Thursday, February 27, 2025

God's Judgement of Nations

 God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  How does he judge Nations?  Lets start with the Old Testament. 

In the Old Testament, a Nation may have been judged on a standard of Righteousness.  Given a Nation was "More Righteous," it may have been ok.  A Nation that was being built by a hard group of survivalists may have tended to be "More Righteous."  When survival is threatened, men tend to be vigilant, and pay attention to detail.  This tends to produce a kind of righteousness.  The Promised Land was a crossroads area where there were a lot of trade routes, and armies looking to march through.  Israel was not to make entangling alliances with its pagan neighbors.  Instead, it was to be vigilant of dangers, and hold tight to God.  Given Israel followed all the Laws of Moses, it would have been more righteous. 

The people of Nineveh, they were doing things objectively wicked.  Objective wickedness someone may be able to read in Ezekiel 16:48-52.  People who are in sexual immorality, they develop hearts of stone.  Overtime, they may have done increasingly wicked things to each other, and the poor.  Some threshold of wickedness may have been reached where God unleashes his judgement of War, Famine, and Plague. 

God is slow to anger. 

God takes no pleasure in his judgement.  

God would like repentance. 

God sent Prophet Jonah to the people of Nineveh to call them into repentance.  They repented. Some Nations may have exceeded some sort of threshold where no amount of prophets sent would have mattered.  They would have killed the messengers....or did.  That is another type of threshold. 

God's judgement of Nations didn't change in the New Testament.  Given a Nation was more righteous, and doing well by God, it was blessed and fruitful.  Given a Christian Nation fell away, it may have experienced God's Judgement.  

We have developed here, the basis someone may need towards seeing God's hand in history.  Given someone has God, with prayer and reflection, someone may be able to discover some interesting things. 


  1. Question: Is prostitution and going to legal brothels considered sexual immorality?


    Christians are not to join their body with a prostitute. Someone who did so may have developed a heart of stone. A heart of stone is opposite of, set against, a circumcision of the heart.

  2. This is where "The Form of Something" is useful. There may have been certain sins that had a form.

    Israel could take war brides. Being a wife has value. In Islam there has been sex slavery. Islam thrived on the slave trade. We can see evidence of what may have happened in the past with ISIS. Also, in Islam, there has been "Temporary marriages." Temporary marriages is a form of legal, long term prostitution with a different label slapped on it.

    In the West since the sexual revolution, many females have prostituted themselves.

    The Form of Something.


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