Saturday, February 1, 2025

Spiritual Warfare - Occult Mysticism Part 2

What does someone fear? Given someone could see the Spiritual like a Seer, he may have become aware of certain spiritual entities.  Certain spiritual entities, like demons, they fed off fear.  They fed off fear sort of like a bully in middle school.  What is someone afraid of?  Do they have a fear of God? God tests the heart. 

Faith may be a state.  Faith is evidence of things unseen.  (Hebrews 11:1)  In an aspect of Faith, faith my be a state where a man is in a State of Faith, with no fear and no doubt.  Fear and doubt kill faith.  Given someone had fears and doubts, they should go to their secret place with God, possibly somewhere alone like a bedroom, and maybe take a nap, or go into prayer and meditation. 

 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.  (James 1:5-8)  

Ever notice how some people are naturally gifted at certain things?  Some people they were natural runners.  Some people may have been natural with math and numbers.  Some people may have been natural singers.  Dealing with spiritual things, may be a skill.  Someone becomes conditioned against spiritual things.  It may be that God built me to be conditioned against certain things.  Other people, they may have to work at it more. 

Given you are reading this blog, and you need to center yourself.   Don't do something foolish. 

For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  (Matthew 24:24)

 The Bible warns against false prophets forming wonders and signs.  Someone like Vladmir Rasputin was an Occult Sorcerer.  He was said to perform a miracle and heal the Tsar's son of hemophilia.  There is reason to how he went about that. 

The Bible mentions Mediums like the Witch of Endor.  There is reason to how that happened.  There have been people calling themselves Mediums for centuries.  Sometimes they may have been fake.  Sometime.....not. 

I may be able to explain to someone what was going on with various mystics.  Would they be tempted into sin?  The point is that these things have existed, and engaging in Spiritual Warfare, someone may have become aware of them through God.  Engaging in warfare, someone may need to understand their enemy.  Someone getting into Occult Mysticism may have damned themselves.   They grew up in a Christian society and chose "Other."  They chose poorly.  There is a difference between converting Pagan Rome, and dealing with people in French Monastery, who lost their minds, and started performing Black Mass rituals.  Every so often, during Christmas, or at a University, some Satanists want to perform a Black Mass.  Did you understand that came from Fallen Christians who had made Oaths to God?  A lot of Western Occult Mysticism has been derived from fallen Christians.  

The penitent man shall pass. Someone needs to repent and be humble before God.  A Fear of God is healthy, and a good thing.  Fear of God takes away fear of Man. (And other things.) God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  You are doing the right things?  Perfect love knows no fear.  


  1. Question: Is there a point, if any, that someone could not repent, and find God?


    You will find that in Deuteronomy 13 and Hebrews 10:26-27.

    Many people, many Christians, they have been to Church for tradition, as a social gathering. Many Christians may have had barriers, stumbling blocks to finding God and growing in faith. Given someone grew up in a Church, and fell away, they could still be saved.

    Given someone knew God, had grown in faith, had a circumcision of the heart, that person could not come back.

    Certain Fallen Christians, they knew God, and chose something else. Someone who knew God, may have had insight into some of God's inner workings. Balaam Son of Beor, he was considered a prophet in Judaism. In Christianity, he is considered a sorceror. Balaam may have known God, and chosen something else. (Deuteronomy 13) Given someone was into certain Occult Ritualism created by Fallen Christians, those people could not come back.

  2. After Christ, someone didn't necessarily have to be a Prophet to be a Seer. (Matthew 13:15-17) Saint Patrick would be an example of a Christian Seer who engaged in Spiritual Warfare in Ireland, resulting in the proselytization of the Island.


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