Wednesday, February 12, 2025

God's Divine Scavenger Hunt Part 8

 Sitting around my apartment yesterday, I started receiving some questions about women.  How does a Post-Modern man deal with dating, and dealing with women in 2025, and is there some greater wisdom there?  There is no easy answer here.  It is ugly out there.  God has shown me some interesting things.  

Wisdom in the Bible is often personified as female.  Why?  A woman, she may have developed a fear of God.  She had a lot of fears.  She feared that her husband or sons would die, be maimed, end up in jail, or something.  She may have wanted to get along with polite society.  Is her husband some sort of barbarian who is going to humiliate her?  A woman doesn't have brute strength.  She needed guile.  She did things looking to turn, or help her husband make good decisions. 

Man is the head, he is a decision maker.  Woman is the neck, she turns the head.  She helps him make decisions. 

Song:  "Back to Life." Soul II Soul.  

  But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God.  (1 Corinthians 11:3) 

 Husband and wife, they are looking to go out to eat for lunch.  Husband looks at his wife, and asks "Where would you like to eat to day?"  She says "I don't know."  She says I don't know a lot when asks this question.  What is her husband?  A mind reader?  Her husband gets frustrated some. He doesn't understand that she is testing him.  She would like him to make good decisions.....even if it was subconscious. 

Christ is to man as man is to woman.  (No gay) 

Socrates was said to be the wisest of men.  Socrates says "I don't know." 

I don't know.  God knows. 

Men have honor.  A woman has a reputation.  Given a woman falls into sin, she was made a liar.  She lied to protect her reputation.  Did you believe her lies?  Working to court a virgin towards marriage is a lot different than "dating" a Taylor Swift. 

Song:  "I Think You Know What I Mean."  Gov't Mule.

Some women, they became wicked.  A wicked woman how was she turning men? 

My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
[a]Lend your ear to my understanding,
That you may [b]preserve discretion,
And your lips may keep knowledge.
For the lips of [c]an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;
But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
Sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death,
Her steps lay hold of [d]hell.
Lest you ponder her path of life—
Her ways are unstable;
You do not know them.  (Proverbs 5:1-6)

In Modern Liberalism, there is a false belief that all people were born good.  Philosophers who created Modern Liberalism were haters of God, who intentionally set themselves against God and Christianity.  In Christianity, we understand Original Sin, and that everyone was born flawed. There is evil in the world.  A Feminist, she may have believed that she was good in her ideology, and that nothing she could do was long as she was a liberal or socialist feminist.  This bad philosophy has worked to disguise, and blind people to, female evil.  Harlot is a word in the Bible.  Were you living in a Harlot Society drinking a Harlot's wine?  (Revelations 17)

There is a lot here for a man to reflect on and pray about.  Sometime in Summer 2014, growing in faith with God, I ended up with a "Head of a Woman," in that, suddenly I was able to understand womanese.  Every hint or suggestion that a woman had given me, in my past, I suddenly understood.   

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