God is not political. God is neither left nor right wing. God isn't a liberal or conservative. God is not a Fascist or a Communist. God is above all these petty fights. Where God does become political is where someone created politics against him. Awake is a particular thing in the Bible. (Ezekiel 12:2)(Matthew 13:15-17) Woke would be where someone stole some things from Christianity, and twisted it, and presented it back to man in a corrupt way. Awake may be like Stephan before he died, seeing The Lord Jesus Christ at the right hand of God. (Acts 7:54-60) Woke is where someone was creating ideology as a religion, to serve man's purposes.
Luciferians - Someone saw God as the dark, and man or something else as The Light.
Our conception of Right and Left politically, it came from The French Revolution. The character of the French Revolution was Luciferian. The Revolutionaries were Anti-Clerical, Anti-Catholic, in Catholic France. This was not a Protestant vs Catholic thing like the wars in Germany. Luciferian vs Christian. Luciferians are occultists. The fruit of The French Revolution was a Reign of Terror, political instability, and lost wars and prestige.
In understanding Satan's Schemes, and politics, we may be looking for Luciferians. There is a 1776 Illuminati. Someone like Adam Weishaupt was a professor, a teacher of Civil and Canon Law, a Philosopher. He was a very educated man who had a lot of knowledge about Church Law. This is getting close to "A Satan." Albert Pike, was known for reforming Freemasonry. Albert Pike would be a Luciferian. Pike saw God as the dark, and man or something else as the light. Karl Marx was a Luciferian. Bohemianism, a movement coming out of Paris, France, around 1850 or so, they were Luciferians.
A lot of people have been twisted in a variety of politics. They may have been shepherded by false or worthless shepherds. They were part of The World. When we are looking at Satan's Schemes and Politics, we are looking for Luciferians, Occultists who have had a particular fruit, and potential false prophets.
Christianity tends towards tradition. Christianity isn't necessarily conservative, it is traditional. Given someone was in The Light of the Lord, why would they need to change? Given there is change in perceptions, who or what was driving it?
Previously: "Discovering the Soul" on In God We Trust
Liberal theology grew out of the Enlightenment's rationalism and the Romanticism of the 18th and 19th centuries. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was characterized by an acceptance of Darwinian evolution, use of modern biblical criticism, and participation in the Social Gospel movement.[5] This was also the period when liberal theology was most dominant within the Protestant churches. Liberal theology's influence declined with the rise of neo-orthodoxy in the 1930s and with liberation theology in the 1960s.[6] Catholic forms of liberal theology emerged in the late 19th century. By the 21st century, liberal Christianity had become an ecumenical tradition, including both Protestants and Catholics.[7] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Christianity)
Who is someone of "One Mind" with? As a group of men are growing in faith together, they learn to think more alike. They learn to see things more as God sees them. The character of "Liberal Christianity" is Luciferian. Liberal Christians were choosing to think more like Atheists. "Modern Biblical Criticism" today is run by Occultists and weirdos. Given found a community online where they proclaimed "Bible Criticism," there may have been Witches and Warlocks and Satanists running the community. Pick a University near you. Go to the Universities Theology program. Look at the reader board. The reader board is where classes and events are advertised. What is being advertised? Things like "Feminist Intersectionalism" and how to be an LGBT ally? That is not Christianity. Somewhere in that theology program, a professor, he is possibly an Occult person. A Luciferian.
Given someone has a Divinity degree, who exactly are his peers? To be Holy is to be separate. Was a Divinity program at a University, was it being run by Atheists and Occultists like Harvard making an Atheist its Head Chaplin? Is that who was teaching someone? Are those your peers? To be Holy is to be separate. Someone with a Divinity degree was being set up to be a false teacher. He was being set up for failure.
What does it mean to be a Conservative? Around 2007, given someone went to a Tea Party gathering, they may have found a variety of people from a variety of ideologies. Most of the people there identified as "Not-Modern Liberal" and "Not a Socialist." There may have been Neo-Liberals, Neo-Cons, Libertarians, Globalists and Nationalists. There may have been a variety of people. Most God Fearing Christians have tended to be Values Voters. In that Big Tent of Conservatism, even among people who were Values Voters, there may have been something Satanic. Satan and demons, they have liked to attack people in authority. Given someone wasn't aware, they may have been compromised. Is someone in The Light of The Lord? Why would someone need to compromise?
When Donald Trump won the Presidency last November, there was a Satanic Group associated with the World Economic Forum that did a full court press. Donald Trump selected five cabinet members out of a Foxnews crowd. The WEF group, it threw mainstream media under the bus, and it started attacking Foxnews, and and independent Youtubers. Unless someone was aware of Satan and his schemes, and equipped to handle it, that someone was compromised.
Some things to reflect and pray on.
Conservatives since The End of the Cold War, they may have been trying to "Keep the Peace." Establishment Republicans seem to have been working in tandem with The Democrats towards deception.
ReplyDeleteSome conservatives, they have tried to keep the peace and not rock the boat. STOP THAT. That is appeasement. That type of mind set only makes things worse.
To be Holy is to be separate. Are you someone's buddy, someone's friend? I am a millennial. I am aware that I have a proclivity towards "being nice" and getting along. Engaging in Spiritual Warfare, you are nobodies friend. A man may have to fight against that inclination and separate himself. A Christian is not of The World. He does things pleasing to God and not man.