Today, we are going to get into some subject matters that various Christians, on various sides of politics and theology, they have liked to fight me on. Were you comfortable, and part of The World? Being comfortable and complacent, some people have had opinions on theology. Opinions are like armpits. They stink. What is the objective Truth?
A nation or a family, who loved God, and was doing more the right things, they may have been blessed. They were fruitful. King David and King Solomon were blessed by God. Israel was fruitful. There were military victories, and plentiful harvests, and wealth through trade and discovered gold. A family or congregation that was doing more the right things, there may have been blessings there where people were fruitful. There is another side of blessings where someone was looking to control or manipulate God. That would be something like a Prosperity Gospel or some Satanists singing Psalms. Given someone was breaking down the Bible, looking to "Cast Spells," to control or manipulate, that would be sorcery. Around the Prosperity Gospel, given I saw a particular fruit, we may be able to investigate, and find links into the occult...probably Freemasonry; however, there may also be some other things going on.
God Almighty is God you cannot control. Pagans made gods looking to control something.
God, through Moses, lead Israel out of Egypt. The Hebrews, they saw the miracles, they saw prophecy fulfilled. The Hebrews had understanding of the inner workings of God. Moses went away for 40 days and 40 nights. When Moses came back, he found that the Hebrews, even Aaron, they had built a false idol, and they were associating things God had done with a false god they had made out of gold. God Almighty is God you cannot control. Pagans made gods looking to control something.
What do you want? Do you want money? Do you want attention? Do you want "Mystical Powers?" What do you want? Given The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not WANT. (Psalms 23)
Say "I don't care."
Saying "I don't care" is different from being in a state of not caring. Personally, I lived with depression for about five years in my later 20's. I hated life. I woke up hoping to die. "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." (John 12:25) There is a hard knocks of life way to get to the point where someone hates their life. Various Church fathers and monks, they lived in periods of isolation, they fasted, they lived hard.
Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, he was loved. His mom may have made him his favorite meals every so often. He may have had some games he liked playing with his dad and brothers. Joseph was given a coat of many colors. Joseph was loved and honored. One day, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery.
Living in slavery, deep down in Joseph's soul, he may have given up ever seeing his mom and dad again. Sitting in slavery, or prison, he may have dreamed of nicer times, the favorite meal is mom made for him, the animals he played with in his dad's herds. He may have had to let go of all that. In Joseph's misery, he sought God, and held tight to God.
Towards growing in faith, and being more spiritual, someone has to reject The World and reject things physical. There may be some hard knocks of life ways to get there. Saint Nicholas, he was made a bishop at age 20. This was way too young. A pagan emperor came into power, and Saint Nicholas ended up spending time in prison. He may have had to hold tight to God. This was the Hard Knocks of life way towards coming closer to God. There is also better ways, where someone is choosing God, and choosing to do the right things seeking God. God is long suffering. Our trials bring us closer to God. (James 1:2-4)
Something to reflect and pray on.
Question: How is it wrong to sing Psalms?
ReplyDeleteI became aware of a particular form of Satanism where someone sings Psalms towards invoking something. God is Honorable. A lot of people don't understand honor in 2025. Honor was a 1950's thing and good riddance. God is honorable and doesn't lie. Real Satanism may have been looking towards invoking God in someway towards gain.
It is not wrong to sing Psalms. Why was someone singing them? The "Why," what is in someone's heart, is important.
God is long suffering. Our trials bring us closer to God. Towards coming closer to God, someone may have had some Acts of Fortitude.
ReplyDeleteIt is not some sort of sick contest to see who can hate life more, or suffer most. Given you have to compare and contrast, and try to rank something, you are wrong. It is not about who is best or greatest.
Given someone is someone is a Servant of God, it may be like being on a divine race track. On this track everyone has their own lane. All a man has to do is stay his lane at his own pace and speed. Don't fall out. It is a blessing just to be there. Someone doesn't need to compare themselves with this person or that, or try to rank the prophets or the saints. Doing so is foolishness. God has a plan. Everyone does their part in God's good plans.