Christianity is standards based. Someone met the standard or they did not. Someone was fail or pass. Someone was a no-go or a go. Did someone "miss the mark?" Pick yourself up and try again. Someone is in darkness or The Light of The Lord. (Ephesians 5:8) It is black and white. Was there a pastor, or other religious authority, that didn't like "Black and White thinking?" He was a false teacher, possibly in some sort of New Age or Occult Mysticism. Let's work out some ideas and concepts towards understanding, and growing in Faith with The Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith is a journey. Towards growing more in faith, Christians should be becoming of "One Mind." (Philippians 2:2) As a group of men are growing in faith together, they learn to think more alike. They learn to see things more as God sees them.
Everything a man needed to understand God was in Judea, Rome around 33 AD. When it comes to Philosophy, was something helping men into understanding, or taking away from? Philosophers and Academics, they like to work off each other. Given there was a false teacher, given there was bad thought, a series of bad thoughts, bad philosophy was created over several generations potentially. This could be a "Grapevine of thought." Jesus Christ is the true vine; the father the vitner. (John 15:1)
A lot of people have taken inventions like the printing press and the internet for granted. Through most of history, there were centers of learning. Given these centers of learning were wrong, overtime, they may have ended up been cut off. The Library of Alexandria may have had corrupt material. It burnt down. The city of Antioch was a major center of Christian learning. The City of Antioch was destroyed. Baghdad in 1258 AD was a major center of learning. Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols. These would be examples of The Father as a vine cutter. God judges the false teachers more harshly. (James 3:1) A false teacher, a false prophet, he may have put generations of men into darkness.
Given someone was of the world, and was loving with their soul an -ism, that could be Secular Humanism, Liberalism, Neo-liberalism, Feminism, Socialism, and so on......they should seek God, and Love The Lord their God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind. Part of loving God with your soul is identity. As Christians we don't identity in -ism. Someone is Christian or other. Did someone disagree? They may have been heretical or Lukewarm, and of the world. Jesus spits or pukes out the Lukewarm. (Revelations 3:16) God's plan is God's Kingdom, and God's Kingdom has particular values. Was someone resisting? Being a resister, they were on The Wrong Side of History. (Daniel 12:1-4)
Previously: "Discovering the Soul" on In God We Trust
What is building the Kingdom of God today? In 2014, I became aware of God's Judgement of War, Famine, and Plague. I understood The Kingdom of God, and Kingdom of God values. Rome wasn't built in a day, but given I had a year, who or what was most in the way? In 2014, I may generalize what was most in the way as Secular Humanism. A Secular Humanist could be a Socialist, Feminist, Modern Liberal and so on. Mostly, they were rejecting The Lord Jesus Christ, and stealing certain concepts from Christianity. Given that was someone reading here, repent immediately, and Seek the Lord Jesus Christ.
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