Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Authority and God

The Question:  How does authority work as it relates to God and the Bible? 

Lets start with The Kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament.  Israel was different than other Nations.  Israel had no King.  God was their King.  He ruled them through his Holy Spirit.....until they fell away.  In falling away, Israel would become oppressed by its neighbors.  Israel would cry out to God.  God would send them a Judge. 

A Judge may have been someone God "raised up."  David was a shepherd.  God raised up David.  There were signs. 

  • Instead, they will serve the Lord their God
        and David their king,
        whom I will raise up for them.  (Jeremiah 30:9)

The prophets of God were "raised up" by God.  God spoke through them.  There were signs.  These signs were evidence of God's hand.  Someone following instruction from God, who was "In God's" spirit, he may have received authority.  Many Biblical figures were "Raised up."

Israel wanted a King.  God gave them a King.  This King was anointed of God.  There became an "Institution of the Kingship of Israel."  There was authority in the Institution, and the anointing. 

King Saul wanted to kill David.  David had opportunities to kill or do harm to King Saul.  (1 Samuel 24) David held back his hand.  The meek [before God] shall inherit The Earth.  David was meek before God, and God's plans. 

There is the Authority of Kings.  There was an anointing and an authority in the Institution of the King of Israel.  Given a King was a bad King or a good King, it didn't matter.  In the Institution, there was authority.  Given a bad King was sitting on the throne, like King Ahab, there was still authority and anointing in the institution.  The only way that authority may have been taken away, is if God decreed it, as God did in the Bible.  

“By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?”  (Mark 11:28) 

 Jesus Christ did the Father's Will unto death.  Jesus' will was aligned with the Father's will.  Doing The Father's Will there was authority.  

In the Early Church there were Apostles.  Apostles build Churches.  In an understanding of Apostolic Succession there is a claim on authority. Personally, I am not a Catholic, and wasn't brought up in that tradition; however, in seeking God, and looking to be right, and looking to understand the Spiritual, I thought "What if the Catholics were right?"  There are some interesting understandings there.  A Bishop may have been in an Institution.  Given a Bishop was good or bad, right or wrong, there may have been authority in the institution.  There are a lot of hard Truths someone may be able to see here. 

The Pope is a King.  He is King of the Vatican.  There is an anointing in being a Bishop or Patriarch.  Given we are not sure, we can always looks to see what Satan was doing.  The FBI was targeting Traditional Catholics in 2023.  By Satan, I mean Saul Alinsky aligned people, more of one mind with Hillary Clinton and her followers. 

We have covered two types of authority. 

  • The Authority of Kings.  The King of Britain has been ruling by Divine Right, anointed in a ceremony similar to Prophet Samuel anointing King Saul.  Many Kings of Europe may have also done this.  Why?  They were Christian Kings.  
  • Legitimate Authority derived from direct obedience to God, where a man's will is lined up with The Will of God.  

Given The Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God has particular values, these two types of authority should be aligned.  

Spiritual Warfare - LGBT

 The other day, I was sitting around my apartment, and some questions came to me about Spiritual Warfare and LGBT.

The Question:  How would you defeat LGBT? 

You don't actually have to defeat LGBT, which is a social construct, when it comes to Spiritual Warfare.  Someone who cared would only have to defeat people calling themselves Christians, who have been giving authority to Satan and Occultists.  

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  (Ephesians 6:12) 

 When talking about Spiritual Warfare, we can address and attack bad ideas.  Did someone take it personally?  With their soul, their identity, they may have been loving bad philosophy or theology, and identifying in something "Not Christian."  The enemy wasn't necessarily someone walking around in the Castro District of San Francisco.  The enemy was potentially someone in authority in the Church who was ceding things to Satan.  

How are we supposed to pray?  On Earth as it is in heaven.  Did someone on Earth over the last 2000 years end up with authority?  This gets into some touchy denominational issues that I have worked to stay out of.  Who had authority?  Someone did.  That authority may have ended up in a tradition within various Christian Churches.  Were the Anglicans ceding authority to Satan, and doing the wrong things in Freemasonry? 

Who is someone more of "one mind" with?  God fearing Christians or Secular Humanist/Non-Believers, leading into an understanding of the Occult?   

LGBT is a social construct.  Gay meant happy.  It is not too hard to find a song from the 50's where someone was singing about being gay.  The perception of the word suddenly shifted due to people around the New York Times, and associated with Rev Jesse Jackson, and the Counter Culture during the 1980's.  A rainbow was an innocent thing that any child may have drawn.  A rainbow is a sign of God's promise not to flood the Earth.  Rev Jesse Jackson had a "Rainbow Coalition."  Did LGBT adopt a Rainbow flag associated with Jackson's Rainbow Coalition? 

In the Counter Culture, and hyphenated Americanism, there was Black Power or Nationalism, Latino Power or Nationalism, White Power and Nationalism, Feminism, and LGBT.  Singing The Black National Anthem during the Super Bowl, that is not too much different than LGBT co-opting and flying its own flag.  LGBT is a Social Construct, and a culture.  Someone is only LGBT when they choose to identify in LGBT Culture.  

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  (2 Corinthians 10:5) 

Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words, a war of thoughts.  How does man perceive himself?  How does man perceive God?  Given perceptions were changing away from the Kingdom of God, there may have been Christians doing wrong.

The Body of Christ is society.  The Body of Christ is organic.  Some are the hands, some the feet, some the eyes, some the mouth.  We all have a function in the Body.  (Ephesians 4:11)  Sin in the body may be like a wound.  Wounds fester.  Given your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off.  Being cut off may be like an exile or excommunication....or worse. 

Where are the borders of the Body of Christ?  The be Holy is to be separate.  Christians are to be a light unto the unbeliever.  Given people can't tell the difference between Christians, and people living in sin at Columbia University, there is a problem. 

Name a Christian Church that believes in "No-Fault Divorce?"  I don't know of one.  All 50 states have allowed for No-Fault Divorce.  Are Secular Judges in the US, are they King Henry VIII, wielding all authority in both Church and State?  For all 50 states to allow for No-Fault Divorce, Christians were ceding something. 

To be Holy is to be separate.  To defeat a lot of bad ideas, to include LGBT, Christians should be coming together to form Christian Communities more similar to how the Ultra Orthodox Jews in New York have their own community, where Christians are living in Christian neighborhoods.  A lot has changed since 1960, and there was prayer in schools.  In the US, we no longer have a shared sense of values.  There has been a culture war.  People who choose to be "not Christian" in their values, need to be excluded.  Part of how we do that is form Christian communities.  Given people want to live in a "Secular Society," they can do that.  They can live in San Francisco with its high crime, and businesses leaving.  Christians should be living in their own communities, their own neighborhoods, where it is clear where the boarders of the Kingdom of God are.  

Have you noticed how "Liberals" have tended to want to force themselves, and their opinions onto people, and attach themselves to things?  ESPN used to be about sports.  ESPN was the most popular and successful cable news channel.  Disney bought ESPN, and started injecting politics into it.  Satanism is like a leech.  Christians don't need Satan.  Satan has fed off of Christians.  In similar way, Liberals, have needed to attach themselves to things like ESPN or Star Wars or Star Trek or various Intellectual Properties.  They suck them dry.  They need to be cut off. 

Something to pray and reflect on.  This may be under construction.  We briefly covered a lot of deep ideas.  I suppose we may need to go into some more detail later. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Genesis Time: Nothing New Happens Under the Sun (Ecclesiasties 1:9-11)

  How old is the Earth based on the Bible?  It has been a big debate since Darwin.  God shared somethings with me.  I haven't written about them before publicly. What was shared has been hard to substantiate where scientifically minded people were happy with the answer.  Those types of people are not the audience here.  

In the debate of between Evolution and Creation, some important discoveries were lost.  How do we know, for example, that Prophet Amos died in 745 year BEFORE CHRIST?  The Bible doesn't tell time Before Christ.  

"And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah.  (Zechariah 14:5)(Amos 1:1)

The Bible does an excellent job of keeping time and records of things.  The Bible kept time of Kings.  It kept time of earthquakes and eclipses.  On Youtube, there are some interesting documentaries about this topic, and how archeologists found Assyrian timelines in places like Nineveh, Nineveh where Prophet Jonah was sent to. Archeologists discovered these long Assyrian timelines, and were able to match them up with Bible timelines due to solar eclipses.  Everything fit.  Perfectly.  Said documentaries on Youtube are a worthwhile watch given someone is interested in this topic. 

Working into an understanding of Genesis, how is someone telling time?  Time has been measured by movement.  Do we tell time with the Earth's rotation?  With the Earth around the sun? With the sun around the moon?  Perspectives of time have changed and shifted.  

Did men live a lot longer during "Some period of time?"  Given they did, they may have been telling time differently.  Someone who lived to be 900 years old, he may have perceived things a lot differently than someone who lives to seventy.  

Jacob labored seven years for his wives.  Seven years is a long time to wait.  A lot could happen in seven years. How many men would be that patient today?  Seven years may have been a "Biblical Week."  That is a different way of telling time. 

Nothing New Happens Under the Sun.  (Ecclesiastics 1:9-11) King Solomon reigned over a wealthy Kingdom that prospered.  He had relations with various neighboring Kingdoms.  He may have had a lot of knowledge of history.  God granted King Solomon wisdom.  King Solomon may have seen into God's inner workings.  God reserves some Intelligent Design "Gotcha" moments.  Nothing New Happens Under the Sun is one of them.  Time goes in a circle.  This is related to a "Social Cycle Theory" history, but different, and more complex.  King Solomon may have wanted to know that what he was building would last. King Solomon may have wanted to know he would create legacy.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  King Solomon became distraught. 

Genesis may be literal, in that there was a literal event that happened around 6000 years ago.  Genesis may also be allegorical, where genealogies from Adam were allegorically, an "Era of History."  Jesus Christ, he changed the Spiritual with his life death and resurrection.  God doesn't change.  (Malachi 3:6-7)  What was going on spiritual may have changed.  Satan being thrown from the heavens suggests a change.  In the Book of Enoch, there was an event where other angels, different from Satan, were also thrown from heaven.  Nothing new happens under the sun. 

Genealogies from Adam may be eras of history, allegorically, like telling time BC and AD. 

I haven't researched this topic much, or worked to prove it.  This was Revelation, something God revealed to me. 

The Bible and Sheperding Part 2

 A man's body is a temple.  Jesus lives inside a man through his Holy Spirit.  A Christian should be "in God."  A Christian should be in God's Holy Spirit.  The Lord is his shepherd.  He is perceiving through God's Spirit things to say or write.  

How did I learn about Shepherding and the Bible?  From God.  Sometimes, being in God, I may have found myself doing or saying particular things, and reflected upon them later with God.  Receiving something from God is like having an answer in the back of a math book.  Given you have the right answer, it may not be too hard to figure out what was going on to get there. 

Given a Pastor was shepherding well, it may be like a boxer changing his stance from left hand to right hand or vice versa.  The Left Hand has to do with The Light.  Jesus Christ is the Light the Truth and the Way.  The Right Hand does a lot of the work.  The Right Hand may have had a function in God's Judgement.  Hope and Fear. 

Article:  "Right Hand of God" from Wikipedia.  

I am not going to go into great detail here.  This is how I discovered Shepherding and God. 

The Question:  Has their been a corrupt form of Shepherding? 

Yes.  Anytime man has fallen away from God, there may have been a corruption.  Pharaoh was buried with a Rod and a Staff.  There was a theology in ancient Egypt about how Pharaoh kept his slaves in line.  We may be able to go back further than Egypt, and go to ancient Sumeria.  There is a learning curve here. 

In Modern Politics, there has been a "Templar School" in London.  There has been Skull and Bone in Yale.  There was a hidden knowledge there, and for someone to receive that knowledge they may have had to go through corrupt pagan/occult rituals where someone ended up possessed, and having allegiance to the group. 

It is sort of like George W Bush and John Kerry both being Skull and Bones, and running against each other in 2004.  They both seem to be very different men politically.....were they?  We could go through the issues, but where they were most the same, is they were both Globalists, like someone working to build a Tower of Babel.  The Democrats and Establishment Republicans may have been working in tandem to deceive the American people since the end of the Cold War....at least, that is, until 2014 or so, and it started to come to an end. 

Now that you know what Shepherding is, can you pick up the pieces, and figure out what has been going on?  I suppose I may be able to write about it more, and connect all the dots for people.  Can you seek God, talk to God, and figure it out with God? 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Bible and Shepherding

 The Lord is a shepherd.  (Psalms 23)  Jesus Christ is the good shepherd.  There is a philosophy or theology about how shepherding works.  We will share it with you today.  This knowledge has been known.  Certain segments of mankind have been aware of it.  This isn't something that is new.  The odds are, that if someone learned it outside of God, they learned a corrupt form of shepherding.  

  • Parents have children.  Parents may have used various psychological techniques to help their children behave, and make good decisions.  
  • A teacher has a classroom.  A teacher may have used some psychological techniques to maintain order and discipline in the classroom, and to keep his students motivated to learn.  
  • A manager has workers.  A manager may have used various psychological techniques to ensure his employees came to work on time, and were motivated to work hard.  
  • A Priest has a flock.  Were you in the fold?  
  • A Governor, a President, a King, they have subjects or constituents. They may have used various psychological techniques to ensure populations maintain the peace, and to shepherd populations of people to do what they would like people to do.  

 Shepherding is part of life.  Some people have used the term "Sheeple" derogatorily.  That is often not used well.  Christians are to be law abiding. (Romans 13) God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  God puts certain authorities in place.  Being law abiding to one's parents, to teachers, to managers, to the governor, that may reflect a man being obedient to God.  God, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, has long term plans, and has been shepherding all rulers.    

God has a Rod and a Staff.  He has a staff leading to good things, blessings, joy, and God's Kingdom.  God has a rod of misery.  God's form of discipline may be carrot and stick.  People who behave, and are seeking God, and love God's ways, they are rewarded.  The bad children are punished.  That is sort of like Saint Nicholas at Christmas time.

A lot of Christians, they have understood "God is love."  They tend to understand the good things and blessings.  Many didn't understand, or haven't understood, at this time, the bad.  

Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.  (Deuteronomy 8:5) 

 Were you spanked by your dad?  I was.  I have also been allegorically spanked by life.  My life hurt for awhile.  I hated my life.  Having a fear of my dad, that is, a fear of his displeasure, and being wrong by him, that relates to a Fear of God. 

I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands.  (2 Samuel 7:12) 

David is "He whom I punish with the rods of men."  When David sinned, bad things happened.  David took Uriah the Hittites wife, and sent Uriah to die.  The result of this was chaos in David's household and civil war.  David was punished.  Punishment here is an act of love.  A dad may punish his son because he wanted good things for him.  A dad desired to keep his son on the righteous path.  

There is a deeper theology here. This is a good introduction for today.  Given someone understands what Faith is, and understands certain concepts from the Bible well, they may be able to see Satan.  They may be able to see things, bad ideas, bad theology or philosophy, that was working to keep men away from God.  Keep men away from growing in faith with God.  We may do a part two and covers that.  This is something to pray and reflect on for the moment. 

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Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...