In February 2014, I had been on Twitter. I started working for God full time, and I had between tweeting songs for God, with God. Some of the songs I used were prophetic. Anyone could have the gift of prophecy. A four year old girl could have the gift of prophecy. A Church Elder could have the gift of prophecy. Anyone could have the gift of prophecy. God gives irrevocable gifts. Someone who grew up in a Church, and then ended up a Freemason, or in the Occult, could also have had the gift of prophecy. Part of God's Divine Scavenger Hunt, over several years, was finding certain prophetic people. This episode is how I became The Real Slim Shady.
It was April 2014, a Friday, and I went to the Veteran Administration there in Murfreesboro, TN. I ended up talking to a doctor, and I looked the doctor in the eye, and told him "I talk to God." He freaked out on me. He about jumped out of his skin. He became a hysterical and demanded......he demanded I be institutionalized. I suppose I walked into the wrong end of the VA.
I agreed to be institutionalized in order to prove I wasn't crazy. It was Friday, and the doctors had all gone home. It was after 3:00 pm. Personally, when I was in Afghanistan, there were no weekends. I worked twelve hours a day, seven days a week. I worked the night shift. I was a little irritated losing my Friday, and sitting there all weekend, with nothing to do.
They did try to drug me. I didn't need their drugs. I was all natural. I don't even take Advil. I refused their drugs.
Sunday came along, and before bed time, they tried to offer me some drugs, and I refused them. The nurse gave me this attitude like "It is your funeral." That was the first sign that they slipped drugs into my dinner. I did all right that night. I was uncomfortable, but I lived.
The doctors finally showed up Monday morning. I ended up being interviewed by a foreign female doctor. She was greeted by me letting her know how weak the doctors there a polite way. Didn't show up all weekend. Slipped drugs into my dinner. Who did they think they are? I am not a lawyer, but I ended up being able to finding all the right buttons to push, and letting them know that I wanted out. They couldn't keep me there legally.
I ended up taking a personality test Monday. Tuesday I was asked by said female doctor "How did you do so well?" in a surprised way. I supposed I shrugged my shoulders. The test was looking to see if you had a balanced personality. Could someone be conduct themselves in a healthy manner, or were they weak, allowing people to walk all over them, or abusive and over the top. I walked the line. I also had God on this multiple choice test.
I ended up released Tuesday afternoon. I had spent five days in a mental health asylum.
To be tweeting or posting online, certain songs, for God, in a prophetic way, I may have had to fit into the song, and have experienced some things. Some songs, they may have been prophetic. Tweeting or posting said songs, for God, in an understanding of The Power of the Tongue, I may have had to be fulfilling them in God's plans for me. This brings us to the Real Slim Shady video, where the main character of the video is in an Asylum. The Return of what? The Return of who? Not Slim Shady.
It took me a few years after the asylum, before I really understood what Slim Shady was. Eminiem was said to be Illuminati. Knowing not much else about Eminem, just looking at his music, his fruit, we may be able to see some things.
In the 1776 Illuminati, there was Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a Professor of Cannon Law. He was a very educated man. Weishaupt, and his Perfectibilists, they took on aliases. These aliases may have had allegorical meanings. Weishaupt became Spartacus. Spartacus was an escaped Roman Slave, who started a rebellion against Rome. The Romans ended up capturing many of the former slaves in the end, and when asked who was Spartacus, many of them replied "I AM Spartacus!! Weishaupt may have seen himself a "Free Thinker" an escaped slave of Catholicism. Weishaupt as a professor, he worked to make copies of himself. Is that not exactly what Slim Shady was, but in a 1990's way?
Tweeting songs for God, I may have been experienced something. Either I experienced it prior to, that is, prior to working for God, I experienced it working for God, or I was about to experience something, where I could fit into the song, and hit some sort of standard or qualification to be tweeting it.
Question: What did you think of the song "Rap God?"
ReplyDeleteThe song was clearly Luciferian, where Marshall is talking about being a god.
Who do you think he was worried about? That may have been prophetic.