The last few days, testimony has been given pertaining to God's Divine Scavenger Hunt. Given someone found this blog post first, they should go back and read God's Divine Scavenger Hunt first. We have been working to lead people into understanding. Given someone cannot follow instructions, they may hurt themselves. Please follow instructions.
Imagine for yourself, a small Island, like the Island of Malta. This island, it is separated from the rest of society, and only 10,000 people live there. This population of 10,000 is men and women and children, and they are living under God, on Earth as it is in Heaven. They were living with God.
Marriage is a sacred thing. There may be particular rules in place to ensure that everyone is chaste until marriage. There is no sexual immorality or adultery or lies.
Given a man and woman, in marriage, both had an open third eye, and were Seers, they may be in intelligent design of how men and women are to be together in marriage and intimacy. They may be able to read each others minds and emotions. They are one flesh, a unit. They may be able to talk to God, and be in God's counsel. They are living in harmony with each other, and with God.
Given sin entered the Island, this harmony was disrupted. It would need to be addressed, and removed. The Body of Christ is a society. Given sin enters the body, it may be like a wound. Wounds fester. Given a wound wasn't addressed, the body may die.
A Priest of Baal may have been a Seer who believed in "Holy Prostitution." He was an Evil person looking to be "One Flesh" with many. Being One Flesh with many, he may be able to read minds through demons, and do other such things.
Dr. Carl Jung, he was an Occult Pagan Seer. It is not hard to web search that, I don't care to link it here. The Spiritual works in a particular way. Anything Dr Carl Jung may be off and wrong. There may be something to it because there are rules to the spiritual, and he may have been working on some particular rules or laws.
Dr. Carl Jung wrote about The Collective Unconscious. In someone's subconscious, there may be have been demons. Most people are unaware, asleep, not awake to this. A Seer, a Mystic, he was becoming aware. In Kundalini Yoga, someone was unaware, they worked to become aware, and integrate. In Shadow Integration, someone was unaware. They worked to become aware, and integrate. The difference between Kundalini Yoga and Shadow Integration may be that in Yoga, they were cultivating particular demons. In Shadow Integration, there may have been any number of things in someone's subconscious. From Dr Carl Jung and Shadow Integration, we have an understanding of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. In both Yoga and Shadow Integration, someone was becoming a "More Possessed" person. They were possessed and unaware before. They became a "More Possessed" person where they were thinking and perceiving and motivated through demons.
The Collective Unconscious is in the Bible.
- Mob shows up at Lot's house. (Genesis 19)
- Mob shows knocks on door of house Levite is staying in. (Judges 19)
- In 2022, Self-Entitled Egotists in a Gay Pride Parade, who felt they were Holy and Moral in their wickedness, they knock on someone's door looking to know him carnally.
What lead to the mobs, knocking on someone's door, looking to know a man carnally? They were in Baal Worship and Temple prostitution. They had particular demons running through the collective unconscious.
Is there something to mind control and the third eye? There is. That is not of God. That is a corruption and demonic. Man was meant to be living in harmony. Given we are to research MkUltra, were they using elements of Dr. Carl Jung and Occult Mysticism?
Operation Midnight Climax
Operation Midnight Climax was established in order to study the effects of LSD on non-consenting individuals. Prostitutes on the CIA payroll were instructed to lure clients back to the safehouses, where they were surreptitiously plied with a wide range of substances, including LSD, and monitored behind one-way glass. The prostitutes were instructed in the use of post-coital questioning to investigate whether the victims could be convinced to involuntarily reveal secrets. The victims were sometimes fed subliminal messages in attempts to induce them to involuntary actions, including criminal activity such as robbery, assault, and assassination. Many of the CIA operatives involved in the experiments voluntarily indulged in the drugs and prostitutes for recreational purposes.[4] Additionally, information from Wilmington News Journal on October 15, 1978, reports from a FOIA request that, "the spy agency purchased two pounds of Yohimbine hydrochloride... by Dr. Robert V. Lashbrook, the chief aide to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb." The role of Dr. Lashbrook was to, "monitor and approve materials for Operation Midnight Climax."[8] (
The glove seems to fit. The evidence seems to line up. There are clear themes here.
Christian societies value virgin brides. Wiccans, who claim to be modern day Witches, have believed in a mother goddess with a goat headed consort. Satanists have believed in "sacred prostitution." Was your nation or Church more of a Virgin Israel or a Harlot Ezekiel 23? Drinking a Harlot's Wine? (Revelations 17)
Christian societies value virgin brides. Given most people someone knew, given they were not virgins when they married, you do not live in a Christian society.
The following is from an article on the city of Baalbek.
The town became a battleground upon the rise of Christianity.[82][h] Early Christian writers such as Eusebius (from nearby Caesarea) repeatedly execrated the practices of the local pagans in their worship of the Heliopolitan Venus. In AD 297, the actor Gelasinus converted in the middle of a scene mocking baptism; his public profession of faith provoked the audience to drag him from the theater and stone him to death.[82][3] In the early 4th century, the deacon Cyril defaced many of the idols in Heliopolis; he was killed and (allegedly) cannibalised.[82] Around the same time, Constantine, though not yet a Christian, demolished the goddess' temple, raised a basilica in its place, and outlawed the locals' ancient custom of prostituting women before marriage.[82] Bar Hebraeus also credited him with ending the locals' continued practice of polygamy.[88] The enraged locals responded by raping and torturing Christian virgins.[82] They reacted violently again under the freedom permitted to them by Julian the Apostate.[3] The city was so noted for its hostility to the Christians that Alexandrians were banished to it as a special punishment. (
Christian societies value virgin brides. Were you living in a Christian society, or a society headed closer to Baalbek? Areas of some major US Cities, and even some smaller ones, are already there. They are disgusting. People have been flaunting God's Judgement of War, Famine, and Plague.
The spiritual works in a particular way. Are you starting to come into understanding? I was prodigal son in June 2014. I had to work through some things.
Previously: "A Bridegroom Part 1" on In God We Trust.
I recommend reading through that part of the blog, with insight as to what was happening.
Given someone was in sexual immorality.......they were sexually immoral with someone who was sexually immoral, and so on. Someone may have been six degrees from Matt Damon. Matt Damon was sexual immoral with someone who was in a Puff Daddy party, who was immoral with someone at a college, who was immoral with "Some Guy" who had a job and a car and ended up marrying her.
When man and woman come together, they are of "One Flesh." Given a lot of people were "One Flesh," they may have been a blob or in a river of the dead. Somewhere in that blob, there may have been a Satanic Occultist who was perceiving he was empowered, through demons. That would be what Baal worship was. Now you know.
Be careful with this understanding. Turn to The Lord Jesus Christ and pray. Repent of your sins. Christian societies value virgin brides. Given someone was in a Harlot Ezekiel 23 society.....that society could be shot. God's Judgement may happen.