Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Kingdom of God Shadow War

 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light  (Ephesians 5:8) 

What happens in The Darkness?  What happens behind closed doors?  Do you know?  God knows.  As a young person, growing up, a child may have looked to his parents for security, and direction.  Mom and dad are mom and dad.  They are figures of authority.  When a young person grows up, they may leave their parents household.  As a man working for God, growing in faith, was a man's parents repentant, or were they unrepentant and hiding some things?  Working to broach the subject may be tough.  You are their child, and they are an authority.  A man may receive authority from God. 

34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.  (Matthew 10:34-37)  

 Summer 2014, God started showing me what happens behind closed doors in a Ezekiel 8 way.  He would show me things that were more interpersonal to me, things with family or acquaintances.  I may have worked to deal with those things in reasonable ways.  God would show me things on more of a National level.    

A lot of what I was being shown, I started to group under a label of "Eyes Wide Shut," like the movie.  Eyes Wide Shut may be a group of occultists that meet at a bar, near a Church, and engaged in ritualistic debauch like an Aleister Crowley.  This could be any Church, in any major city.  Eyes Wide Shut may be a Fraternity with corrupt initiation rituals at a college.  Eyes Wide Shut may be "Killing Kittens" sex group created by "Friend of Kate Middleton."  Eyes Wide Shut may be an expensive swingers club in Beverly Hills.  Epstein Island and Puff Daddy would be part of Eyes Wide Shut. 

There was a "Black Pope," who was from a Protestant background, relating to Skull and Bones, who had been living like a corrupt King Solomon, with many concubines.  They would do Black Mass type things, and "End of Days," the movie type things.  They had a "Shadow Government."  There was Obama in 2014.  A shadow government may have been people around Washington DC, to include cabinet members, congressmen, and Obama's, both of them, and their daughters, engaging in particular ritual mysticism in ways to mock God.  Working for God Summer 2014, as a servant to my sorrow, I ended up taking all their stuff, taking Satan's Kingdom, like a Thief in the Night.  This had to do with my Taylor Swift Testimony I gave five years ago here on this blog. 

I effectively became "Shadow President" of the United States of America.  More like The Emperor.  (1 Peter 2)  When Donald Trump became president, I stayed out of his way, and allowed him to succeed or fail on his own.  Whatever I have can die with me.  This where we have "Kingdom of God Shadow War."  There is a testimony relating to this throughout the blog here. 

1 comment:

  1. Question: When did said "Shadow Government" begin or start?

    There has been Occult Satanism around Washington DC since the beginning. Something shifted around Ronald Regan. It didn't get really bad till Obama. During Obama's presidency, the US Government was giving authority to Occult groups with foreign ties.

    Satan liked to steal anointing, like the anointing of Kings, or the anointing of Bishops. I ended up with it all like a Thief in the Night.


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