Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalpse

 God is scary.  Fear of God is a good thing.  Fear of God takes away fear of man.  (And fear of other things.)  God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  You are doing the right things?  What do you have to fear?  Perfect love knows no fear. 

It was someone time in Fall 2013, and I was sitting at my computer in my apartment.  I had been becoming spiritually aware.  Suddenly, Revelations Jesus is floating around behind me, looking over my shoulder. Revelations Jesus would be Jesus as described in the Book of Revelations.  Jesus wasn't giving me anything in-particular that day.  I was becoming aware of him, and aware of scary things around him, and in the spiritual. 

"Creeping Death," like the Metallica song, that may have been an Angel.  God has had Angels with a variety of purposes.  I had to deal with this awareness. 

Song:  "Creeping Death" Metallica.  

Dealing with a fear of God, what I would do is go for a walk.  I was walking three or four miles, with music.  I would ball up, in my mind, everything I had become aware of that scared me into a ball, and place it behind me as I was walking.  A fear of God would propel me forward like a force.  This helped.  Overtime, I become conditioned to uncomfortable spiritual things. 

Fear of God is a good thing.  A man with a Fear of God may have been able to stand before Kings and Judges and Magistrates, and say whatever God needed him to say, with confidence and authority, in faith, a personal relationship with God. 

One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.  (Ezekiel 5:12) 

War, Famine, and Plague are something God has done or let loose.  In the Book of Revelations, there were seals.  From time to time, throughout history, God may have  let loose certain things, opened up some seals.  Not all the seals.  Some of the seals.  History has been working towards the Kingdom of God, and a completion of things.  For that to happen, Christianity needed to spread around the world.  Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess.  All mankind will be under God in a completion of The Kingdom of God.  

War, Famine, and Plague are something that God has let loose from time to time.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  (Ecclesiastes 1:9-18)  Can you read the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:3)  We may be able to explore God's hand in history more later. 

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