Words have meaning. What does it mean to be a Fundamentalists? In basketball, dribbling would be a fundamental skill. Given someone couldn't dribble a basketball well, he may have had a rough time working to play a basketball game. Being able to catch a baseball would be a fundamental skill. Someone who couldn't catch a baseball may have had a rough time trying to play a game of baseball. There are Fundamentals to Christianity. Was someone using The Word "Fundamentalist" in a derogatory way? That person may have been a Luciferian, who was selectively reading their Bible, with a lot of bad theology.
A Liberal Christian, he says "The Bible is Allegorical." Ok. Yes, there are allegories in the Bible. The Spiritual is complex and other dimensional. That could be 4th or 5th dimensional. I don't overly think about it, the spiritual is other dimensional. Other dimensional things are complex, and people have used allegories to related complex other dimensional things. In Ezekiel 1, Prophet Ezekiel had a vision of angels. Ezekiel 1 would be a complex allegory. In The Book of Revelations, John had a vision of the spiritual. This was complex. Complex Allegories were used to describe what he saw. Biblical Allergies, they need to be tied to real things. There may be a Literal Understanding. A Liberal Christian who said "The Bible is Allegorical," he was looking to selectively read, and unbind said Allegories towards him being able to use said Allegories anyway he chose to. That makes him a false prophet. Allegories and the Spiritual, that gets into the realm Seers and Prophets.
Someone who says "The Bible is Allegorical," towards dismissing things he doesn't like, he could have been venturing into a variety of heresies. Given someone was a "New Testament Only Christian," that is a particular heresy that has been around since early Christianity in Ancient Rome. We read the New Testament from an Old Testament understanding. Someone like Apostle Paul, before there was a New Testament, he was teaching out of the Book of Isaiah, showing people how Jesus had been fulfilling prophecy. A Liberal Christian may have been dismissing certain things in the Bible towards "Cosmic Christianity." Cosmic Christianity is veering closer to New Age and Occult Mysticism.
Fredrick Nietzsche, he intentionally made himself a false prophet. Nietzsche wrote "Thus Saith Zarathustra," Zarathustra being the false prophet of Zoroastrianism. Fredrick Nietzsche said "God is dead," towards being able to rethink, rebuild society in some other image. A Liberal Christian, or just a Liberal person, he may have said things like "Too bad Nietzsche was tied up in Nazism," or "You don't really understand Nietzsche." This is a sign that such person was a Utopian Thinker and Luciferian, looking to rebuild society from the Ground Up. That would be part of what "Woke" was.
Was someone "Modern," like a Modern Man? Modernism started with the French Revolution and ended with the Fall of the Berlin Wall. We have been in Post-Modernism since the end of the Cold War. One of the key elements of Post-Modernism has been Moral Relativism. Someone was questioning all moral truths, and saw everything as subjective. This lead many towards Nihilism. Woke was birthed out of this moral relativism. In 2007, a lot of college students may have had a hard time saying "Hitler was evil." In this moral relativism and Nihilism, Woke, ideology as religion came about. Truth was being questioned towards people just accepting ideology. Just go with the crowd. Someone believed they were a good person in "Woke." They were not person. They were an evil and worthless person. Woke may have cone from Belial. Given someone was Woke, they should repent, and seek The Lord Jesus Christ.
We are not in Modernism. We are in Post-Modernism, and Christianity is objective. Was someone in The Dark or The Light of The Lord?
The Bible is both literal and allegorical. The allegories need to be tied to very literal and particular things. The Spiritual is layered like a Divine Comedy. On the ground level, we may have something literal, something physical. As we go up layers, like Layers in the Atmosphere, there may be allegories.
Words have meaning and power. Different ideas or concepts, they work in particular ways. Part of understanding Spiritual Warfare is understanding Words and Concepts.
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