Sunday, February 23, 2025

The United States WAS a Covenanted Nation

The United States was a Covenanted Nation.  This Covenant started at Valley Forge, with George Washington, and the Continental Army.  The particulars of this Covenant were kept secret....possibly to hide it from the Catholics and the Anglicans.  The Covenant ended up hidden in Freemasonry. 

There is cause and effect to the Spiritual.  Given God made a Covenant with The United States, what types of things or blessings may have come from this Covenant?  It is interesting that many of the European colonies in America ended up rebelling and starting their own republics.  It is interesting that many of the Monarchies of Europe ended.  It is interesting The United States ended up the world's lone Super Power after the Cold War.  A Covenant did not mean that the United States was 100% doing right by God, or following God.  In fact, there has been a big falling away.  There is cause and effect to the spiritual.  Given we understand that there was a Covenant, what types of things may we find in the United States that may be signs of the Covenant?  A man interested in the topic, may need to slow down, and reflect some with God. 

The Covenant God made with the United States, it was ended.  How do I know?  God queued me to go find some Freemasons, and make some declarations.  The Covenant ended.  This happened sometime in 2015.  Again, there is cause and effect to the spiritual.  How was The US, and Europe, and the World around 2015 compared to 2025? 

I am totally capable of showing someone all the cause and effect.  There is excitement in discovery with God.  Given someone has been reading this blog, they were walked into being able to talk to God.

Why take the Covenant away?  It was being abused, and abominations were being committed. 

Something to pray about and reflect on. 

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