Friday, March 7, 2025

The Bible and Sheperding Part 2

 A man's body is a temple.  Jesus lives inside a man through his Holy Spirit.  A Christian should be "in God."  A Christian should be in God's Holy Spirit.  The Lord is his shepherd.  He is perceiving through God's Spirit things to say or write.  

How did I learn about Shepherding and the Bible?  From God.  Sometimes, being in God, I may have found myself doing or saying particular things, and reflected upon them later with God.  Receiving something from God is like having an answer in the back of a math book.  Given you have the right answer, it may not be too hard to figure out what was going on to get there. 

Given a Pastor was shepherding well, it may be like a boxer changing his stance from left hand to right hand or vice versa.  The Left Hand has to do with The Light.  Jesus Christ is the Light the Truth and the Way.  The Right Hand does a lot of the work.  The Right Hand may have had a function in God's Judgement.  Hope and Fear. 

Article:  "Right Hand of God" from Wikipedia.  

I am not going to go into great detail here.  This is how I discovered Shepherding and God. 

The Question:  Has their been a corrupt form of Shepherding? 

Yes.  Anytime man has fallen away from God, there may have been a corruption.  Pharaoh was buried with a Rod and a Staff.  There was a theology in ancient Egypt about how Pharaoh kept his slaves in line.  We may be able to go back further than Egypt, and go to ancient Sumeria.  There is a learning curve here. 

In Modern Politics, there has been a "Templar School" in London.  There has been Skull and Bone in Yale.  There was a hidden knowledge there, and for someone to receive that knowledge they may have had to go through corrupt pagan/occult rituals where someone ended up possessed, and having allegiance to the group. 

It is sort of like George W Bush and John Kerry both being Skull and Bones, and running against each other in 2004.  They both seem to be very different men politically.....were they?  We could go through the issues, but where they were most the same, is they were both Globalists, like someone working to build a Tower of Babel.  The Democrats and Establishment Republicans may have been working in tandem to deceive the American people since the end of the Cold least, that is, until 2014 or so, and it started to come to an end. 

Now that you know what Shepherding is, can you pick up the pieces, and figure out what has been going on?  I suppose I may be able to write about it more, and connect all the dots for people.  Can you seek God, talk to God, and figure it out with God? 


  1. The Question: What has been going on in Britain?

    There are multiple players, players like in a Game of Thrones.

    There are Marxists working to create chaos towards revolution.

    There have been Secular Humanist Jews who have liked Islam as a buffer to Christianity.

    The King of Britain's Dad was a Freemason, and so the Queen.

    From: (

    "Religious Freedom: represented by any holy book, independent of the religion"

    My God is a jealous God. There is a Mysticism in Freemasonry. In that Mysticism, were Freemasons closer to Gnosticism, a Christian heresy, or Sufism, where Jesus was just another prophet or philosopher? That is not Christianity.

  2. Question: How do you understand Pharaoh in Egypt as he relates to God Almighty?

    There was a "Son of God," and he fell away.


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