How old is the Earth based on the Bible? It has been a big debate since Darwin. God shared somethings with me. I haven't written about them before publicly. What was shared has been hard to substantiate where scientifically minded people were happy with the answer. Those types of people are not the audience here.
In the debate of between Evolution and Creation, some important discoveries were lost. How do we know, for example, that Prophet Amos died in 745 year BEFORE CHRIST? The Bible doesn't tell time Before Christ.
"And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah. (Zechariah 14:5)(Amos 1:1)
The Bible does an excellent job of keeping time and records of things. The Bible kept time of Kings. It kept time of earthquakes and eclipses. On Youtube, there are some interesting documentaries about this topic, and how archeologists found Assyrian timelines in places like Nineveh, Nineveh where Prophet Jonah was sent to. Archeologists discovered these long Assyrian timelines, and were able to match them up with Bible timelines due to solar eclipses. Everything fit. Perfectly. Said documentaries on Youtube are a worthwhile watch given someone is interested in this topic.
Working into an understanding of Genesis, how is someone telling time? Time has been measured by movement. Do we tell time with the Earth's rotation? With the Earth around the sun? With the sun around the moon? Perspectives of time have changed and shifted.
Did men live a lot longer during "Some period of time?" Given they did, they may have been telling time differently. Someone who lived to be 900 years old, he may have perceived things a lot differently than someone who lives to seventy.
Jacob labored seven years for his wives. Seven years is a long time to wait. A lot could happen in seven years. How many men would be that patient today? Seven years may have been a "Biblical Week." That is a different way of telling time.
Nothing New Happens Under the Sun. (Ecclesiastics 1:9-11) King Solomon reigned over a wealthy Kingdom that prospered. He had relations with various neighboring Kingdoms. He may have had a lot of knowledge of history. God granted King Solomon wisdom. King Solomon may have seen into God's inner workings. God reserves some Intelligent Design "Gotcha" moments. Nothing New Happens Under the Sun is one of them. Time goes in a circle. This is related to a "Social Cycle Theory" history, but different, and more complex. King Solomon may have wanted to know that what he was building would last. King Solomon may have wanted to know he would create legacy. Nothing new happens under the sun. King Solomon became distraught.
Genesis may be literal, in that there was a literal event that happened around 6000 years ago. Genesis may also be allegorical, where genealogies from Adam were allegorically, an "Era of History." Jesus Christ, he changed the Spiritual with his life death and resurrection. God doesn't change. (Malachi 3:6-7) What was going on spiritual may have changed. Satan being thrown from the heavens suggests a change. In the Book of Enoch, there was an event where other angels, different from Satan, were also thrown from heaven. Nothing new happens under the sun.
Genealogies from Adam may be eras of history, allegorically, like telling time BC and AD.
I haven't researched this topic much, or worked to prove it. This was Revelation, something God revealed to me.
Question: Where would the evidence of very ancient mankind be?
ReplyDeleteDeserts and glaciers are a thing. What would happen given God tilted the Earth different?
There may be evidence of, off the coast of Tunis. Also, somewhere buried around Jerusalem, someone from Daniel's day, he found something in Babylon that was a link. He took it, and it is buried somewhere. We may need that later.
Question: Do you have any other proofs of God?
ReplyDeleteModernism started around The French Revolution, and ended with the Fall of the Berlin Wall. A part of Modernism was Luciferian, like the character of the French Revolution being "Anti-Church," and Anti-Christian.
Given someone was "Utopia Building" outside of God, and a Social Darwinist, or Eugenicist, he may have hidden away various proofs of God. (Romans 1:18-25) A lot of Archeology happened during Modernism, and the character of many such people around Academia has become "Luciferian" and Secular Humanist.
Given someone found the Ark of the Covenant.....what would he do with it? There may be a lot interested parties. Which parties? When you can answer that question, you may be able to find interesting artifacts that were "Occulted."
To Occult - To Hide Away.