In "Understanding Satan's Schemes," we discussed The Darkness and The Light. Jesus Christ is The Light of The World. People who love Jesus love Truth and Justice. How does Isaiah 45:7 get explained?
I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. (Isaiah 45:7)
Man is the head. Man is a decision maker. Woman is the neck turning the head. She helps him make decisions.
- The Song of Songs is in the Bible as an allegory for God's love for Israel or The Church.
- Throughout the Prophets of the Bible, the allegory of Jerusalem as God's wife has been used.
- With Jesus Christ, the Church became Israel.
- There is a complementary relationship between Christ - Man -Woman. (1 Corinthians 11:3)
- There are many allegories between faith and marriage.
Given a young woman would like a husband, she may have dressed nice and put on perfume for a potential suitor. She was looking to turn his head, help him choose her.
A wife would really like a new expensive purse. When her husband came home from work, she made him his favorite meal, the house was really clean, and she was particularly nice.
Husband and wife had been married for five years. The wife lost respect for her husband, or didn't have respect for him in the first place. She would like a divorce. She does things to make her husband miserable. She uses the shower head instead of doing her wifely duties. She is cold to him after work, and they don't talk much. She has a bad attitude.
In the Old Testament, given Israel did well, they were following the Laws of Moses, and more righteous. David and Solomon were blessed. The Kingdom of Israel did well under David and Solomon. Given Israel fell away, they may have become oppressed. Bad things and misery were headed Israel's way.
Imagine a King. A King has various laws and traditions he follows. Given he doesn't follow these laws and traditions, he may lose respect from his nobles, and there could be civil war.
God Almighty has Law. This is not The Laws of Moses but Spiritual Law. There are particular ways in which God judges things. Given man was wicked, doing the wrong things, a society, like Great Britain, may have ended up in darkness. God may have removed his hand of protection, and allowed in various spirits "Not God." Given a society would like good things and blessing, they are choosing God and righteousness, and following the words of Jesus.
It has been hard for people to see the relationship between God - Man -Woman in Feminism. There are allegories between marriage and faith, and those are hard to see in Feminism. Marxist Betty Friedan Feminism was divisive, looking to split woman from man, to where woman is more married to the state than to her husband. Someone who, with their soul, loved Feminism and Secular Humanism, they are going to hate "Man is the head, woman the neck turning the head." It is a different type of thinking with implication. Was someone in darkness or The Light of the Lord?
Something to reflect and pray on.
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