Friday, January 31, 2025

Spiritual Warfare - Occult Mysticism

One day, I was reading my Bible.   I was reading about Moses and the miracles God had him perform.  Pharaoh, he had court sorcerers who could replicate many of Moses' miracles.  I asked God "How did they go about replicating Moses' miracles?" 

"There are rule or laws to the spiritual." I was told.  

There is cause and effect to the spiritual, and rules or laws that govern Spiritual things and the Principalities. 

Given we are to go over to Reddit, there is a sub there called /r/Occult.  There are currently 361,000 people following that sub.  Given we are to go over to /r/Christianity, there are currently 514,000 people following that sub.  It is 1/31/2025.  I highlight this to put "Occult" into better perspective.  Over on /r/Occult sidebar, there is an "Occult Wiki."  It is worthwhile to scroll through it just to take in what /r/Occult believes is Occult.  Occult would be any Paganism, Gnostism, Talmudic Jewish Mysticism like Kabbalah, to various overtly Satanic groups.  We may be able to say that The Occult is various competing Egotistical groups, that don't necessarily get along, nor communicate, who may have all believed that their way was the best way.  All these groups were outside of God, potentially getting into demons. 

Occultism could have some teenagers with an Ouija Board.  Occult may have been some people that like to dress up in black clothes, and play D&D.  Occultism could have been  Jews who believed that had secret knowledge meant only for them.  Occultism may have been some very particular people, in a very particular mysticism, with a very particular fruit. 

In Rome and Greece, there were Pagan Mystical Schools.  In Egypt and Babylon, there were Pagan Mystical Schools.  In India and Japan, there have been Pagan Mystical Schools.  Part of Western Occultism was working to re-learn what they Wisemen and Court Sorcerers of Egypt and Babylon knew.  Depending on how deep someone ventured into Occultism, the end of  their journey is going to the same place, that is, Gnosticism, a particular Christian Heresy, where someone was seeking knowledge for knowledge's sake.  They were getting into demons. In Japan, Occultists there met Western Occultists in the 1950's or so.  In Japanese Anime, there has been a lot of Western Occult thought.  The end of their journey was all headed to the same place, and there was a particular mysticism there. 

What does it mean that there are rules or Laws to the Spiritual? 

The priest that offereth it for sin shall eat it: in the holy place shall it be eaten, in the court of the tabernacle of the congregation.  (Leviticus 6:26) 

 There are rules to the Spiritual.  Levite Priests, they sacrificed animals for sins, and were allowed to eat of the sin offerings.  Pagans have also sacrificed animals.  Why?  There are rules to the Spiritual.  We may be able to say that one of those Rules is "Blood Covers Sins." 

Satan was a liar and deceiver.  Is man special, made in  the image of God, or is man just an animal?  Animals can be sacrificed.  The people of Canaan in Moloch Worship, and the Aztecs, they sacrificed human beings.  This is a mockery.  Someone was mocking God, and mocking man, made in the image of God.  Someone was invoking demons by sacrificing human beings. 

Israel was instructed not to eat from the alters of foreign gods.  What was on the alters of foreign gods at times?  The King of Babylon, he may have been eating pig that had been fed body parts of his fallen enemies.  He believed this may make him strong.  Daniel, from the Book of Daniel, was offered food from the King of Babylon's table.  Daniel says "I'll eat vegetables." 

There is cause and effect to the Spiritual.  Someone in Occult Mysticism was an egotist working to control something.  They were willful, looking to bend the spiritual to man's will.  A Christian growing in faith with God, his will was brought low towards man's will being aligned with God's Will and good plans.  The Lord is a shepherd.  (Psalms 23)  A Christian mystic was obedient to God. 

God Almighty does not change.  (Malachi 3:6-7)  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  What was going on spiritually may have changed.  Jesus Christ changed how the spiritual was working.  The only way to the Father is through the Son.  Could people come to the Father in a different way previously?  Satan was thrown from heaven with his angels.  This implies a change.  Spiritual Warfare may have been fluid. A Christian may have had to be keyed on to what was going on through God's Holy Spirit.   There is a lot of ugly and hurt there.  A man needs to have a Fear of God.    We don't fear demons nor Sorcerers.  We Fear God.  

Fear of God is a good thing.  Fear of God takes away fear of man.  (And other things.)  God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  You were doing the right things?  What do you have to fear?  Perfect love knows no fear. 

I suppose some of this may be hard to deal with.  It may take some reflection and prayer. 

Spiritual Warfare and Politics Part 2

 Words have meaning.  What does it mean to be a Fundamentalists? In basketball, dribbling would be a fundamental skill.  Given someone couldn't dribble a basketball well, he may have had a rough time working to play a basketball game.  Being able to catch a baseball would be a fundamental skill.  Someone who couldn't catch a baseball may have had a rough time trying to play a game of baseball.  There are Fundamentals to Christianity.  Was someone using The Word "Fundamentalist" in a derogatory way?  That person may have  been a Luciferian, who was selectively reading their Bible, with a lot of bad theology. 

A Liberal Christian, he says "The Bible is Allegorical."  Ok.  Yes, there are allegories in the Bible.  The Spiritual is complex and other dimensional.  That could be 4th or 5th dimensional.  I don't overly think  about it, the spiritual is other dimensional.  Other dimensional things are complex, and people have used allegories to related complex other dimensional things.  In Ezekiel 1, Prophet Ezekiel had a vision of angels.  Ezekiel 1 would be a complex allegory.  In The Book of Revelations, John had a vision of the spiritual.  This was complex.  Complex Allegories were used to describe what he saw.  Biblical Allergies, they need to be tied to real things.  There may be a Literal Understanding.  A Liberal Christian who said "The Bible is Allegorical," he was looking to selectively read, and unbind said Allegories towards him being able to use said Allegories anyway he chose to.  That makes him a false prophet.  Allegories and the Spiritual, that gets into  the realm Seers and Prophets. 

Someone who says "The Bible is Allegorical," towards dismissing things he doesn't like, he could have been venturing into a variety of heresies.  Given someone was a "New Testament Only Christian," that is a particular heresy that has been around since early Christianity in Ancient Rome.  We read the New Testament from an Old Testament understanding.  Someone like Apostle Paul, before there was a New Testament, he was teaching out of the Book of Isaiah, showing people how Jesus had been fulfilling prophecy.   A Liberal Christian may have been dismissing certain things in the Bible towards "Cosmic Christianity."  Cosmic Christianity is veering closer to New Age and Occult Mysticism. 

Fredrick Nietzsche, he intentionally made himself a false prophet.  Nietzsche wrote "Thus Saith Zarathustra," Zarathustra being the false prophet of Zoroastrianism.  Fredrick Nietzsche said "God is dead," towards being able to rethink,  rebuild society in  some other image.  A Liberal Christian, or just a Liberal person, he may have said things like "Too bad Nietzsche was tied up in Nazism," or "You don't really understand Nietzsche."  This is a sign that such person was a Utopian Thinker and Luciferian, looking to rebuild society from the Ground Up.  That would be part of what "Woke" was.   

Was someone "Modern," like a Modern Man?  Modernism started with the French Revolution and ended with the Fall of the Berlin Wall.  We have been in Post-Modernism since the end of the Cold War.  One of the key elements of Post-Modernism has been Moral Relativism.  Someone was questioning all moral truths, and saw everything as subjective.  This lead many towards Nihilism.  Woke was birthed out of this moral relativism.  In 2007, a lot of college students may have had a hard time saying "Hitler was evil."  In this moral relativism and Nihilism, Woke, ideology as religion came about. Truth was being questioned towards people just accepting ideology.  Just go with the crowd.  Someone believed they were a good person in "Woke."  They were not person.  They were an evil and worthless person.  Woke may have cone from Belial. Given someone was Woke, they should repent, and seek The Lord Jesus Christ. 

We are not in Modernism.  We are in Post-Modernism, and Christianity is objective.  Was someone in The Dark or The Light of The Lord? 

The Bible is both literal and allegorical.  The allegories need to be tied to very literal and particular things.  The Spiritual is layered like a Divine Comedy.  On the ground level, we may have something literal, something physical.  As we go up layers, like Layers in the Atmosphere, there may be allegories. 

Words have meaning and power.  Different ideas or concepts, they work in particular ways.  Part of understanding Spiritual Warfare is understanding Words and Concepts. 

Spiritual Warfare and Politics

 God is not political.  God is neither left nor right wing.  God isn't a liberal or conservative.  God is not a Fascist or a Communist.  God is above all these petty fights.  Where God does become political is where someone created politics against him.  Awake is a particular thing in the Bible.  (Ezekiel 12:2)(Matthew 13:15-17)  Woke would be where someone stole some things from Christianity, and twisted it, and presented it back to man in a corrupt way.  Awake may be like Stephan before he died, seeing The Lord Jesus Christ at the right hand of God. (Acts 7:54-60)  Woke is where someone was creating ideology as a religion, to serve man's purposes.  

Luciferians -  Someone saw God as the dark, and man or something else as The Light. 

Our conception of Right and Left politically, it came from The French Revolution.  The character of the French Revolution was Luciferian.  The Revolutionaries were Anti-Clerical, Anti-Catholic, in Catholic France.  This was not a Protestant vs Catholic thing like the wars in Germany.  Luciferian vs Christian.  Luciferians are occultists.  The fruit of The French Revolution was a Reign of Terror, political instability,  and lost wars and prestige.  

In understanding Satan's Schemes, and politics, we may be looking for Luciferians. There is a 1776 Illuminati.  Someone like Adam Weishaupt was a professor, a teacher of Civil and Canon Law, a Philosopher. He was a very educated man who had a lot of knowledge about Church Law.  This is getting close to "A Satan." Albert Pike, was known for reforming Freemasonry. Albert Pike would be a Luciferian.  Pike saw God as the dark, and man or something else as the light.  Karl Marx was a Luciferian.  Bohemianism, a movement coming out of Paris, France, around 1850 or so, they were Luciferians.  

A lot of people have been twisted in a variety of politics.  They may have been shepherded by false or worthless shepherds.  They were part of The World.  When we are looking at Satan's Schemes and Politics, we are looking for Luciferians, Occultists who have had a particular fruit, and potential false prophets.  

Christianity tends towards tradition.  Christianity isn't necessarily conservative, it is traditional.  Given someone was in The Light of the Lord, why would they need to change?   Given there is change in perceptions, who or what was driving it?  

Previously:  "Discovering the Soul" on In God We Trust

Liberal theology grew out of the Enlightenment's rationalism and the Romanticism of the 18th and 19th centuries. By the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was characterized by an acceptance of Darwinian evolution, use of modern biblical criticism, and participation in the Social Gospel movement.[5] This was also the period when liberal theology was most dominant within the Protestant churches. Liberal theology's influence declined with the rise of neo-orthodoxy in the 1930s and with liberation theology in the 1960s.[6] Catholic forms of liberal theology emerged in the late 19th century. By the 21st century, liberal Christianity had become an ecumenical tradition, including both Protestants and Catholics.[7] (

Who is someone of "One Mind" with?  As a group of men are growing in faith together, they learn to think more alike.  They learn to see things more as God sees them.  The character of "Liberal Christianity" is Luciferian.  Liberal Christians were choosing to think more like Atheists. "Modern Biblical Criticism" today is run by Occultists and weirdos.  Given found a community online where they proclaimed "Bible Criticism," there may have been Witches and Warlocks and Satanists running the community.  Pick a University near you.  Go to the Universities Theology program.  Look at the reader board.  The reader board is where classes and events are advertised.  What is being advertised?  Things like "Feminist Intersectionalism" and how to be an LGBT ally?  That is not Christianity.  Somewhere in that theology program, a professor, he is possibly an Occult person.  A Luciferian. 

Given someone has a Divinity degree, who exactly are his peers?  To be Holy is to be separate.  Was a Divinity program at a University, was it being run by Atheists and Occultists like Harvard making an Atheist its Head Chaplin?  Is that who was teaching someone?  Are those your peers?  To be Holy is to be separate.  Someone with a Divinity degree was being set up to be a false teacher.  He was being set up for failure. 

What does it mean to be a Conservative?  Around 2007, given someone went to a Tea Party gathering, they may have found a variety of people from a variety of ideologies.  Most of the people there identified as "Not-Modern Liberal" and "Not a Socialist."  There may have been Neo-Liberals, Neo-Cons, Libertarians, Globalists and Nationalists.  There may have been a variety of people.  Most God Fearing Christians have tended to be Values Voters.  In that Big Tent of Conservatism, even among people who were Values Voters, there may have been something Satanic.  Satan and demons, they have liked to attack people in authority.  Given someone wasn't aware, they may have been compromised.  Is someone in The Light of The Lord?  Why would someone need to compromise? 

When Donald Trump won the Presidency last November, there was a Satanic Group associated with the World Economic Forum that did a full court press.  Donald Trump selected five cabinet members out of a Foxnews crowd.  The WEF group, it threw mainstream media under the bus, and it started attacking Foxnews, and and independent Youtubers.  Unless someone was aware of Satan and his schemes, and equipped to handle it, that someone was compromised. 

Some things to reflect and pray on. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Understanding Spiritual Warfare - What is the Goal?

 Imagine the Island of Atlantis.  The island of Atlantis is separate from the rest of civilization.  Atlantis may have been like The Garden of Eden.  All knowledge was under God, aligned with intelligent design.  Sin entered the island.  The island sank.  The goal is The Kingdom of God.  Part of building the Kingdom of God may be putting various concepts, dates, symbols, and so on, in their correct usage. 

What does an upside down cross represent?  The media over the last few decades, the media would have people perceive that an upside down cross was a sign of the devil.  An upside down cross is Peter's Cross.  Saint Peter didn't feel that he was worthy to die like his master. He elected to be crucified upside down.   

I was on /r/Bible over on Reddit one day.  There was a young man with an issue.  His brother kept having dreams of a demon who flayed people.  Flayed people like in the movie "The Silence of the Lambs," where Buffalo Bill, a serial killer, was wearing his victim's skin.  My comment was to give the young man an image of Saint Bartholomew.  It may be that Saint Bartholomew, who was flayed alive, died that way to block out, or replace something.  

Jesus Christ is The Stone Rejected by The Builders. (Psalms 118:22)(Luke 20:9-19)(Acts 4:11)  What is a builder?  A builder may have been a laborer, like a builder of the pyramids or a builder of God's Temple.  A builder may have been an architect. A builder may have been a teacher of religious law, like a priest, building a "World of Perception," shaping how men perceived themselves, and perceived God.  Anyone who was experiencing The Spiritual, they may have been doing particular things.  The Pharisees were teachers of religious law.  Jesus was rejected.  Jesus Christ ended up fitting into a lot of prophecy as the stone rejected. 

There is Bible prophecy in understanding The Stone Rejected.   Someone like Apostle Paul, he taught out of the Book of Isaiah, showing people how Jesus had been fulfilling prophecy.  There were also Pagan builders, and prophecy, that Jesus may have been fulfilling outside of Judea.  Pan, the Greek false god of shepherds, he was said to have died sometime around Jesus' life, prior to his ministry.  This appeared to herald the coming of the Jewish Messiah.  Jesus Christ fits into the Aesop's Fable "The Wolf and the Lamb."  There may have been many other things Jesus fit into. 

In many cultures around the world, there has been a flood story.  There was flood stories in Babylon.  In the New World, Indians had flood stories.  How do we explain this?  The Stone Rejected by The Builders Becomes the Chief Cornerstone. 

These are some examples that may help key someone into Spiritual Warfare, and what needs to be happening.  God bless.  "Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor." (1 Peter 2) 

Monday, January 27, 2025

Spiritual Warfare - Nestorius

In "Spiritual Warfare - Bad Philosophy and -Ism," I mentioned that Antioch was a major center of Christian thought, and that the city was destroyed.  What happened or went wrong?  Sin. 

What was going on theologically, where Nestorius was most wrong?  Getting the nature of Christ wrong, it may have been a major stumbling block for someone to grow "More in Faith."  Reflecting some with God, I may be able to break this down for someone so it is easy to understand. 

A man's body is a Temple.  Jesus Christ lives inside of someone through his Holy Spirit.  Part of learning to talk to God is through intuition or perception.  Someone may be "Going with their gut." 

Previously:  "Intuition and Perception - Talking to God" on In God We Trust. 

In 2014, I was new.  I was talking to God, and growing in faith.  I identified certain things inside me.  I didn't 100% understand everything I was feeling or perceiving at the time.  God is good.  Off God's goodness, I felt my "Grit." I was a US Army Veteran.  I had lived hard in my later 20's. I developed grit.  I could feel God off my grit.  This would be two natures.  I had God, I had The Lord Jesus Christ, and we talked.  There was something divine.  There was something human.  This would be a Prosopic Union.  I am not Jesus.  I wasn't born of a virgin.  I was a sinner.  Growing in faith, there may be some stages.  In my "Grit," I had a hard time letting go.  I liked my grit.  This was not a rejection of The Lord Jesus Christ towards my humanity.  I was committed on my journey of Faith.  I do identify that someone may have rejected God at this stage.  That makes Nestorius' teaching dangerous.  

As someone grows in faith with God, it may be that God's Holy Spirit entwines around a man's soul.  As a man continues to grow in faith, he may have become of "One Mind."  This leads into an understanding of Theosis. 

There was a lot of ugly theological disputes going on around Nestorius' time.  The end result of these disputes was a major War, Famine, and Plague event where Eastern Rome and Persia destroyed each other more or less.  A lot of people, and infrastructure, in Syria and Egypt were destroyed.  Then the Muslims came.  This is sign that both Alexandria and Antioch were doing somethings wrong.  In general, I have worked to be Non-Denominational, that is, stay out of denominational hang ups that people have liked to argue over.  I did mention Antioch today, so I may have been committed to explaining some more. 

Spiritual Warfare - Bad Philosophy and -Ism

 Christianity is standards based.  Someone met the standard or they did not.  Someone was fail or pass.  Someone was a no-go or a go.  Did someone "miss the mark?"  Pick yourself up and try again.  Someone is in darkness or The Light of The Lord.  (Ephesians 5:8)  It is black and white.  Was there a pastor, or other religious authority, that didn't like "Black and White thinking?"  He was a false teacher, possibly in some sort of New Age or Occult Mysticism.  Let's work out some ideas and concepts towards understanding, and growing in Faith with The Lord Jesus Christ. 

Faith is a journey.  Towards growing more in faith, Christians should be becoming of "One Mind."  (Philippians 2:2)  As a group of men are growing in faith together, they learn to think more alike.  They learn to see things more as God sees them. 

Everything a man needed to understand God was in Judea, Rome around 33 AD.  When it comes to Philosophy, was something helping men into understanding, or taking away from?  Philosophers and Academics, they like to work off each other.  Given there was a false teacher, given there was bad thought, a series of bad thoughts, bad philosophy was created over several generations potentially.  This could be a "Grapevine of thought."  Jesus Christ is the true vine; the father the vitner. (John 15:1)

A lot of people have taken inventions like the printing press and the internet for granted.  Through most of history, there were centers of learning.  Given these centers of learning were wrong, overtime, they may have ended up been cut off.  The Library of Alexandria may have had corrupt material.  It burnt down.  The city of Antioch was a major center of Christian learning.  The City of Antioch was destroyed.  Baghdad in 1258 AD was a major center of learning.  Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols.   These would be examples of The Father as a vine cutter.  God judges the false teachers more harshly.  (James 3:1)  A false teacher, a false prophet, he may have put generations of men into darkness.  

Given someone was of the world, and was loving with their soul an -ism, that could be Secular Humanism, Liberalism, Neo-liberalism, Feminism, Socialism, and so on......they should seek God, and Love The Lord their God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  Part of loving God with your soul is identity.  As Christians we don't identity in -ism.  Someone is Christian or other.  Did someone disagree?  They may have been heretical or Lukewarm, and of the world.  Jesus spits or pukes out the Lukewarm.  (Revelations 3:16)  God's plan is God's Kingdom, and God's Kingdom has particular values.  Was someone resisting?  Being a resister, they were on The Wrong Side of History.  (Daniel 12:1-4)

Previously: "Discovering the Soul" on In God We Trust

What is building the Kingdom of God today?  In 2014, I became aware of God's Judgement of War, Famine, and Plague.  I understood The Kingdom of God, and Kingdom of God values.  Rome wasn't built in a day, but given I had a year, who or what was most in the way?  In 2014, I may generalize what was most in the way as Secular Humanism.  A Secular Humanist could be a Socialist, Feminist, Modern Liberal and so on.  Mostly, they were rejecting The Lord Jesus Christ, and stealing certain concepts from Christianity.  Given that was someone reading here, repent immediately, and Seek the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Man is the Head, Woman the Neck Turing the Head.

  In "Understanding Satan's Schemes," we discussed The Darkness and The Light.  Jesus Christ is The Light of The World.  People who love Jesus love Truth and Justice.  How does Isaiah 45:7 get explained? 

I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things.  (Isaiah 45:7)  

Man is the head.  Man is a decision maker.  Woman is the neck turning the head.  She helps him make decisions.   

  • The Song of Songs is in the Bible as an allegory for God's love for Israel or The Church.  
  • Throughout the Prophets of the Bible, the allegory of Jerusalem as God's wife has been used.
  • With Jesus Christ, the Church became Israel.  
  • There is a complementary relationship between Christ - Man -Woman.  (1 Corinthians 11:3)
  • There are many allegories between faith and marriage.

 Given a young woman would like a husband, she may have dressed nice and put on perfume for a potential suitor. She was looking to turn his head, help him choose her.  

A wife would really like a new expensive purse.  When her husband came home from work, she made him his favorite meal, the house was really clean, and she was particularly nice.  

Husband and wife had been married for five years.  The wife lost respect for her husband, or didn't have respect for him in the first place.  She would like a divorce.  She does things to make her husband miserable.  She uses the shower head instead of doing her wifely duties.  She is cold to him after work, and they don't talk much.  She has a bad attitude.  

In the Old Testament, given Israel did well, they were following the Laws of Moses, and more righteous.  David and Solomon were blessed.  The Kingdom of Israel did well under David and Solomon.  Given Israel fell away, they may have become oppressed.  Bad things and misery were headed Israel's way.  

Imagine a King.  A King has various laws and traditions he follows.  Given he doesn't follow these laws and traditions, he may lose respect from his nobles, and there could be civil war. 

God Almighty has Law.  This is not The Laws of Moses but Spiritual Law. There are particular ways in which God judges things.  Given man was wicked, doing the wrong things, a society, like Great Britain, may have ended up in darkness.  God may have removed his hand of protection, and allowed in various spirits "Not God."  Given a society would like good things and blessing, they are choosing God and righteousness, and following the words of Jesus.  

It has been hard for people to see the relationship between God - Man -Woman in Feminism.  There are allegories between marriage and faith, and those are hard to see in Feminism. Marxist Betty Friedan Feminism was divisive, looking to split woman from man, to where woman is more married to the state than to her husband.  Someone who, with their soul, loved Feminism and Secular Humanism, they are going to hate "Man is the head, woman the neck turning the head."  It is a different type of thinking with implication.  Was someone in darkness or The Light of the Lord?  

Something to reflect and pray on. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Understanding Satan's Schemes. (2 Corinthains 2:11)

 Who exactly is Satan?  Understanding, and being aware of Satan, is a major part of growing in faith with God, and being able to see.  Someone needs to start with God, and be reading their Bible.  God has a character.   Off of God, we may be able to see things "Not-God."  There are other players out there.  

Socratic Paradox -  Given all men are out to do what is good, or in their best interests, how can evil exist? 

We can answer this paradox with the existence off Satan.  Satan was a liar.  He worked to put skew man's perspectives. 

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light  (Ephesians 5:8) 

What is darkness?  Darkness is lies and false perceptions.  Satan was known as The Lord of Lies, the Prince of Darkness.  Husband and wife, they are sitting on the couch.  Husband asks his wife, "Where is the TV remote?"  She says "It is under the couch."  She lied.  She had hid it in her purse.  For about five minutes or so, her husband may be in "The Dark."  He starts looking for the TV remote under the couch, but it is not there.  He figures out quickly that his wife lied to him, and he gets angry.  This is an example is a small lie.  Given there was a false prophet or false teacher, generations of men, they could have ended up in darkness.  God judges the false teachers more harshly.  (Matthew 18:6)(James 3:1) 

Muhammad was a false prophet.  Muhammad went to the ancestors of Ishmael, and said it was Ishmael who was to be sacrificed by Abraham.  All the prophets of the Bible, they knew it to be Isaac.  This is a point of pride.  Satan worked on points of pride.  It is also a "Point of Intersection."  At this point of intersection, concerning whom Abraham was to sacrifice, a lie was told, and perspectives skewed.  Black Magic Satanism worked on Points of Intersection.  In Academia, given we find a Professor talking about "Intersectionality," that may have been a Satanist.  Personally, I would ask such a person some probing questions or make probing comments.  I may name drop Aleister Crowley.  Given a Professor seemed knowledgeable about the topic, or had a strong opinion one way or another, that was a Satanist. 

In Dante's "Divine Comedy," Muhammad was at the bottom of hell.  God judges the false teachers more harshly.  A false teacher, a false prophet, they may have put generations of men into darkness.  

Satan was a thief.  He liked to steal things from Christians. 

  • Humanism came from Christian Theologians.  We have "Secular Humanism," a corruption.  
  • Progress, like Progressivism, Progress is a "City Upon a Hill."  Progress is a The Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God has particular values.  Progressivism came out of Christian Churches.  Progressivism has been shanghaied by Satan.  In 2019, was progress having men in girl's bathrooms?  
  • Awake is something particular in the Bible.  (Ezekiel 12:2)(Proverbs 20:12)(Isaiah 42:7)(Matthew 13:15-17)  Awake may be like Stephen, seeing God in heaven before he died. (Acts 7:55)  Woke would be a corruption.  Woke came from people more similar to Rev Jesse Jackson,  Freemason,and his rainbow coalition.  Both Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, they had a particular mysticism.  
  • Bad Company corrupts good character.  (1 Corinthians 15:33)   When someone hears the term "Bad Company," do they think of the Bible verse, or do they think of the band Bad Company singing the song "Bad Company?"  
  • Was something "Wicked Awesome?"  Did people mistake good for bad and bad for Good?  (Isaiah 5:20)  

These are examples of Satan being a liar and a thief.  LGBT is a social construct.  There has been a lot of Spiritual Warfare going on around LGBT.  When they took a rainbow as their flag, did that come from Rev Jesse Jackson and his Rainbow Coalition?  Words like Islamophobe, and Homophobe, they are made up words.  Those are words that came from somewhere particular around Academia,  They are words meant to twist and bind up Christians, and put Christians into a cage.  A lot of spiritual warfare has come from "Secular Humanist" people in Academia.  Where we are finding these types of words, and spiritual warfare, there may have been some Occult Satanism going on, like "Eyes Wide Shut."

In 2024, there were Anti-Israel protests on college campuses.  Islam and Secular Humanism, they have been in an Unholy Alliance for decades.  Secular Humanists, Satanists, they have been feeding Islam.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend?  We may be able to see evidence of this Unholy Alliance in the protests on college campuses in 2024.  How exactly do we end up  with LGBT Pro-Hamas protestors?  There was an unholy alliance between Secular Humanism and Islam. 

Satan and his schemes, is a big topic.  I may write some more about it later. 

Is D&D Satanic? What is Satanic?

 There are some very intelligent people out there.  They are Harvard and Yale graduates.  They had 1600 SAT score.  They are pretty smart.  Satan, he recruits out of that pool of people. 

Harvard, started as a Christian institution.  Harvard has had an Atheist Head Chaplin.  What happened?  Various Professors there, very smart people, they were Satanists.  Not quite a Satanists like Anton LaVay.  They are smarter than that.  They did things behind the scenes so to speak.  Are you smarter than them?  I am not.  I have God Almighty.  God knows everything.  They may have been smart, they were foolish. 

Some people, they get really attached to something like D&D.  There is a stripping process to growing in faith.  It is a processes where false beliefs and perspectives are stripped from someone.  It is sort of like waking up from The Matrix. 

 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  (2 Corinthians 10:5) 

Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words, a war of thoughts.  How does man perceive himself?  How does man perceive God?  

When someone is role playing, how are they perceiving themselves?  Given someone is reading Harry Potter, are they perceiving themselves as a Harry Potter?  Given someone was reading a book about vampires, are they perceiving themselves in that?  World of Warcraft has been a pretty popular role playing game.  Was someone perceiving themselves as a Druid?  I tell you right now, God really hated the Druids.  There is a reason they were shepherded into one spot and killed by the Romans.  There is a reality there. 

Given someone is a Christian, they are seeking God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  Reading or role playing in something questionable......someone was not seeking.  They were potentially drifting away from God. 

Is something like D&D Satanic?  Yes.  There is a lot of bad media out there that someone could have gotten into.  Could someone play World of Warcraft or D&D and be a Christian?  Yes.  There is a danger there.  Were you aware of the danger? 

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Kingdom of God Shadow War

 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light  (Ephesians 5:8) 

What happens in The Darkness?  What happens behind closed doors?  Do you know?  God knows.  As a young person, growing up, a child may have looked to his parents for security, and direction.  Mom and dad are mom and dad.  They are figures of authority.  When a young person grows up, they may leave their parents household.  As a man working for God, growing in faith, was a man's parents repentant, or were they unrepentant and hiding some things?  Working to broach the subject may be tough.  You are their child, and they are an authority.  A man may receive authority from God. 

34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me.  (Matthew 10:34-37)  

 Summer 2014, God started showing me what happens behind closed doors in a Ezekiel 8 way.  He would show me things that were more interpersonal to me, things with family or acquaintances.  I may have worked to deal with those things in reasonable ways.  God would show me things on more of a National level.    

A lot of what I was being shown, I started to group under a label of "Eyes Wide Shut," like the movie.  Eyes Wide Shut may be a group of occultists that meet at a bar, near a Church, and engaged in ritualistic debauch like an Aleister Crowley.  This could be any Church, in any major city.  Eyes Wide Shut may be a Fraternity with corrupt initiation rituals at a college.  Eyes Wide Shut may be "Killing Kittens" sex group created by "Friend of Kate Middleton."  Eyes Wide Shut may be an expensive swingers club in Beverly Hills.  Epstein Island and Puff Daddy would be part of Eyes Wide Shut. 

There was a "Black Pope," who was from a Protestant background, relating to Skull and Bones, who had been living like a corrupt King Solomon, with many concubines.  They would do Black Mass type things, and "End of Days," the movie type things.  They had a "Shadow Government."  There was Obama in 2014.  A shadow government may have been people around Washington DC, to include cabinet members, congressmen, and Obama's, both of them, and their daughters, engaging in particular ritual mysticism in ways to mock God.  Working for God Summer 2014, as a servant to my sorrow, I ended up taking all their stuff, taking Satan's Kingdom, like a Thief in the Night.  This had to do with my Taylor Swift Testimony I gave five years ago here on this blog. 

I effectively became "Shadow President" of the United States of America.  More like The Emperor.  (1 Peter 2)  When Donald Trump became president, I stayed out of his way, and allowed him to succeed or fail on his own.  Whatever I have can die with me.  This where we have "Kingdom of God Shadow War."  There is a testimony relating to this throughout the blog here. 

The Four Horsemen - Today

 Some Christians, they have become caught up in The Book of Revelations and "Rapture."  I don't think a lot about The Book of Revelations, at this time, past God's Judgement of War, Famine and Plague.  It may be that certain prophecy, like an Anti-Christ, has happened before.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  Certainly, the Anti-Christ Spirit went out into the world after Jesus' death and resurrection.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  Can you read the signs of the times? 

Receiving something from God is like having the right answer in the back of a math book.  Nothing new happens under the sun relates to a Social Cycle Theory of History, but different.  We have been aware of God's Judgement.  What things were helping create it?  What are the signs? 

In Europe, we have had Christian Nations.  Nation refers to the people and the culture.  A rejection of righteousness is a rejection of God.  Britain, and other nations, they lost their empires.  That is a sign of something.  Given Britain was "more right," they may have been blessed.  Israel under King Solomon was blessed and fruitful.  Britain losing its empire is a sign that there was something wrong. 

The birth rate of Christian nations has fallen.  Christian societies value virgin brides.  A man full of God's Holy Spirit, he may have felt like having adventures, marrying a woman, and siring twelve children.  The Spirit of God is manly and virile.  The fall of the birth rate in Christian Nations, that is a sign of bad theology, bad philosophy being institutionalized. 

There have been a lot of Muslims in Europe.  Islam is a cult, and Muhammad a false prophet.  Muslims do not assimilate well. Secular Humanism and Islam have been in a Unholy Alliance for decades.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend? In 2024, there were Anti-Israel protests at a lot of American Universities where there were LGBT Pro-Palestinian Protestors.  That would be part of an Unholy Alliance between Secular Humanism and Islam, and part of the fruit where the birth rate in Christian nations sank. 

China has a goal.  China has motivations.  What has China been doing?   There was a Chinese spy found in the Government of New York State in September 2024.  How much influence did she have on the Democratic Parties agenda with COVID?  Was she really a spy, or was the Democratic Party that corrupt?  The goal of China may have been to destabilize the current world order towards China ascending.  We live in a world where the jeans someone wears, the parts may have been made in five different countries.  We live in a world where fruit farmed in Chili has been canned in Thailand.  Given another Great Depression, worse than 1929, what would happen? 

I have been on the watch for world destabilizing events. Given a Great Depression, and competition of resources, what would that do to Europe with its Muslim populations?  I may be able to show a lot of signs of the times.  What do you see with God?  Finding things, with God, discovery, it is exciting. 

Kingdom of God Shadow War

I have liked to give prophecy, and relate some things through music.  I like to arrange songs I have found to tell or story or teach something.  Since 2019 or so, I have been doing Kingdom of God Shadow War as a Watchman of God. 

Song: Hideaway
Song: Don't mess Around with Jim

Song: Chapter 1 Waste A Moment.

Song: Chapter 2 Find Me

Song: Final Chapter Reverend

Song: Running Up That Hill

Originally Posted:  "Kingdom of God Shadow War" on /r/Prophecy.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalpse

 God is scary.  Fear of God is a good thing.  Fear of God takes away fear of man.  (And fear of other things.)  God is love.  God's love is fatherly.  You are doing the right things?  What do you have to fear?  Perfect love knows no fear. 

It was someone time in Fall 2013, and I was sitting at my computer in my apartment.  I had been becoming spiritually aware.  Suddenly, Revelations Jesus is floating around behind me, looking over my shoulder. Revelations Jesus would be Jesus as described in the Book of Revelations.  Jesus wasn't giving me anything in-particular that day.  I was becoming aware of him, and aware of scary things around him, and in the spiritual. 

"Creeping Death," like the Metallica song, that may have been an Angel.  God has had Angels with a variety of purposes.  I had to deal with this awareness. 

Song:  "Creeping Death" Metallica.  

Dealing with a fear of God, what I would do is go for a walk.  I was walking three or four miles, with music.  I would ball up, in my mind, everything I had become aware of that scared me into a ball, and place it behind me as I was walking.  A fear of God would propel me forward like a force.  This helped.  Overtime, I become conditioned to uncomfortable spiritual things. 

Fear of God is a good thing.  A man with a Fear of God may have been able to stand before Kings and Judges and Magistrates, and say whatever God needed him to say, with confidence and authority, in faith, a personal relationship with God. 

One-third of you shall die of the pestilence, and be consumed with famine in your midst; and one-third shall fall by the sword all around you; and I will scatter another third to all the winds, and I will draw out a sword after them.  (Ezekiel 5:12) 

War, Famine, and Plague are something God has done or let loose.  In the Book of Revelations, there were seals.  From time to time, throughout history, God may have  let loose certain things, opened up some seals.  Not all the seals.  Some of the seals.  History has been working towards the Kingdom of God, and a completion of things.  For that to happen, Christianity needed to spread around the world.  Every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess.  All mankind will be under God in a completion of The Kingdom of God.  

War, Famine, and Plague are something that God has let loose from time to time.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  (Ecclesiastes 1:9-18)  Can you read the signs of the times. (Matthew 16:3)  We may be able to explore God's hand in history more later. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Intuition and Perception - Talking to God

God may talk to anyone at anytime. Faith is a journey, and there are things that men may do towards coming closer to God.

God is long suffering. Our trials bring us closer to God. (James 1:2-4) What kind of trials? Past Christians may have lived ascetically. There are the desert fathers. Saint John Chrysostom, he lived in a cave for two years reading his Bible. There have been various men who lived in monasteries. Various times, through Christian history, Christians communities may have had regular periods of fasting.

There is the more right way. There is The Hard Knocks of Life Way.

Article: Radical Christians: Friends of God Movement | CBN

The Friends of God movement was started by people who survived War, Famine, and Plague. They believed that day to day labors, when done in the correct mindset, could help bring someone closer to God.

There are enduring themes here. God is long suffering, our trials bring us closer to God.

A lot of people, they understand trials and suffering. What is the goal? Where is someone going with the trials?

Intuition and Perception Through God

A man’s body is a temple. Jesus Christ dwells in a man through his Holy Spirit. Jesus PERCEIVED through his spirit. What does it mean to perceive through God?

Have you seen a crime drama where the ace detective “went with his gut?” He may have been using intuition and perception. Intuition for an ace detective may have been something he gained over years of experience and being tested. He learned to trust his perceptions. “The Highwaymen” on Netflix would be a more recent crime drama that depicts a detective perceiving and using his intuition. The movie is about an old school Texas Ranger named Frank Hamer who was hired to track down Bonnie and Clyde. There is a conflict in the movie between old school Frank, going with his gut, and the FBI who has the most advanced technology, and scientific means of doing things. Frank learned, over many years, to go with his gut. That took trials. He grew in faith with his instincts. Learning to go with your gut may have been one of the first steps towards growing “More in Faith.” Frank may have been a Church going Christian. He may have been perceiving through God’s Holy Spirit, and not 100% realized it, or he did. Someone should seek God with all his heart and soul and strength and mind. Working to become closer to God, with God, in a cause and effect relationship, he may have received more.

Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, "Why are you thinking these things? (Mark 2:8)

Jesus was intuitive. Jesus perceived in his spirit.

Jesus Christ is the Suffering Servant in Isaiah 53. Followers of Jesus may have been a Servant to One’s Sorrow. What does it mean to be a Servant to One’s Sorrow?

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 3Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. 4Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.5 “When you enter a house, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ 6If someone who promotes peace is there, your peace will rest on them; if not, it will return to you. 7Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages. Do not move around from house to house. (Luke 10:2-7)

Jesus sent his disciples out in twos with no purse or bag or sandals. Where would they eat? Where would they find shelter? They may have become servants to their sorrow. They know what they need to survive. Sleeping outside with an empty stomach may be rough. As a Servant to One’s Sorrow, they had to lean on God.

A wealthy man may have a lot of material things. He leans on those material things? A spiritual man may have had to separate himself from the material, to be more of God. It is harder to pass a donkey through an eye of a needle than get a rich man into the Kingdom of Heaven. Part of that may be a letting go. A letting go in someone’s heart of things material. A letting go of safety and comfort to be in a “No Man’s Land” of Faith where someone has to have complete trust in God.

Jonah then left the city for a place to the east of it, where he built himself a hut and waited under it in the shade, to see what would happen to the city. 6 Then the Lord God provided a gourd plant. And when it grew up over Jonah’s head, giving shade that relieved him of any discomfort, Jonah was greatly delighted with the plant. 7 But the next morning at dawn God provided a worm that attacked the plant, so that it withered. 8 And when the sun arose, God provided a scorching east wind; and the sun beat upon Jonah’s head till he became faint. Then he wished for death, saying, “It is better for me to die than to live.”9 But God said to Jonah, “Do you have a right to be angry over the gourd plant?” Jonah answered, “I have a right to be angry—angry enough to die.” 10 Then the Lord said, “You are concerned over the gourd plant which cost you no effort and which you did not grow; it came up in one night and in one night it perished. 11 And should I not be concerned over the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot know their right hand from their left, not to mention all the animals?” (Jonah 4:5-11)

Jonah was a Servant to One’s Sorrow. Being a Servant to One’s Sorrow, God may have been communicating with Jonah through various stimuli. Jonah was capable of listening.

There may be some tribulations ahead. It is 1/20/2025. There are positive things that may come from it for those seeking God. To be in the type of intimate relationship with God the disciples were in is a blessing. There is no fear or doubt or depression. Someone could be homeless yet growing in relationship with God.

I was homeless in Summer 2014. I had been working for God full time since February. Being homeless, I was working for God still, online, on my iphone4. I was taking notes of things I was receiving from God, and listening. I started homelessness around June 1. By mid August I was in an apartment. This is my testimony. God built me back up.

I have had some songs that go along with this topic:

Song: Hard Day Coming Down.

Gnosticsm a Heresy vs Gnosis via Theosis

 I don't know.  I don't care.  Do you know?  God knows. 

Gnosticism, a Christian Heresy, is The Form of Something.  It is a particular mysticism that was dressed up in Christianity, dressed up in Catharism, dressed up in a lot of different ways.  It has a form.  Regardless of how it is dressed up, it is still the same thing. 

Gnosticism, a Christian Heresy, it may have come out of Pagan Occult Mystery Schools.  Greece and Rome, it had Pagan Mystery Schools that well-to-do people would send their children to for social promotion and blessings.  Egypt and Babylon had Pagan Mystery Schools.  India and China and Japan have had Pagan Mystery Schools.  In early Christianity, Christians were fighting against pagan mystics.  Some pagan mystics, they dressed up their mysticism in Christianity, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Fast forward to the 1950's, and America was occupying Japan.  American Occultists, they found things in common with Eastern Occultists.  In Japanese anime there has been a lot of Western Occultism like in "Evangelion," where there is a conflict around a Lilith, and Kabbalah was directly cited as a source.  

Anyone in any Occultism was headed to the same place, that is, a Form of Gnosticism, a Christian Heresy, where someone was seeking hidden knowledge, and seeking knowledge for knowledge's sake.  That may be like Adam and Eve with the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 

There is a Christian Gnosis that is associated with Theosis.  The meek before God shall inherit The Earth.  Someone was penitent, like in Indiana Jones.  Their soul is moved to a place where they do not know, and they do not care.  They were seeking God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  They found God.  Faith is a journey.  Along that journey may be Sanctification.  

A Christian Gnosis may happen in a personal relationship with God.  A man is working to develop The Power of the Tongue, and say no false things.  He works out all lies, half truths, exaggerations, and so on.  He works to make his speech exact.  A man works to align himself with the prophets of the Bible.  Jesus Christ came fulfilling the words of the Prophets.  In seeking God, developing the Power of the Tongue, and saying no false things, he may become of One Mind with various Christian Holy Men.  (Philippians 2:2)  This is where someone may find a Christian Gnosis.  


Husband and wife are planning to go out to eat for lunch.  Husband turns to his wife and asks, "Where would you like to eat today?"  

"I don't know." she says.   

She says I don't know a lot whenever her husband asks her about where she would like to eat.  It may be she was testing him, even if it was subconscious.  She would like him to make good decisions. 

But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. (1 Corinthians 11:3) 

When it comes to matters of wisdom and understanding, I don't know.  I don't know like Socrates.  Does that make a man wise?  Someone who knew, he may have been suffering from Hubris, or needed false things to be true.  In personal relationship with God, I don't know may be wise.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor.  A man needs to learn to listen.  

There is a Christian Gnosis where a man may have come closer to being where the prophets of the Bible were with God.  Towards getting there, a man needs to align himself.  I would point out that before there was a New Testament, someone like Apostle Paul taught out of the Book of Isaiah a lot, showing people how Jesus had been fulfilling prophecy. 

The Presence of God and The Spiritual

One day in 2014, I was reading my Bible. I was reading about the Temple of God, and the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was The Most Holy Place, where the very presence of God dwelt. The Holy of Holies was separated from the rest of the Temple by a curtain or veil. Only the High Priest was allowed in the Holy of Holies, and only once a year during Yom Kippur. He would crawl in on his hands and knees with a cord tied around him, he was tethered. Given he came into the presence of God in an unclean state, or with crap in his heart and soul, he may have died. The tether was to pull him back out just in case. Between the physical and the spiritual, there may have been a curtain or veil. This has been there as a protection. Given man could experience God’s very presence in an sinful state, he could die.

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil tore. This was the veil or curtain in the Temple separating the Holy of Holies. This may have been the veil between the physical and the spiritual. This would be an Apocalypse.

For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.’

16 But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; 17 for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.(Matthew 13:15-17)

There are multiple ways someone could be in the presence of God.  Isaac means laughter.  God promised Abraham a son.  God did not say when.  When Abraham and Sarah finally had a healthy baby boy, they may have laughed.  They were experiencing God, and seeing prophecy fulfilled.  Have you ever seen a church full of people laughing like they were drunk?   (Acts 2:15)

Being in God's Presence as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, like someone was in God's Courtroom, that is different.  Given someone was to walk into God's presence with sin and crap in their heart and soul, he could die or be thrown to the ground, in a lot of pain, feeling God's mighty Thumos. 

Short Video:  "Holiness." by The Bible Project

 How did I learn about Angels and Spiritual things?  From God, being in God's presence.

The angel said to him, “I am Gabriel. I stand in the presence of God, and I have been sent to speak to you and to tell you this good news. (Luke 1:19) 

Gabriel stands in the presence of God.  The High Priest, he crawled into the presence of God.  Standing in the presence of God implies No Sin. I am a man.  Faith is a journey.  Part of that journey is Sanctification, to be made Holy, in God's Holy Spirit, through The Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  As a man, could I be clean enough to stand in the presence of God?  A man needs goals. 

Angelology 101

The last few days, we have discussed angels and fallen angels and demons and the differences between. 

The Question:  So what?  What can a man do with this understanding? 

Nothing.  Given someone is asking "So What?"  Nothing.  There is nothing he can do with this information.  Said man is outside of God.  He is blind and deaf, possibly needing false things to be true.  

Given someone is "In God," growing in faith with God, understanding angels and demons brings greater understanding of God and creation.  There may be some very practical applications for someone working to build the Kingdom of God.  God's plan is God's Kingdom. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Discovering The Soul

What is the soul as described in the Bible? Given you understand what The Soul is in the Bible, someone may begin to understand exorcism. They may understand spiritual warfare. (2 Corinthians 10:5) They may come out with greater understanding of creation and God.

To measure if we are describing The Soul right, someone can internet search “The Soul and Bible Concordance,” and quickly come up with a lot of Bible verses referencing The Soul. Given we are getting it most right, we may be flush. We will be flush or level like in construction.

The Basis of Christianity

  • 5 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might… (Deuteronomy 6:5)
  • He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” (Luke 10:27)

Song to Preface this: Huey Lewis “Heart and Soul.”

What is a Soul? A soul is a person. Given The King of Salem had 50 Souls, he had fifty persons or servants. How did they identify themselves? Possibly as a servant of The King of Salem in some way. Loving The Lord with all your SOUL, may have to do with identity. Who was someone serving? Was someone a Servant of “Something Else” or a Servant of God? A child of God? A son of God? These may be good things to be as a Christian looking to love God with your Soul or identity.

A couple years ago I lived in walking distance from Duke University. Given someone was a Duke fan, or Duke Alumni, or had a lot of Duke Paraphernalia, they may have loved Duke University. How did they love Duke University? They loved Duke with their Soul or Identity. Someone with a Duke T-Shirt may be saying something about who he is, or was, or would like to be. When Duke wins or has done well in basketball, someone who loved Duke with their Soul or identity, they may have rejoiced. They felt good. In their soul, they rejoice, and feel a sense of happiness. That is where the soul is. Given anyone has been a sports fan at some point, and has identified as a fan of ___________ , they rejoice in their soul when their team does well. Given I was to look up Soul in a Bible concordance, there are many of these feeling or sensing type verses where the soul is a place inside someone where there is passion. Someone loving God with Their Soul in a world of materialism and commercialism may have given up their Nike and Adidas, to be more as “Plain as John the Baptist.”

The Soul and Identity.

True Statements:

  • The Song of Songs is in the Bible as a representation of God’s Love for Israel or The Church.
  • In the New Testament, The Church is a Bride for Christ.
  • Christ is to man as a man is to woman or Christ is the head of man as man is the head of woman. (1 Corinthians 11:3)

Marriage has been an important part of The Bible and Faith and growing in understanding.

  • Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, (1 Peter 3:1)

Woman is meek before her husband. Man is meek before God. A woman loving her husband with her heart and soul may have taken his name. She is forging a new identity as Mrs. _____________. A married woman with a hyphenated last name is one foot in, one foot out? Who or what does she love more? Her husband or Feminism? Maybe she didn’t quite want to leave her family and her old identity behind as a single female or “Daughter of?” Feminists tend towards socialism. Is a woman really married to her husband or more married to The State? Woman is meek before her husband. A man is meek before God.


Given we are coming into an understanding of The Soul, what are Spirits? Spirits effect motivations. Here is a short list of some spirits mentioned.

What are these Spirits doing? They are influencing. They are effecting motivations. Someone with a seducing spirit or spirit of prostitution may have been on tinder in the wrong way? Someone with a lying tongue may have been a habitual liar? Someone with one of these spirits, their character may have been molded a certain way. Their soul, who they are, may have been molded to something. Part of their identity, even if it was subconscious, may have been molded to something. Some Spirits are generational. They may have been passed down from Generation to Generation. There may have been generational curses on some families. (Deuteronomy 5:9) Some spirits someone may have picked up by being in sin, and being unrepentant. Someone's Soul or character may have been molded around something.

Given someone has God's Holy Spirit, they say "Jesus is Lord." They may tend to think about God, and talk about God a lot, and be prone to God-centric activities. Their Soul, and God's Holy Spirit, overtime, may have entwined. They are "One with God" leading towards an understanding of Theosis.

Conceptual Bible Study - Heart of Stone vs Circumcision of the Heart


There are a lot of interesting concepts that run through the Bible, through multiple authors. These concepts are succinct. This could be a long post. I am going to show you some verses, and gives some context.

  • I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. (Ezekiel 36:26)

  • For the hearts of these people are hardened, and their ears cannot hear, and they have closed their eyes so their eyes cannot see, and their ears cannot hear, and their hearts cannot understand, and they cannot turn to me  and let me heal them. 16 “But blessed are your eyes, because they see; and your ears, because they hear. I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see, but they didn’t see it. And they longed to hear what you hear, but they didn’t hear it.

God is love. (1 John 4:8) God's love is forever. Young people, they tend to think about marriage a lot, or things associated with sex. How do they think about it? It is healthy to appreciate beauty. It is may be healthy to think about marriage and be curious. Given someone was thinking about using people outside of marriage, in sin, that separates someone from God. Someone with a Heart of Stone may have loved and lost....a someone in hook up culture at college, or someone who had a lot of wicked friends in high school. In the Bible, pagans near Israel were prostituting young girls in Baal Worship. These things may have developed a Heart of the Rolling Stones song by Kabbalist Mick Jagger.

Having Eyes to See and Ears to Hear is a major theme in the Bible. (Ezekiel 12:2)(Proverbs 20:12)(Isaiah 42:7) Have you ever heard that masturbation makes you go blind? For a young man, learning about how to look at girls, given he was lusting after girls, that separates him from God's fatherly love. He may have become blind and deaf in sin.

  • Circumcise yourselves to the Lord,     circumcise your hearts,     you people of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, or my wrath will flare up and burn like fire     because of the evil you have done—     burn with no one to quench it. (Jeremiah 4:4)

  • But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. (Romans 2:29)

A man was around 30 years old. He had loved and lost. He had been in hook up culture. Life had been rough in his 20's. He became callused. Said man, he starts seeking God with all his heart and soul and strength and mind. He had been baptized. He loves The Lord Jesus Christ. One day, said man feels suddenly like a New Born child. Stimuli, like tv and movies or music, he had been hardened against, they suddenly affect him like he was a child. He felt like he was experiencing everything for the very first time. He had a circumcision of the heart.

I have highlighted some concepts for you, and given you context for them. There may be a treasure trove of understanding here for someone with God's Holy Spirit. God bless.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

God is Scary

God is scary.  Some people, they have known of God, and chosen something else.  Being righteous is hard.  Some people knew of God, and they chose to be wicked.  (Romans 1:18-25)  In their wickedness, they worked to hide away God.  That is what Occultism is.  People knew of God, and they worked to hide God away. 

The Jewish people have a history of being oppressed, and having authorities work to destroy books of the Bible.  People take things like the printing press, and internet for granted today.  The Jews had to protect books of the Bible from being destroyed.  God is scary.  People have worked to hide God away in their wickedness.  (Romans 1:18-25) 

I read The Book of Jasher one day, or part of it.  The Book of Jasher is mentioned in the Bible.  (Joshua 10:12,13)  The version I was reading, it read more like Jewish folklore than Canonical Bible, of The Spirit of God.  I stopped reading.  I perceived that someone in history had the real Book of Jasher, but it was destroyed.  Someone worked to recreate the Book of Jasher from memory.  Recreating it from memory, it wasn't quite right, that is, of God's Holy Spirit. 

Why is it hard to find written evidence of Jesus Christ?  God is scary.  People have worked to hide Jesus away.  It is possible, in someone's private collection, there are interesting artifacts.  Things that someone wouldn't just destroy, but didn't want other people to know about....outside of a small group of Occult people.  What does it mean to Occult?  To hide away. 

Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words, a war of thoughts.  (2 Corinthians 10:5)  How does man perceive himself?  How does man perceive God?  Engaging in spiritual warfare, being "In God" over the last decade or so, I found resistance.  Where there was resistance, there may have been roots of problems and occult people, who were into demons.  Given there was a change of perceptions, towards what?  God's plan is the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God has specific values.  Given there was a change of perceptions away from Kingdom of God values, there was a root of a problem.  Following the root, a man may find Occult persons and demons and fallen angels. 

Angels and Demons Part 2


The Question:  Why is Angelology not taught much? 

 Angels have functions having to do with creation.  Christianity has been divided.  Who gets the angels? 

Satan was a liar and a thief.  Christians ceded things to Satan.  The Orthodox Church is Cessionalist.  They have ceded things to Satan.  Ceding something may have to do with someone in authority making a "slip of the tongue," having to do with "The Power of the Tongue." 

Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!  (1 Corinthians 6:3) 

Given man is to judge the angels, there may have been some entities working to keep man from hitting some sort of threshold where man was able to judge the angels.  This may be both self-serving on behalf of some entities, and part of God's greater plan.  Overcoming trials is Glorious.  God likes Glory.  God is a jealous God. 

To Occult - To Hide Away. 

Given someone was some sort of egotistical, willful, Harry Potter Warlock, he may have also wanted to control angels.  There may have been fallen Christians who were part of the occult, Christians who knew of God, and chose something else, Apostates,  who were helping said Warlock, or were Warlocks themselves like a Balaam Son of Beor. 

Are you familiar with pop singer Kesha?  She has been associated with Satanism.  She has bad fruit.  In one of her songs, she has "Jesus on her ear" as in, a cross ear ring. 

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.  (Luke 12:8) 

No Caveats. God does not lie.  The Bible is The Word of God.   A lot of knowledge of Angels may have been Occulted.  Hidden away.  Someone needs God's Holy Spirit, and Spiritual Discernment. 

Thomas Aquinas, he wrote on the nature of Angels.  Someone like John Calvin may have looked at "The Nature of Angels," and said "I don't need that to be saved."  The Nature of Angels gets into a Catholic Tradition of Revelation.  Some Protestants wanted to reject a Catholic Tradition of Revelation to be separate from anything dealing with Purgatory.  That was wrong.  There may have been bad things institutionalized within a Catholic Tradition from time to time.  Rejecting it all may have been ceding something to Satan, Occulting something away. 

Why has Angelology not been taught much?  For a variety of reasons listed. 

Angels and Demons


An angel was a created being with a function governing some aspect of creation. Pride may be an aspect of creation. There may have been an angel that governed it. Someone that was prideful and haughty, they may have been blind to God. Pride as in self-esteem or self-worth, that may be a good thing. Different aspects of creation may be turned or viewed differently.

Given you go to The Book of Job, Chapter 38+, God starts to highlight things God has done to Job. There may have been angels governing the things God had done.

A demon, it was born of the sins of men. It may have been tied to specific sins. Cain slew Able. This was the first murder. Something may have been birthed from that.

Demons, being birthed of men, they can possess people. In someone’s subconscious there may have been some demons. Everyone may have been in “some level of possession.” A baptism, if done right, may be an exorcism.

Angels cannot possess someone.

A fallen angel was a created being with a function. It was separated from God. It may have been performing its function in corrupt ways. There may have been angels that governed things like Philosophy and Science and Technology. There may have been corruption there.

God’s Angels are:


El would be “Of God” in this context. Is some of this lost in translation? Absolutely.

“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations! (Isaiah 14:12)

I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.” (Revelations 22:16)

And he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations—27 ‘He shall rule them with a rod of iron;
They shall be dashed to pieces like the potter’s vessels’—as I also have received from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star. 29 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” (Revelations 2:16-29)

Lucifer would be a title or a function. This function may have had something to do with God’s Judgment of Nations. Satan, a fallen angel, he was Lucifer. This has to do with “What is The Light?” Jesus Christ became Lucifer, a title or a function. Satan, he coveted man. Jesus Christ loves you. God is love.

Satan would be “The Enemy.” There may have been many Satans. A Satan may have been a demonic ruler of a principality. There was a Top Dog Satan. That was, Satan, a Fallen Angel. Did Satan, a fallen angel have an El name? Samael.

This is good theology. It is flush with scripture, and flush with a lot of historical and theological context, like being flush in construction. Writing about angels, we are getting into things “Extra Biblical.” Being flush is important.

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