Who exactly is Satan? Understanding, and being aware of Satan, is a major part of growing in faith with God, and being able to see. Someone needs to start with God, and be reading their Bible. God has a character. Off of God, we may be able to see things "Not-God." There are other players out there.
Socratic Paradox - Given all men are out to do what is good, or in their best interests, how can evil exist?
We can answer this paradox with the existence off Satan. Satan was a liar. He worked to put skew man's perspectives.
For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8)
What is darkness? Darkness is lies and false perceptions. Satan was known as The Lord of Lies, the Prince of Darkness. Husband and wife, they are sitting on the couch. Husband asks his wife, "Where is the TV remote?" She says "It is under the couch." She lied. She had hid it in her purse. For about five minutes or so, her husband may be in "The Dark." He starts looking for the TV remote under the couch, but it is not there. He figures out quickly that his wife lied to him, and he gets angry. This is an example is a small lie. Given there was a false prophet or false teacher, generations of men, they could have ended up in darkness. God judges the false teachers more harshly. (Matthew 18:6)(James 3:1)
Muhammad was a false prophet. Muhammad went to the ancestors of Ishmael, and said it was Ishmael who was to be sacrificed by Abraham. All the prophets of the Bible, they knew it to be Isaac. This is a point of pride. Satan worked on points of pride. It is also a "Point of Intersection." At this point of intersection, concerning whom Abraham was to sacrifice, a lie was told, and perspectives skewed. Black Magic Satanism worked on Points of Intersection. In Academia, given we find a Professor talking about "Intersectionality," that may have been a Satanist. Personally, I would ask such a person some probing questions or make probing comments. I may name drop Aleister Crowley. Given a Professor seemed knowledgeable about the topic, or had a strong opinion one way or another, that was a Satanist.
In Dante's "Divine Comedy," Muhammad was at the bottom of hell. God judges the false teachers more harshly. A false teacher, a false prophet, they may have put generations of men into darkness.
Satan was a thief. He liked to steal things from Christians.
- Humanism came from Christian Theologians. We have "Secular Humanism," a corruption.
- Progress, like Progressivism, Progress is a "City Upon a Hill." Progress is a The Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God has particular values. Progressivism came out of Christian Churches. Progressivism has been shanghaied by Satan. In 2019, was progress having men in girl's bathrooms?
- Awake is something particular in the Bible. (Ezekiel 12:2)(Proverbs 20:12)(Isaiah 42:7)(Matthew 13:15-17) Awake may be like Stephen, seeing God in heaven before he died. (Acts 7:55) Woke would be a corruption. Woke came from people more similar to Rev Jesse Jackson, Freemason,and his rainbow coalition. Both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, they had a particular mysticism.
- Bad Company corrupts good character. (1 Corinthians 15:33) When someone hears the term "Bad Company," do they think of the Bible verse, or do they think of the band Bad Company singing the song "Bad Company?"
- Was something "Wicked Awesome?" Did people mistake good for bad and bad for Good? (Isaiah 5:20)
These are examples of Satan being a liar and a thief. LGBT is a social construct. There has been a lot of Spiritual Warfare going on around LGBT. When they took a rainbow as their flag, did that come from Rev Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition? Words like Islamophobe, and Homophobe, they are made up words. Those are words that came from somewhere particular around Academia, They are words meant to twist and bind up Christians, and put Christians into a cage. A lot of spiritual warfare has come from "Secular Humanist" people in Academia. Where we are finding these types of words, and spiritual warfare, there may have been some Occult Satanism going on, like "Eyes Wide Shut."
In 2024, there were Anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Islam and Secular Humanism, they have been in an Unholy Alliance for decades. Secular Humanists, Satanists, they have been feeding Islam. The enemy of my enemy is my friend? We may be able to see evidence of this Unholy Alliance in the protests on college campuses in 2024. How exactly do we end up with LGBT Pro-Hamas protestors? There was an unholy alliance between Secular Humanism and Islam.
Satan and his schemes, is a big topic. I may write some more about it later.
Question: Is this dangerous?
ReplyDeleteDangerous was someone who hated God and Christians, and made a lot of poor choices.
Personally, I was in Afghanistan. The real enemy was back home. The real enemy was Secular Humanist Satanists.
God does not lie. God keeps his promises. Given someone ended up on the wrong side of the line.......too bad.
Question: Where did you learn about Black Magic Satanism?
ReplyDeleteMy understanding of Satan started with the Socratic Paradox. That was important.
I participated in the /r/Religion community for awhile in 2016-17 or so. There was a Satanist there. He was teaching about Black Magic Satanism and doing AMA's. I looked over his stuff. It all made sense to me.
Given someone is getting serious about Spiritual Warfare, it may be worthwhile to watch a documentary on Aleister Crowley and Vladmir Rasputin. There was a 1980's interview with LaVey's daughter that was helpful as well.