his story, it works like God works in war in the Old Testament at times, and he brought God's judgment on the Aztecs who were a wicked people who practiced human sacrifice and other detestable things similar to the people in the land of Canaan when Israel came out of the wilderness.

Mass Punishment and God

Social pressure often works. Peer pressure. Imagine it is World War III. You have been drafted into the Army. Your Drill Sergeant shows you the regulations. He clearly defines standards, and what is expected of you. A few recruits disagree. They don’t want to do hard things or even simple things like cleaning up after themselves. They think they are special, and wait for other people to do those hard things for them. Someone tries to take leadership and says, “Hey, if we don’t get our act together, and do as Drill Sergeant instructed us, we are going to hurt.” They don’t want to listen.

You come back to your barracks from dinner chow. It was a hard day. You are looking forward to getting some letter from your loved ones. You may have some Army regulated personal time.

The barracks looks like a tornado blasted through it. Bunks have been flipped over. Lockers are laying on the floor. All your personal items have been torn out of your locker, and tossed across the barracks to God knows where. You know you are in trouble.

For the next three to six hours you and your entire platoon is in a giant sand pit sweating, and for some, crying, as you all do push-ups, sit-ups, and other physical training exercises to the point of muscle failure and beyond. Your Drill Sergeants are leading you, and at the same time, they walk back and forth telling you how dirty and filthy and gross you are, and what you need to do to remedy this situation. You listen very well. You hear everything they say because you need a distraction from the pain, and you don’t want it to happen again.

This is what The Four Horsemen are. One conqueror and three stressors. You didn’t want to listen to God? You would rather listen to some atheist who doesn’t believe God is worth following? Fine. Reset and Reload.

The Four Horsemen have come many times. Rome knew them. The Aztecs knew them. They are in the old testament. What will you do?

In the military complacency kills. Man doesn’t put his rifle on safe. His buddy doesn’t look for it and see it? The rifle accidentally goes off. His buddy died, and he is jail. Complacency in the face of sin and wickedness is similar except God’s anger is slow, and he patiently waits for the right time to strike.

After having free wrote this in 2015 on tumblr, I youtube searched Tornado. I found the song "Tornado."

The First Horseman - A Conqueror

Why hasn't some sort of cataclysmic event happened? It may have in an allegorical way. It may be that someone followed directions from God, and saw something, and asked God to have a go at it.

Song: "Bones from the Ground"

Song: "Whoop and Hollar"

What is the message here? Repent.

I have worked for God full time. Getting people's attention, someone may have to be "A Comedian" like an Archytype like in the movie "The Watchman?" (Ezekiel 33) That may be an understanding I received later, I followed directions, and did things as a servant to one's sorrow, and a servant of God. It is nobodies fault but yours.

1 comment:

  1. In the song "Whoop and Hollar" I was hearing someone's voice.

    Song: [Aint No Grave.](


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