Thursday, February 27, 2025

Prophet to the Nations

 Question:  What is a Prophet to the Nations? 

Given a prophet of God, there may have been roles he fills.  Prophet to the Nations is a role.  There is an article I like from an outside source, that is, a source not me. 

Article:  "Role of a Prophet."  from Kingdom Watchers Website.  

These roles could end up rolling through a man like a wagon wheel. 

For someone to be in the role of Prophet to the Nations, they may have had to go through some particular things.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. 

Hierarchies of Authority

In a society, there have been various hierarchies.  The most basic hierarchies may be the family.  A man is the head of his household.  His wife is a helper.  He has children who respect and honor him.  As a child, most young men learn to look up to mom and dad.  They are an authority who provides food and shelter and security. 

A hierarchy of authority may have been at school where we have a teacher and his classroom.  The students look up to the teacher and honor and respect him.  The teacher had his own hierarchies.  The teacher may have had the principle, the school board, and so on.  Another hierarchy may have been worker -  manager - district manager - CEO.  In the military there are hierarchies.  To see things more as God sees them, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, someone was shepherded outside of all hierarchies to where the only hierarchy is God - man. 

Prophet Jeremiah was prophet to the Nations.  Jeremiah was known as the Weeping Prophet.  He wept for his nation.  A man in the role of Prophet to the Nations may have had to learn to hate where he came from.  Not hate like he was working against his homeland as a traitor, but hate in order to separate one's self from love of country towards love of God and obedience. 

Race, as it has been perceived the last few hundred years, has been a social construct.  A lot of people may have ended up with "racial thinking."  A man learning to be Prophet to the Nations may have had to learn to hate where he came from, and his race, at least for a time, towards letting go with one's soul, and loving God with his soul. 

Learning to separate one's self, in a healthy way, with God, that is hard.  Someone could kill themselves.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor.  

Something to pray and reflect on. 


The Question:  Is race, as it has been perceived that last few hundred years, really a social construct? 

In Ancient Rome, there were Black Roman Emperors or Emperors from Africa.  There is the Shakespeare play "Othello" where the man character was a man with black skin.  This is a topic that has tended to rouse a lot of weirdos.  Don't be a weirdo.  

Given someone was to ask how Western Nations during the colonization period, how they learned to perceived race, the answer may be that Western Nations may have picked up some spirits and/or attitudes from China.  Were Christians, who were supposed to be serving God, over in China serving Mammon?  A supposed Christian serving Mammon may have done something foolish like Cowtow to a Chinese Emperor who had a cult around him.  Christian in pagan Rome would have rather been martyred.  Given some Christians ventured into idolatry in the far East, they may have picked attitudes and spirits.  The Chinese  have been very racist. 

Question:  What about the Jews? 

What about them?  In Spain around 1300 AD, religion was the main dividing line.  Someone was a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew?  Was someone "Anti-Semitic?"


: of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic (

The Jewish people have a long memory.  An Arab would be Semitic.  In Spain, and for most of history, religion was the major dividing line, and not race as it has been perceived today.  In Spain around 1300, someone was Christian or other. 

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