The Question: How does authority work as it relates to God and the Bible?
Lets start with The Kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament. Israel was different than other Nations. Israel had no King. God was their King. He ruled them through his Holy Spirit.....until they fell away. In falling away, Israel would become oppressed by its neighbors. Israel would cry out to God. God would send them a Judge.
A Judge may have been someone God "raised up." David was a shepherd. God raised up David. There were signs.
- 9 Instead, they will serve the Lord their God
and David their king,
whom I will raise up for them. (Jeremiah 30:9)
The prophets of God were "raised up" by God. God spoke through them. There were signs. These signs were evidence of God's hand. Someone following instruction from God, who was "In God's" spirit, he may have received authority. Many Biblical figures were "Raised up."
Israel wanted a King. God gave them a King. This King was anointed of God. There became an "Institution of the Kingship of Israel." There was authority in the Institution, and the anointing.
King Saul wanted to kill David. David had opportunities to kill or do harm to King Saul. (1 Samuel 24) David held back his hand. The meek [before God] shall inherit The Earth. David was meek before God, and God's plans.
There is the Authority of Kings. There was an anointing and an authority in the Institution of the King of Israel. Given a King was a bad King or a good King, it didn't matter. In the Institution, there was authority. Given a bad King was sitting on the throne, like King Ahab, there was still authority and anointing in the institution. The only way that authority may have been taken away, is if God decreed it, as God did in the Bible.
“By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?” (Mark 11:28)
Jesus Christ did the Father's Will unto death. Jesus' will was aligned with the Father's will. Doing The Father's Will there was authority.
In the Early Church there were Apostles. Apostles build Churches. In an understanding of Apostolic Succession there is a claim on authority. Personally, I am not a Catholic, and wasn't brought up in that tradition; however, in seeking God, and looking to be right, and looking to understand the Spiritual, I thought "What if the Catholics were right?" There are some interesting understandings there. A Bishop may have been in an Institution. Given a Bishop was good or bad, right or wrong, there may have been authority in the institution. There are a lot of hard Truths someone may be able to see here.
The Pope is a King. He is King of the Vatican. There is an anointing in being a Bishop or Patriarch. Given we are not sure, we can always looks to see what Satan was doing. The FBI was targeting Traditional Catholics in 2023. By Satan, I mean Saul Alinsky aligned people, more of one mind with Hillary Clinton and her followers.
We have covered two types of authority.
- The Authority of Kings. The King of Britain has been ruling by Divine Right, anointed in a ceremony similar to Prophet Samuel anointing King Saul. Many Kings of Europe may have also done this. Why? They were Christian Kings.
- Legitimate Authority derived from direct obedience to God, where a man's will is lined up with The Will of God.
Given The Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God has particular values, these two types of authority should be aligned.