Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Authority and God

The Question:  How does authority work as it relates to God and the Bible? 

Lets start with The Kingdom of Israel in the Old Testament.  Israel was different than other Nations.  Israel had no King.  God was their King.  He ruled them through his Holy Spirit.....until they fell away.  In falling away, Israel would become oppressed by its neighbors.  Israel would cry out to God.  God would send them a Judge. 

A Judge may have been someone God "raised up."  David was a shepherd.  God raised up David.  There were signs. 

  • Instead, they will serve the Lord their God
        and David their king,
        whom I will raise up for them.  (Jeremiah 30:9)

The prophets of God were "raised up" by God.  God spoke through them.  There were signs.  These signs were evidence of God's hand.  Someone following instruction from God, who was "In God's" spirit, he may have received authority.  Many Biblical figures were "Raised up."

Israel wanted a King.  God gave them a King.  This King was anointed of God.  There became an "Institution of the Kingship of Israel."  There was authority in the Institution, and the anointing. 

King Saul wanted to kill David.  David had opportunities to kill or do harm to King Saul.  (1 Samuel 24) David held back his hand.  The meek [before God] shall inherit The Earth.  David was meek before God, and God's plans. 

There is the Authority of Kings.  There was an anointing and an authority in the Institution of the King of Israel.  Given a King was a bad King or a good King, it didn't matter.  In the Institution, there was authority.  Given a bad King was sitting on the throne, like King Ahab, there was still authority and anointing in the institution.  The only way that authority may have been taken away, is if God decreed it, as God did in the Bible.  

“By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?”  (Mark 11:28) 

 Jesus Christ did the Father's Will unto death.  Jesus' will was aligned with the Father's will.  Doing The Father's Will there was authority.  

In the Early Church there were Apostles.  Apostles build Churches.  In an understanding of Apostolic Succession there is a claim on authority. Personally, I am not a Catholic, and wasn't brought up in that tradition; however, in seeking God, and looking to be right, and looking to understand the Spiritual, I thought "What if the Catholics were right?"  There are some interesting understandings there.  A Bishop may have been in an Institution.  Given a Bishop was good or bad, right or wrong, there may have been authority in the institution.  There are a lot of hard Truths someone may be able to see here. 

The Pope is a King.  He is King of the Vatican.  There is an anointing in being a Bishop or Patriarch.  Given we are not sure, we can always looks to see what Satan was doing.  The FBI was targeting Traditional Catholics in 2023.  By Satan, I mean Saul Alinsky aligned people, more of one mind with Hillary Clinton and her followers. 

We have covered two types of authority. 

  • The Authority of Kings.  The King of Britain has been ruling by Divine Right, anointed in a ceremony similar to Prophet Samuel anointing King Saul.  Many Kings of Europe may have also done this.  Why?  They were Christian Kings.  
  • Legitimate Authority derived from direct obedience to God, where a man's will is lined up with The Will of God.  

Given The Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of God has particular values, these two types of authority should be aligned.  

Spiritual Warfare - LGBT

 The other day, I was sitting around my apartment, and some questions came to me about Spiritual Warfare and LGBT.

The Question:  How would you defeat LGBT? 

You don't actually have to defeat LGBT, which is a social construct, when it comes to Spiritual Warfare.  Someone who cared would only have to defeat people calling themselves Christians, who have been giving authority to Satan and Occultists.  

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  (Ephesians 6:12) 

 When talking about Spiritual Warfare, we can address and attack bad ideas.  Did someone take it personally?  With their soul, their identity, they may have been loving bad philosophy or theology, and identifying in something "Not Christian."  The enemy wasn't necessarily someone walking around in the Castro District of San Francisco.  The enemy was potentially someone in authority in the Church who was ceding things to Satan.  

How are we supposed to pray?  On Earth as it is in heaven.  Did someone on Earth over the last 2000 years end up with authority?  This gets into some touchy denominational issues that I have worked to stay out of.  Who had authority?  Someone did.  That authority may have ended up in a tradition within various Christian Churches.  Were the Anglicans ceding authority to Satan, and doing the wrong things in Freemasonry? 

Who is someone more of "one mind" with?  God fearing Christians or Secular Humanist/Non-Believers, leading into an understanding of the Occult?   

LGBT is a social construct.  Gay meant happy.  It is not too hard to find a song from the 50's where someone was singing about being gay.  The perception of the word suddenly shifted due to people around the New York Times, and associated with Rev Jesse Jackson, and the Counter Culture during the 1980's.  A rainbow was an innocent thing that any child may have drawn.  A rainbow is a sign of God's promise not to flood the Earth.  Rev Jesse Jackson had a "Rainbow Coalition."  Did LGBT adopt a Rainbow flag associated with Jackson's Rainbow Coalition? 

In the Counter Culture, and hyphenated Americanism, there was Black Power or Nationalism, Latino Power or Nationalism, White Power and Nationalism, Feminism, and LGBT.  Singing The Black National Anthem during the Super Bowl, that is not too much different than LGBT co-opting and flying its own flag.  LGBT is a Social Construct, and a culture.  Someone is only LGBT when they choose to identify in LGBT Culture.  

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  (2 Corinthians 10:5) 

Part of Spiritual Warfare has been a war of words, a war of thoughts.  How does man perceive himself?  How does man perceive God?  Given perceptions were changing away from the Kingdom of God, there may have been Christians doing wrong.

The Body of Christ is society.  The Body of Christ is organic.  Some are the hands, some the feet, some the eyes, some the mouth.  We all have a function in the Body.  (Ephesians 4:11)  Sin in the body may be like a wound.  Wounds fester.  Given your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off.  Being cut off may be like an exile or excommunication....or worse. 

Where are the borders of the Body of Christ?  The be Holy is to be separate.  Christians are to be a light unto the unbeliever.  Given people can't tell the difference between Christians, and people living in sin at Columbia University, there is a problem. 

Name a Christian Church that believes in "No-Fault Divorce?"  I don't know of one.  All 50 states have allowed for No-Fault Divorce.  Are Secular Judges in the US, are they King Henry VIII, wielding all authority in both Church and State?  For all 50 states to allow for No-Fault Divorce, Christians were ceding something. 

To be Holy is to be separate.  To defeat a lot of bad ideas, to include LGBT, Christians should be coming together to form Christian Communities more similar to how the Ultra Orthodox Jews in New York have their own community, where Christians are living in Christian neighborhoods.  A lot has changed since 1960, and there was prayer in schools.  In the US, we no longer have a shared sense of values.  There has been a culture war.  People who choose to be "not Christian" in their values, need to be excluded.  Part of how we do that is form Christian communities.  Given people want to live in a "Secular Society," they can do that.  They can live in San Francisco with its high crime, and businesses leaving.  Christians should be living in their own communities, their own neighborhoods, where it is clear where the boarders of the Kingdom of God are.  

Have you noticed how "Liberals" have tended to want to force themselves, and their opinions onto people, and attach themselves to things?  ESPN used to be about sports.  ESPN was the most popular and successful cable news channel.  Disney bought ESPN, and started injecting politics into it.  Satanism is like a leech.  Christians don't need Satan.  Satan has fed off of Christians.  In similar way, Liberals, have needed to attach themselves to things like ESPN or Star Wars or Star Trek or various Intellectual Properties.  They suck them dry.  They need to be cut off. 

Something to pray and reflect on.  This may be under construction.  We briefly covered a lot of deep ideas.  I suppose we may need to go into some more detail later. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Genesis Time: Nothing New Happens Under the Sun (Ecclesiasties 1:9-11)

  How old is the Earth based on the Bible?  It has been a big debate since Darwin.  God shared somethings with me.  I haven't written about them before publicly. What was shared has been hard to substantiate where scientifically minded people were happy with the answer.  Those types of people are not the audience here.  

In the debate of between Evolution and Creation, some important discoveries were lost.  How do we know, for example, that Prophet Amos died in 745 year BEFORE CHRIST?  The Bible doesn't tell time Before Christ.  

"And you shall flee as you fled from the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah.  (Zechariah 14:5)(Amos 1:1)

The Bible does an excellent job of keeping time and records of things.  The Bible kept time of Kings.  It kept time of earthquakes and eclipses.  On Youtube, there are some interesting documentaries about this topic, and how archeologists found Assyrian timelines in places like Nineveh, Nineveh where Prophet Jonah was sent to. Archeologists discovered these long Assyrian timelines, and were able to match them up with Bible timelines due to solar eclipses.  Everything fit.  Perfectly.  Said documentaries on Youtube are a worthwhile watch given someone is interested in this topic. 

Working into an understanding of Genesis, how is someone telling time?  Time has been measured by movement.  Do we tell time with the Earth's rotation?  With the Earth around the sun? With the sun around the moon?  Perspectives of time have changed and shifted.  

Did men live a lot longer during "Some period of time?"  Given they did, they may have been telling time differently.  Someone who lived to be 900 years old, he may have perceived things a lot differently than someone who lives to seventy.  

Jacob labored seven years for his wives.  Seven years is a long time to wait.  A lot could happen in seven years. How many men would be that patient today?  Seven years may have been a "Biblical Week."  That is a different way of telling time. 

Nothing New Happens Under the Sun.  (Ecclesiastics 1:9-11) King Solomon reigned over a wealthy Kingdom that prospered.  He had relations with various neighboring Kingdoms.  He may have had a lot of knowledge of history.  God granted King Solomon wisdom.  King Solomon may have seen into God's inner workings.  God reserves some Intelligent Design "Gotcha" moments.  Nothing New Happens Under the Sun is one of them.  Time goes in a circle.  This is related to a "Social Cycle Theory" history, but different, and more complex.  King Solomon may have wanted to know that what he was building would last. King Solomon may have wanted to know he would create legacy.  Nothing new happens under the sun.  King Solomon became distraught. 

Genesis may be literal, in that there was a literal event that happened around 6000 years ago.  Genesis may also be allegorical, where genealogies from Adam were allegorically, an "Era of History."  Jesus Christ, he changed the Spiritual with his life death and resurrection.  God doesn't change.  (Malachi 3:6-7)  What was going on spiritual may have changed.  Satan being thrown from the heavens suggests a change.  In the Book of Enoch, there was an event where other angels, different from Satan, were also thrown from heaven.  Nothing new happens under the sun. 

Genealogies from Adam may be eras of history, allegorically, like telling time BC and AD. 

I haven't researched this topic much, or worked to prove it.  This was Revelation, something God revealed to me. 

The Bible and Sheperding Part 2

 A man's body is a temple.  Jesus lives inside a man through his Holy Spirit.  A Christian should be "in God."  A Christian should be in God's Holy Spirit.  The Lord is his shepherd.  He is perceiving through God's Spirit things to say or write.  

How did I learn about Shepherding and the Bible?  From God.  Sometimes, being in God, I may have found myself doing or saying particular things, and reflected upon them later with God.  Receiving something from God is like having an answer in the back of a math book.  Given you have the right answer, it may not be too hard to figure out what was going on to get there. 

Given a Pastor was shepherding well, it may be like a boxer changing his stance from left hand to right hand or vice versa.  The Left Hand has to do with The Light.  Jesus Christ is the Light the Truth and the Way.  The Right Hand does a lot of the work.  The Right Hand may have had a function in God's Judgement.  Hope and Fear. 

Article:  "Right Hand of God" from Wikipedia.  

I am not going to go into great detail here.  This is how I discovered Shepherding and God. 

The Question:  Has their been a corrupt form of Shepherding? 

Yes.  Anytime man has fallen away from God, there may have been a corruption.  Pharaoh was buried with a Rod and a Staff.  There was a theology in ancient Egypt about how Pharaoh kept his slaves in line.  We may be able to go back further than Egypt, and go to ancient Sumeria.  There is a learning curve here. 

In Modern Politics, there has been a "Templar School" in London.  There has been Skull and Bone in Yale.  There was a hidden knowledge there, and for someone to receive that knowledge they may have had to go through corrupt pagan/occult rituals where someone ended up possessed, and having allegiance to the group. 

It is sort of like George W Bush and John Kerry both being Skull and Bones, and running against each other in 2004.  They both seem to be very different men politically.....were they?  We could go through the issues, but where they were most the same, is they were both Globalists, like someone working to build a Tower of Babel.  The Democrats and Establishment Republicans may have been working in tandem to deceive the American people since the end of the Cold War....at least, that is, until 2014 or so, and it started to come to an end. 

Now that you know what Shepherding is, can you pick up the pieces, and figure out what has been going on?  I suppose I may be able to write about it more, and connect all the dots for people.  Can you seek God, talk to God, and figure it out with God? 

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Bible and Shepherding

 The Lord is a shepherd.  (Psalms 23)  Jesus Christ is the good shepherd.  There is a philosophy or theology about how shepherding works.  We will share it with you today.  This knowledge has been known.  Certain segments of mankind have been aware of it.  This isn't something that is new.  The odds are, that if someone learned it outside of God, they learned a corrupt form of shepherding.  

  • Parents have children.  Parents may have used various psychological techniques to help their children behave, and make good decisions.  
  • A teacher has a classroom.  A teacher may have used some psychological techniques to maintain order and discipline in the classroom, and to keep his students motivated to learn.  
  • A manager has workers.  A manager may have used various psychological techniques to ensure his employees came to work on time, and were motivated to work hard.  
  • A Priest has a flock.  Were you in the fold?  
  • A Governor, a President, a King, they have subjects or constituents. They may have used various psychological techniques to ensure populations maintain the peace, and to shepherd populations of people to do what they would like people to do.  

 Shepherding is part of life.  Some people have used the term "Sheeple" derogatorily.  That is often not used well.  Christians are to be law abiding. (Romans 13) God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  God puts certain authorities in place.  Being law abiding to one's parents, to teachers, to managers, to the governor, that may reflect a man being obedient to God.  God, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, has long term plans, and has been shepherding all rulers.    

God has a Rod and a Staff.  He has a staff leading to good things, blessings, joy, and God's Kingdom.  God has a rod of misery.  God's form of discipline may be carrot and stick.  People who behave, and are seeking God, and love God's ways, they are rewarded.  The bad children are punished.  That is sort of like Saint Nicholas at Christmas time.

A lot of Christians, they have understood "God is love."  They tend to understand the good things and blessings.  Many didn't understand, or haven't understood, at this time, the bad.  

Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you.  (Deuteronomy 8:5) 

 Were you spanked by your dad?  I was.  I have also been allegorically spanked by life.  My life hurt for awhile.  I hated my life.  Having a fear of my dad, that is, a fear of his displeasure, and being wrong by him, that relates to a Fear of God. 

I will be his father, and he will be my son. When he does wrong, I will punish him with a rod wielded by men, with floggings inflicted by human hands.  (2 Samuel 7:12) 

David is "He whom I punish with the rods of men."  When David sinned, bad things happened.  David took Uriah the Hittites wife, and sent Uriah to die.  The result of this was chaos in David's household and civil war.  David was punished.  Punishment here is an act of love.  A dad may punish his son because he wanted good things for him.  A dad desired to keep his son on the righteous path.  

There is a deeper theology here. This is a good introduction for today.  Given someone understands what Faith is, and understands certain concepts from the Bible well, they may be able to see Satan.  They may be able to see things, bad ideas, bad theology or philosophy, that was working to keep men away from God.  Keep men away from growing in faith with God.  We may do a part two and covers that.  This is something to pray and reflect on for the moment. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Prophet to the Nations

 Question:  What is a Prophet to the Nations? 

Given a prophet of God, there may have been roles he fills.  Prophet to the Nations is a role.  There is an article I like from an outside source, that is, a source not me. 

Article:  "Role of a Prophet."  from Kingdom Watchers Website.  

These roles could end up rolling through a man like a wagon wheel. 

For someone to be in the role of Prophet to the Nations, they may have had to go through some particular things.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. 

Hierarchies of Authority

In a society, there have been various hierarchies.  The most basic hierarchies may be the family.  A man is the head of his household.  His wife is a helper.  He has children who respect and honor him.  As a child, most young men learn to look up to mom and dad.  They are an authority who provides food and shelter and security. 

A hierarchy of authority may have been at school where we have a teacher and his classroom.  The students look up to the teacher and honor and respect him.  The teacher had his own hierarchies.  The teacher may have had the principle, the school board, and so on.  Another hierarchy may have been worker -  manager - district manager - CEO.  In the military there are hierarchies.  To see things more as God sees them, as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, someone was shepherded outside of all hierarchies to where the only hierarchy is God - man. 

Prophet Jeremiah was prophet to the Nations.  Jeremiah was known as the Weeping Prophet.  He wept for his nation.  A man in the role of Prophet to the Nations may have had to learn to hate where he came from.  Not hate like he was working against his homeland as a traitor, but hate in order to separate one's self from love of country towards love of God and obedience. 

Race, as it has been perceived the last few hundred years, has been a social construct.  A lot of people may have ended up with "racial thinking."  A man learning to be Prophet to the Nations may have had to learn to hate where he came from, and his race, at least for a time, towards letting go with one's soul, and loving God with his soul. 

Learning to separate one's self, in a healthy way, with God, that is hard.  Someone could kill themselves.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor.  

Something to pray and reflect on. 


The Question:  Is race, as it has been perceived that last few hundred years, really a social construct? 

In Ancient Rome, there were Black Roman Emperors or Emperors from Africa.  There is the Shakespeare play "Othello" where the man character was a man with black skin.  This is a topic that has tended to rouse a lot of weirdos.  Don't be a weirdo.  

Given someone was to ask how Western Nations during the colonization period, how they learned to perceived race, the answer may be that Western Nations may have picked up some spirits and/or attitudes from China.  Were Christians, who were supposed to be serving God, over in China serving Mammon?  A supposed Christian serving Mammon may have done something foolish like Cowtow to a Chinese Emperor who had a cult around him.  Christian in pagan Rome would have rather been martyred.  Given some Christians ventured into idolatry in the far East, they may have picked attitudes and spirits.  The Chinese  have been very racist. 

Question:  What about the Jews? 

What about them?  In Spain around 1300 AD, religion was the main dividing line.  Someone was a Christian, a Muslim, or a Jew?  Was someone "Anti-Semitic?"


: of, relating to, or constituting a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Semitic)

The Jewish people have a long memory.  An Arab would be Semitic.  In Spain, and for most of history, religion was the major dividing line, and not race as it has been perceived today.  In Spain around 1300, someone was Christian or other. 

God's Judgement of Nations

 God is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  How does he judge Nations?  Lets start with the Old Testament. 

In the Old Testament, a Nation may have been judged on a standard of Righteousness.  Given a Nation was "More Righteous," it may have been ok.  A Nation that was being built by a hard group of survivalists may have tended to be "More Righteous."  When survival is threatened, men tend to be vigilant, and pay attention to detail.  This tends to produce a kind of righteousness.  The Promised Land was a crossroads area where there were a lot of trade routes, and armies looking to march through.  Israel was not to make entangling alliances with its pagan neighbors.  Instead, it was to be vigilant of dangers, and hold tight to God.  Given Israel followed all the Laws of Moses, it would have been more righteous. 

The people of Nineveh, they were doing things objectively wicked.  Objective wickedness someone may be able to read in Ezekiel 16:48-52.  People who are in sexual immorality, they develop hearts of stone.  Overtime, they may have done increasingly wicked things to each other, and the poor.  Some threshold of wickedness may have been reached where God unleashes his judgement of War, Famine, and Plague. 

God is slow to anger. 

God takes no pleasure in his judgement.  

God would like repentance. 

God sent Prophet Jonah to the people of Nineveh to call them into repentance.  They repented. Some Nations may have exceeded some sort of threshold where no amount of prophets sent would have mattered.  They would have killed the messengers....or did.  That is another type of threshold. 

God's judgement of Nations didn't change in the New Testament.  Given a Nation was more righteous, and doing well by God, it was blessed and fruitful.  Given a Christian Nation fell away, it may have experienced God's Judgement.  

We have developed here, the basis someone may need towards seeing God's hand in history.  Given someone has God, with prayer and reflection, someone may be able to discover some interesting things. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Angel Awarness

 It was 2010, and I was sitting and waiting in Afghanistan, Khost Province.  I had been dealing with some bad depression for about a year, and I thought that deploying may help, in that, I was progressing my career.  I was wrong.  Deploying made the depression worse.  This blog entry is about Angels, so we will stay on topic. 

I was depressed in Afghanistan.  Sitting around hurting, I would imagine a pretty blond angel sitting next to me.  She didn't have facial features I made out.  She would hug my arm and give me comfort.  This made me feel better.  My angel, she had rules.  I couldn't reciprocate.  I couldn't hold her.  I was happy to have her. 

Fast forward a few years, and it is October 2013, and I had received a calling from God.  I was starting to experience some supernatural things.  It occurred to me suddenly........."What type of imaginary figure had rules?"  The angel was not imaginary.  I had been seeing the spiritual.  The angel was a guardian angel.  From this point on, I suppose there is a switch in my head that I could flip, and see the spiritual around me.

Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?  (1 Corinthians 6:3) 

I became aware there there may be a threshold that a man needs to meet towards being capable of judging the angels.  It may be that I hit that threshold, going through Sanctification with God, and that some Angels became aware as well.  

It was winter 2014.  I sitting in my apartment.  Suddenly, I had a bunch of angels around me like Disney animal sidekicks.  They were worried.  

“I tell you, whoever publicly acknowledges me before others, the Son of Man will also acknowledge before the angels of God.  (Luke 12:8)

 There are no caveats to Luke 12:8.  Someone like pop singer Kesha, she has been associated with Satanism.  In one of her music videos, she has "Jesus on her ear."  A variety of people who were in to New Age or Occultism, they have publicly acknowledged Jesus.  Knowledge of Angels had been occulted.  

I was sitting in my apartment with some Angels like Disney Animal sidekicks, and they were worried.  How would I judge them?  I suppose I couldn't judge them for following instructions.  We may need to get more of mankind to hit the threshold for a final judgement. 

Various Angels and Fallen Angels, they may have manifested themselves a particular way, like in the movie "Donnie Darko," like in the Kyuss song "Demon Cleaner," like Miley Cyrus or Kesha dancing around with people in animal costumes.  I suppose, as a Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, they serve us now. 

Something to pray about and reflect on. 

The United States WAS a Covenanted Nation

The United States was a Covenanted Nation.  This Covenant started at Valley Forge, with George Washington, and the Continental Army.  The particulars of this Covenant were kept secret....possibly to hide it from the Catholics and the Anglicans.  The Covenant ended up hidden in Freemasonry. 

There is cause and effect to the Spiritual.  Given God made a Covenant with The United States, what types of things or blessings may have come from this Covenant?  It is interesting that many of the European colonies in America ended up rebelling and starting their own republics.  It is interesting that many of the Monarchies of Europe ended.  It is interesting The United States ended up the world's lone Super Power after the Cold War.  A Covenant did not mean that the United States was 100% doing right by God, or following God.  In fact, there has been a big falling away.  There is cause and effect to the spiritual.  Given we understand that there was a Covenant, what types of things may we find in the United States that may be signs of the Covenant?  A man interested in the topic, may need to slow down, and reflect some with God. 

The Covenant God made with the United States, it was ended.  How do I know?  God queued me to go find some Freemasons, and make some declarations.  The Covenant ended.  This happened sometime in 2015.  Again, there is cause and effect to the spiritual.  How was The US, and Europe, and the World around 2015 compared to 2025? 

I am totally capable of showing someone all the cause and effect.  There is excitement in discovery with God.  Given someone has been reading this blog, they were walked into being able to talk to God.

Why take the Covenant away?  It was being abused, and abominations were being committed. 

Something to pray about and reflect on. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

The Principalities and The Prince of Persia (Daniel 10)

The Spiritual is layered like a Divine Comedy.  On the ground, we may have things that are physical or literal.  As we go up layers, like layers in the Atmosphere, there may be things that are other dimensional.  Other dimensional things are complicated.  Someone having a vision of things other dimensional, said vision may have been understood with allegories. 

The Spiritual = The Principalities.  

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  (Matthew 28:18) 

The Spiritual or Principalities is part of the Earth. (The Heavens or Heavenlies is different.) God doesn't change.  (Malachi 3:6-7)   What has been going on in the Principalities may have changed or shifted over time.  This change or shift in the Principalities would be part of Spiritual Warfare. 

Man is made in the image of God or "Our Image."  "Our" refers to God and the Angels.  What man does reflects.  The Spiritual is like a mirror.  In 2015, ISIS in Syria was turning Churches into torture chambers.  That may be a reflection of something in Hades.  Vlad the Impaler impaled men, something he learned from the Ottomans.  This may have been a reflection of something.  In 2015 or so, given there was a Fraternity with very particular and corrupt initiation rituals, that may have been a reflection of something and demonic.  A Puff Daddy party was a reflection of something.  Given man would like the good things and blessing of God, they follow the words of The Lord Jesus Christ.  They choose righteousness.  A rejection of Righteousness is a rejection of God. 

The Anglican Church and The Lutheran Church of Sweden have rejected Righteousness, and been reflecting something wicked......and this may be a sign of corruption behind closed doors, corruption like the Catholic Church has been charge with.  It hasn't been 100% exposed in the Anglican or Lutheran Church of Sweden due to this particular corruption being aligned with The Powers that Be...like the Biden Administration.  Someone or a particular group like people from the World Economic Forum, they have blackmail material on various Bishops. 

Satan's goal has been that man serve anything other than God.  A prophet of God was a servant of God.  A prophet of God was doing the Lord's Will.  He may have been reflecting something particular like in Ezekiel 4. 

The Prince of Persia had authority due to man's rebellion.  The Prince of Persia, a demonic entity, it may have been anchored by a particular man, or an "Anchor Baby."  This particular man would have been a priest of some sort of Occult Mystery School.  In the Old Testament there were Imperial Cults.  An Anchor Baby, someone who was anchoring a demonic ruler of a Principality, may not have 100% been the high priest of an Imperial Cult.  He could have been some sort of less popular off shoot. 

On Youtube, there is testimony from an ex-Satanic Priest named John Ramirez.  He was raised into, by his family, Santeria.  He has testimony of talking with Satan.  I believe his initial testimony.  What he was talking to was not Satan,  a particular Fallen Angel referenced in Job 1, and The Book of Revelations. He was talking to A Satan, a ruler of a principalities.  John Ramirez was an Anchor Baby.  

Working for God the last decade or so, I discovered some Anchor Babies.  In obedience to God, I may have defeated Satan, a fallen Angel.  Also, I have discovered some other anchors, and was able to cut them.  Similar to John, some people may have been Generational Satanists with things that were passed down to them.  Given I discovered such people, I worked to get them to let go.  God does not judge the son for the sins of the father.  (Ezekiel 18)  They can let go. 

We are to pray On Earth as it is in Heaven.  I may have become a ruler of principalities, which is what is being referenced in the Parable of the Minas.  There may be some gaps or holes or room for men serving God, and following directions to fill a gap.  Someone seeks God, finds God, and follows directions.

The Form of "Something."

 Understanding the character of God is important towards growing in faith, a personal relationship.  We may be able to say that the true character of God, is a Form of God, like Plato and The Forms.  Given someone can understand the Character of God, they may also be able to see things "Not God."  Things "Not God" have a Form as well. 

What is a Form?  A Form is the ideal version of something. A lot of people have liked to project what they would like God to be.  They would like to project what they would like the spiritual or afterlife to be.  What is the reality?  Towards understanding the reality, we may be able to find Forms.  

Lilith, for example, she has a Form.  Lilith was derived from from Kabbalah users.  Lilith was a demon with a particular Form.  Lilith was said to be Adam's first wife, before Eve, made equal, and she didn't want to be under Adam.  She flew away and birth demons and abominations.  That is the story.  The story is a lie.  Adam didn't have a wife before Eve.  Lilith may still have been a demonic entity with a Form. 

A Lilith may have been like the Dragon from Beowulf.  Pop singer Madonna, she became a Kabbalist.  Did she end up a Lilith like figure birthing demons and abominations in her sin?  Lilith has been used in a lot of media lately like "Diablo IV."  Lilith has been used and idolized by Feminists.  In the movie "The Last Jedi,' Lilith wasn't literally in the movie, but writers of the movie may have used a Lilith Form.   

A trickster demon may have been a particular thing with a particular Form.  A trickster can be found in many mythologies from Viking Mythology to West Coast American Indian Mythology around a coyote.  A trickster demon may have gotten off on tricking people into sin.  Someone with a trickster demon may have switched from male to female in terms of sexuality.  A trickster demon may have cooked well. 

The following song has the fruit and form of a trickster.  Personally, as a prodigal son, I discovered this song with God, and as I listened to it, I discovered a person who I had lived with was a trickster demon.  The song invoked memories, and things for me to work through.

Song:  I Had Me a Girl.   

God, and various spiritual entities, they have a Form.  Given someone is meek before God, seeking Truth, they may be able to learn to see God.  In learning to see God, they may be able to see other things as well. It is important to learn to see God first, and be in The Light of The Lord. Someone needs to be in a personal relationship with God.  Venturing into the spiritual, there are "Things" that lie and deceive, and someone could end up killing themselves.  Someone needs God to be in the Spiritual. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Overcoming Lust Part 2

 What does a man desire out of life?  Marriage is, ideally, a once in a lifetime thing.  Marriage is a major life event that can make or break someone.  This is something young men and older men should reflect on.  I have a song for this. 

The Question:  What constitutes a marriage exactly? 

A marriage would be a commitment plus a consummation.  Jesus Christ is a priest.  He sees everything.  A marriage would not necessarily need to have a government approval, a priest, or witnesses. 

Given a couple was married in "secret," did dad and mom have other plans?  There could potentially be problems there.  It may be good to have permission, and witnesses. 

The Body of Christ is society.  There may be rules for a community.  Given someone is part of the Body of Christ, a Christian society, they should follow the rules.  The basics of a marriage may be a commitment plus a consummation.  There may have ended up rules in place, and a tradition, for a reason.  Follow the rules. 

Have you ever seen the movie "Blue Lagoon?"  Two young people were shipwrecked.  They ended up married.

Was a female, a "long term girlfriend," and rationalizing "trial marriages?"  She was a long term prostitute who was giving a man things he should have in marriage.  Stop trying to rationalize sin.  Repent. 

Out of all the Laws of Moses, what were gentile Christians suppose to do?  One of the things was abstain from sexual immorality.  (Acts 15:29)  This would be fundamental to the religion.  Christians are instructed to not join their body with a prostitute.  (1 Corinthians 6:16-18) 

In 1960, there was prayer in schools.  A lot has changed since 1960.  The Modern World was built on Christian Tolerance.  Christian tolerance was built upon a shared sense of values.  We are in Post-Modernism where people have worked to break down that Christian Tolerance.  There has been a culture war.  Christians need to separate themselves from Non-Christians, and live in Christian communities.  You should know your neighbors.  Given your neighbors were not Christians, there may be problems.  At the school board meetings, everyone there should be Christian because you are living in a Christian community, in agreement of The Standards.  Sin is missing the mark, not making the standard.  

Overcoming Lust

 Men compete.  Men compete in sports.  Men compete in school.  Men compete in the work place.  Men compete in love.  There are rules in sports.  There are rules in school.  There are rules in the work place.  Should there not be rules for love and dating?  Overcoming lust may be a shift of perceptions with The Lord Jesus Christ.  That is what we are going to work on today. 

Young man, he is thirteen or so, and he has been discovering girls and women.  They are pretty.  His buddies on the playground, they have been dating already.  They came back with stories of their exploits.  How is the competition building here for love?  Our young man was developing how to look at girls.  In competition with his buddies, he may have needed to "Get his."  He may have needed to "Know that he could."  "Dating" may have become a game of conquests.  This was driven by The Ego. 

We are going to fast forward, and our young man is sixteen.  How is he looking at his female classmates?  It is healthy to desire a mate.  It is healthy to desire a potential wife.  The competition for having a wife, it shifted towards sin and debauch.  It is good to appreciate beauty.  It is bad to be looking at the opposite sex, looking to use them outside of marriage in sin. 

Fast Forward another 20 years, and our man is now 36.  He has been married for six years, and has two kids.  He was a wondering eye.  He settled.  He had all his excitement in sin, but was tired of it.  He started looking for something permanent.  He settled for someone.  Six years after being married, he had a wondering eye because he was still in competition with his playground buddies from middle school.  Maybe he looked at a celebrity like Leonardo DiCaprio and thought, "Why does he get the girls, and why can't I?"  His unhealthy competition from Middle School may have shifted to being in competition with celebrities and rock stars.

Given our man started going to Church, and was seeking the Lord Jesus Christ, part of overcoming lusts may be to identity that there was an unhealthy and sinful competition.  Our man lets go.  He lets go of the competition.  He says "I don't care."  He stops caring about what other men are doing, and instead, he reflects inward, and looks to make himself a better man in Christ.  

God is love.  Our thirty six year old married man, he works to forget those past flings, past girlfriends, he drops the competition, and he works to love his wife, and think only of her.  This is a good place to be to start listening to God's Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is a teacher and a councilor.    

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Sanctification and Holiness

 Given someone is reading on this blog, faith is a journey, and hopefully, someone is working on their journey of faith.  Part of that journey may be Sanctification.  Sanctification happens through God's Holy Spirit.  Can you hear what the spirit is saying to the Churches?  (Revelation 2:11)  Given someone could, does that make them Schizo?  Christianity has been around a lot longer than Psychology, a discipline rooted in Occult Mysticism.  People like Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, they were into the Occult, and have been terms Mystics.  Can you see why? Freud and Jung, they were shaping how men perceived themselves and perceived God.....which is part of Spiritual Warfare. 

Sanctification is a process.  Sanctification comes in a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.  Holiness has a definition. 

King David, he was not allowed to build The Temple of God.  Why?  David was a man of war, who shed the blood of men made in the image of God.  Having shed the blood of men, David didn't meet a standard of Holiness to build God's Temple.  David was anointed and blessed by God.  Jesus is of the line of David.  David did not meet a certain standard of Holiness. 

From Torah, we can come to understanding of the character of God, and definitions of holiness.  In 2014, I started going through Sanctification with God.  Sanctification is a process where someone is being made holy to come closer to God.  Someone was confessing their sins.  Someone may have gone through a stage of being a Penitent Man like in "Indiana Jones."  There may be stages a man goes through. 

The Question:  Is there anything in particular Man on Fire does in an understanding of Holiness? 


However, what God has me do, it may be more personal to where I am in Sanctification, and not necessarily something that needs to be placed over a Church. 

I have been working for God full time since 2014.  Shrimp was one of my favorite foods.  I ate shrimp till about 2017 or so.  One day, God pointed out to me that I shouldn't eat shrimp anymore.....more so, we don't eat things that eat dead things.  I stopped eating shrimp and lobster and so on.  I started becoming aware of steak that was bleeding, and that it needed to be cooked better.  I would not put dietary requirements over a Church.  In Sanctification, a personal relationship with God, I reached a point where I needed to change some habits.   

I don't follow the Laws of Moses.  In the Laws of Moses, we may derive definitions of holiness.

Something to reflect and pray on.  

More on Gnosis through God Part 3

 Today, we are going to get into some subject matters that various Christians, on various sides of politics and theology, they have liked to fight me on.  Were you comfortable, and part of The World?  Being comfortable and complacent, some people have had opinions on theology.  Opinions are like armpits.  They stink.  What is the objective Truth?  

A nation or a family, who loved God, and was doing more the right things, they may have been blessed.  They were fruitful.  King David and King Solomon were blessed by God.  Israel was fruitful.  There were military victories, and plentiful harvests, and wealth through trade and discovered gold.  A family or congregation that was doing more the right things, there may have been blessings there where people were fruitful.  There is another side of blessings where someone was looking to control or manipulate God.  That would be something like a Prosperity Gospel or some Satanists singing Psalms.  Given someone was breaking down the Bible, looking to "Cast Spells," to control or manipulate, that would be sorcery.  Around the Prosperity Gospel, given I saw a particular fruit, we may be able to investigate, and find links into the occult...probably Freemasonry; however, there may also be some other things going on.  

God Almighty is God you cannot control.  Pagans made gods looking to control something. 

God, through Moses, lead Israel out of Egypt.  The Hebrews, they saw the miracles, they saw prophecy fulfilled.  The Hebrews had understanding of the inner workings of God.  Moses went away for 40 days and 40 nights. When Moses came back, he found that the Hebrews, even Aaron, they had built a false idol, and they were associating things God had done with a false god they had made out of gold.  God Almighty is God you cannot control.  Pagans made gods looking to control something. 

What do you want?  Do you want money?  Do you want attention?  Do you want "Mystical Powers?"  What do you want?  Given The Lord is your shepherd, you shall not WANT.  (Psalms 23) 

Say "I don't care." 

Saying "I don't care" is different from being in a state of not caring.  Personally, I lived with depression for about five years in my later 20's.  I hated life.  I woke up hoping to die.  "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." (John 12:25)  There is a hard knocks of life way to get to the point where someone hates their life.  Various Church fathers and monks, they lived in periods of isolation, they fasted, they lived hard. 

Joseph, son of Jacob and Rachel, he was loved.  His mom may have made him his favorite meals every so often.  He may have had some games he liked playing with his dad and brothers.  Joseph was given a coat of many colors.  Joseph was loved and honored.  One day, Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery. 

Living in slavery, deep down in Joseph's soul, he may have given up ever seeing his mom and dad again.  Sitting in slavery, or prison, he may have dreamed of nicer times, the favorite meal is mom made for him, the animals he played with in his dad's herds.  He may have had to let go of all that.  In Joseph's misery, he sought God, and held tight to God. 

Towards growing in faith, and being more spiritual, someone has to reject The World and reject things physical.  There may be some hard knocks of life ways to get there.  Saint Nicholas, he was made a bishop at age 20.  This was way too young.  A pagan emperor came into power, and Saint Nicholas ended up spending time in prison.  He may have had to hold tight to God.  This was the Hard Knocks of life way towards coming closer to God. There is also better ways, where someone is choosing God, and choosing to do the right things seeking God.  God is long suffering.  Our trials bring us closer to God.  (James 1:2-4) 

Something to reflect and pray on. 


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

More on Gnosis through God Part 2

 God has good plans.  What does someone love doing?   Where is their passion at?  Given someone was employed in an office somewhere, and they were hating life, it may be that they were doing something outside of God's good plans.  Given someone had a hobby in a science or a hobby inventing things, and that is where their passion was, it may have been in God's good plans for them. 

A man's body is a temple.  Jesus lives in a man through his Holy Spirit.  Part of learning to talk to God is intuitive. The Spirit of God works through what you know.  Given someone didn't have a lot of science knowledge, he may have a hard time perceiving things in certain science fields.  Personally, I had a well rounded "General Education."  I am aware of a lot, but not much of an expert in anything.  

I received a calling from God October 2013.  I started feeling smarter, and able to comprehend certain things faster.  I had a four year degree in Social Studies Education.  January 2014, I went back to school for a second undergraduate in Construction Management.  I had to take classes in science and math, leading toward calculus.  I felt smarter, and more able to handle certain topics than I had been prior to having God. 

I was also aware of God's Judgement.  I may have been aware of it prior to October 2013.  It may be that I had the gift of prophecy, and didn't realize it.  I had visions of God's Judgement, and World War III, and I felt Construction Management would be a good career choice.  There will always be something that needs rebuilding?  February 2014, God seized my mind in a way......The Hand of God came upon me.......I couldn't stop thinking about God and God related things, and was having a lot of epiphanies. 

I became aware of God's plan for me.  In being aware of God's plan for me, I may have become aware of God's plans for other people.  Given I was to write about a certain topic, I may have been taking Glory.  There is Glory in discovery.  There is Glory in creating something.  It may have been in God's plan for someone else.

Something to reflect and pray on.  This is my testimony. 

More on Gnosis through God

 You may need some prior reading for this one. 

Previously:  "Gnosticsm a Heresy vs Gnosis via Theosis"

Previously:  "Allegorical Thinking"     

The Question:  Given someone gained Gnosis with God, related to Theosis, what stops him from developing an invention that changes the world or makes him rich?

In what I have received from God, I grew in an understanding of "The Stone Rejected."  (Psalms 118:22)  I received a calling around the age of 30.  (Luke 3:23)  I had been rejected a lot in my 20's or so.  More so than rejected.....I was depressed, and made goals to get out of depression.  What was going to make me happy?  The goals I made kept falling through, not working out, and I would make new goals.  I found that anything that I wanted, or a goal I made, I received from God in God's Kingdom, in God's own way.  Possibly in an allegorical way. 

I was in the US Army, and depressed in my 20's.  I made an effort towards joining US Army Special Forces, believing that being a Green Beret would make me happy.  I was a Physical Training test away from going to Selection.  I decided not to.  My personal life was a mess.  I didn't have support at home as a single soldier, nor support from friends or family.  I was alone.  I was being honest with myself.  I scrapped the plan to be a Green Beret, and made new goals.  That was my life for about five years, that is, making goals to get out of depression, and finding dead ends.  

In God's way, I allegorically became like God's Special Forces.  It is something someone may be able to seen in actions taken.

Jesus Christ is the Stone Rejected.  (Acts 4:11)  The Stone Rejected, and various prophecy, it never stopped.  God has worked in particular ways.  God is a square.  For example, the Temple of God was destroyed twice, on the 9th of the Hebrew month of Av.  God works in particular ways.  Seeing into God's inner workings, I call "The Ties That Bind."  Seeing into something like "The Ties that Bind," and being aware of God's inner workings, a man is a Bond Servant or Slave of God.  

When I state that "The Stone Rejected" was profound in my calling......it was something God showed me.  I fit into God's plans.  It wasn't something that was taught to me in Church, or I learned anywhere other than from God. 

In June 2014, I was driving into North Carolina from Tennessee, and driving towards homelessness.  What does a man desire out of life?  I mentally put all my treasures, my hopes, things I longed for, I put those things in heaven with God.  I worked to make in on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

I became aware of a lot of things, to include God's plans for certain individuals.  I have a lane like a lane on a race track.  I stay my lane. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Old News - Still Relevant - Brittany Spears and Kabbalah


Madonna, the singer of “Like a Prayer, which is a corruption of something, has been a Kabbalist.

News Article: Like Madonna, business bosses are turning to Kabbalah. But what is it?

What is Kabbalah? Kabbalah has been mysticism for deniers of Jesus Christ. The only way to the father is through the son.

What is the fruit of people who have been practicing Kabbalah? What is the Fruit of Madonna? By fruit, I mean, what does she produce? What she produces shows aspects of her character.

By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? (Matthew 7:16)

In “Like a Prayer” the singer Madonna was turning something Holy into something corrupt. It was a song about Baal worship, or turning something holy into something filthy. Anytime you hear or see someone referencing “The Bedroom is our Church” that may be a sign of something. With their mouths, they are giving themselves away. That may be their fruit.

Occultists have used Kabbalah. Why? It has been mysticism for deniers of Jesus Christ. The Golden Dawn which helped produce Wicca, who see themselves as modern day Witches, and The Golden Dawn which also produced Crowley, used Kabbalah. What was their fruit? What did they do? They were known to have ritualized sex or sex magic. They were known to be people who were well-to-do, who engaged in sexual depravity similar to Killing Kittens sex group started by “Friend of Kate Middleton.” Given someone is studying history, what have people associated with Kabbalah often been accused of?

Brittany Spears was part of Kabbalah. I did an internet search for “Brittany Spears leaves Kabbalah.” About nine months after she left Kabbalah, Brittany Spears shaved her head. She was going crazy, and had issues after leaving, and it culminated into something? Was she just mentally ill or was there something spiritual going on?

The Lord also says:

“Because Zion’s women are so haughty,
and walk with outstretched necks,
flirting with their eyes,
s] along as they walk,
and making tinkling noises with their ankle bracelets,[
17 therefore the Lord[
u] will afflict sores
on the heads of Zion’s women,
and the Lord[
v] will expose their private parts.

18 “At that time,[w] the Lord[x] will take away the finery of the ankle bracelets, headbands, crescents, 19 pendants, bracelets, veils, 20 headdresses, armlets, sashes, perfume boxes, charms, 21 signet rings, nose rings, 22 fine robes, capes,[y] purses, 23 mirrors, linen garments, tiaras, and veils.

24 “And it will come about that instead of fragrance
there will be[
z] a stench;
instead of a belt, a rope;
instead of well-set hair,
instead of a fine robe, sackcloth;
and instead of beauty, shame.[
25 Your men will die violently,[
while your forces[
ac] fall[ad] in battle
26 and her gates lament and mourn.
Ravaged, she will sit on the ground.”(Isaiah 3:16–26)

Did Brittany Spears end up with all of that? Not at this time. It may be possible that she had something put on her, and was under attack. She was also outside of God’s protection. She chose poorly. What is the point of this? Exposing what has happened spiritually.

Fear of God is a good thing. Fear of God takes away fear of man. (and other things) God is love. God’s love is fatherly. You are doing the right things? What do you have to fear? The only way to the father is through the son. Someone in “other mysticism” is wrong. Given someone is getting into sin, they have been wrong. Brittany Spears has been toxic. God is Holy and separate from sin.

Diamond Eyes

 Today, I am picking up some questions from Hebrews.  They want to know about my diamond on my forehead. 

The Question:  Do you do anything to maintain it?  Any ritualism?  


I pray unceasingly, or sing songs in my head, or otherwise keep my mind busy.   Day to day, I wake up, and get my breakfast and coffee.  I check the news.  I do whatever to pass the time unless God has something for me to do.  There isn't anything special I have done other than follow instructions.   I wrote about the topic, or broached the topic for the first time here on "God's Divine Scavenger Hunt Part 5."

Several years ago, I researched Kabbalah.  I didn't use it, or do anything with it.  I was looking to understand what it was.  I was also part of a Messianic Jewish community online, looking to understand what they were about. 

One day, I was on this Messianic sub on Reddit, and broached the topic of Kaballah to see what came up.  In the process of discussing it, I ended up with a demon.  It was like a dark blob that sat just under the eye, on the forehead.  I could feel it there.  I could still talk to God.  I felt angry and on edge.  Prior to this demon, I was "Dirt Road Anthem" with no worries.  Afterwards, I was angry, and alert, and on edge.  I ended up with this demon for about ten months.  

God shared with me that it was part of a generational curse from Jeremiah's time.  Some families were Jeremiad.  Given someone saw an Ultra Orthodox Jewish man who seemed to hate the nations, and just be really angry and nasty, he may have had this demon. 

What did I do to get rid of it?  I followed directions.  I ended up building something with music, like what I have done on Twitter, and in the process of reviewing through the songs, it came out one day.  What I do with music, it is a form of meditation.  I am thinking about God when I review through the songs, and possibly receiving things. 

Fr. Ripperger, he is an exorcist with free lectures on Youtube.  I don't know that even Fr Ripperger has the authority to cast out or end that particular generational curse.  It is tied to prophecy and God's plans.  "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."  (Luke 13:35)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


 Mankind is like God's Vineyard.  (Luke 20:9-19)(Isaiah 63:1-6)  Given a man shakes a vine, the vibrations may be felt on the other end.  I heard it through the Grapevine?  A man may hear things through God's Holy Spirit. 

We may take this allegory to another level.  Mankind may be like a stringed instrument in context of Ezekiel 1.  Ezekiel had a vision of Angels.  Angels have functions tied to aspects of creation.  These functions may have been tied to various concepts or things.  The concepts or things, they are all interconnected.  There are vast differences to how people thought and perceived in Rome around 300 AD, to France in 1200 AD, to someone living in a Western Nation in 2025.  Various concepts or things, they were shifted, moved, turned. 

God's plan is The Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God has particular values.  The Kingdom of God happens where men are accepting The Kingship of The Lord Jesus Christ.  Mankind, like a string instrument, it needs to be tuned, or turned, towards Jesus Christ, where various concepts are aligned, in concert, with God Almighty. 

In the 1960's and 1970's, there was a Counter Culture influenced by Karl Marx and Aleister Crowley.  Hippies around Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, they saw that bathing was too bourgeoisie.  They stopped bathing.  Doctors and scientists ended up re-discovering diseases long thought extinct.  Christianity has had certain traditions and taboos.  Some people worked to push all traditions and taboos, like Counter Cultural figure Richard Dawkins, who believes that eating human flesh is the next taboo people need to get over.  The Counter Culture was influenced by Karl Marx and Aleister Crowley.  In the 1970's, it was mainstreamed into mainstream culture like the movie "Jesus Revolution," with Kelsey Grammer.  Christians were accepting of Satanic Counter Culture. 

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19)

Going to back to Ezekiel 1, Angels have functions over aspects of creation.  The Angels were turned a particular way in the 1970's-80's.  People were accepting of certain bad ideas like Marxist Betty Friedan's Divisive Feminism.  There is fruit there. 

Someone like Saint Patrick, he was a Counter Cultural figure.  He went into pagan Ireland and worked to counter the culture of the pagan Irish.  In India, there were a lot of ugly pagan practices like Bride Burning.  Christians worked to counter the culture in India with Christianity.  These ideas and concepts can be turned different ways.  

In the 1960's and 1970's, the acceptance of Counter Culture was ceding something to Satan.  When two Christians come together and agree, and ask for something, it will be done.  What we have had the last decade or so, is that not what Christians wanted?  Christians need to cut off, and separate themselves from bad philosophy, from bad theology, from bad ideas.  To be Holy, is to be separate. 

God's Kingdom is not a Marxist five year plan.  A lot may change quickly in War, Famine, and Plague, in God's Judgement.  God's Kingdom is not a Five Year Plan.  God Kingdom starts when men are accepting The Kingship of the Lord Jesus Christ.  The Kingdom of God has particular values.  Christians should work on promoting those values, and separate themselves from bad ideas. 

God's Divine Scavenger Hunt Part 8

 Sitting around my apartment yesterday, I started receiving some questions about women.  How does a Post-Modern man deal with dating, and dealing with women in 2025, and is there some greater wisdom there?  There is no easy answer here.  It is ugly out there.  God has shown me some interesting things.  

Wisdom in the Bible is often personified as female.  Why?  A woman, she may have developed a fear of God.  She had a lot of fears.  She feared that her husband or sons would die, be maimed, end up in jail, or something.  She may have wanted to get along with polite society.  Is her husband some sort of barbarian who is going to humiliate her?  A woman doesn't have brute strength.  She needed guile.  She did things looking to turn, or help her husband make good decisions. 

Man is the head, he is a decision maker.  Woman is the neck, she turns the head.  She helps him make decisions. 

Song:  "Back to Life." Soul II Soul.  

  But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man,[a] and the head of Christ is God.  (1 Corinthians 11:3) 

 Husband and wife, they are looking to go out to eat for lunch.  Husband looks at his wife, and asks "Where would you like to eat to day?"  She says "I don't know."  She says I don't know a lot when asks this question.  What is her husband?  A mind reader?  Her husband gets frustrated some. He doesn't understand that she is testing him.  She would like him to make good decisions.....even if it was subconscious. 

Christ is to man as man is to woman.  (No gay) 

Socrates was said to be the wisest of men.  Socrates says "I don't know." 

I don't know.  God knows. 

Men have honor.  A woman has a reputation.  Given a woman falls into sin, she was made a liar.  She lied to protect her reputation.  Did you believe her lies?  Working to court a virgin towards marriage is a lot different than "dating" a Taylor Swift. 

Song:  "I Think You Know What I Mean."  Gov't Mule.

Some women, they became wicked.  A wicked woman how was she turning men? 

My son, pay attention to my wisdom;
[a]Lend your ear to my understanding,
That you may [b]preserve discretion,
And your lips may keep knowledge.
For the lips of [c]an immoral woman drip honey,
And her mouth is smoother than oil;
But in the end she is bitter as wormwood,
Sharp as a two-edged sword.
Her feet go down to death,
Her steps lay hold of [d]hell.
Lest you ponder her path of life—
Her ways are unstable;
You do not know them.  (Proverbs 5:1-6)

In Modern Liberalism, there is a false belief that all people were born good.  Philosophers who created Modern Liberalism were haters of God, who intentionally set themselves against God and Christianity.  In Christianity, we understand Original Sin, and that everyone was born flawed. There is evil in the world.  A Feminist, she may have believed that she was good in her ideology, and that nothing she could do was wrong.....as long as she was a liberal or socialist feminist.  This bad philosophy has worked to disguise, and blind people to, female evil.  Harlot is a word in the Bible.  Were you living in a Harlot Society drinking a Harlot's wine?  (Revelations 17)

There is a lot here for a man to reflect on and pray about.  Sometime in Summer 2014, growing in faith with God, I ended up with a "Head of a Woman," in that, suddenly I was able to understand womanese.  Every hint or suggestion that a woman had given me, in my past, I suddenly understood.   

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

God's Divine Scavenger Hunt Part 7

 How is you, the reader, how is your family doing?  A lot of people out there may have been hurting. They were depressed.  They suffered through a divorce or members of their family did.  A man doesn't have the opportunity to see his children.  These things hurt.  On a case to case basis, we may be able to look at a family, and see if there was a generational curse.  Generational curses and generational spirits have been a "Thing."  They may be removed; however, to remove them, someone needs to be able to identify that they were there, and repent of any sins.   

  • You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,  (Deuteronomy 5:9)  
  • 18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen (Romans 1:18-25)   

Freemasons, they made a lot of Oaths to God.  Did they break them?  What particular Oaths did someone make?  Given someone's dad or grandad was a Freemason, there may have been a generational curse on that family.  

In many Churches, there may have been Freemasons.  They may have professed a love for God, and appeared to be good Christians.  How was their extended families doing?  Given there was a lot of divorce, LGBT, children born out of wedlock, and other such things, that may be a sign of something bad. 

Given someone was blessed by God, he may have been fruitful.  Given a Christian's family has a lot of heartbreak, there may be something wrong.  Identifying that something wrong may be hard for some people. 

I have been aware that in the American Ancestors of Slaves Community, there have been certain generational curses.  Someone like Rev Jesse Jackson, he was a Freemason.  Was he serving God with what he was doing, or serving himself or something else?  Going further back in time, the KKK, it was a Freemason Adjacent Occult Group, which derived some of what it did from Mysticism learned in Freemasonry.  The KKK had particular ritualism and spiritualism, and did things in secret.  Going further back in time, certain slave owners in the South, they may have been part of other Freemason Adjacent groups with links to The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and other Occult groups.  In the 1830's, a lot of Europe, and America, became really interested in the Occult.  That can turn really ugly on a slave plantation with Social Darwinists.  Various families may have ended up with generational curses.  A family may have been Church goers for generations, but something was done in secret.  

God does not judge the son for the sins of the father.  (Ezekiel 18)  The one who sins shall die.  This is about going to heaven.  A generational curse was not about going to heaven necessarily.    

Views on Society -

Atomism - A belief that society is made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals, or atoms, rather than social groups.

Organicism - A belief that society operates like an organism or living entity, the whole being more than a collection of its individual parts.

 In 2025, a lot of people have been taught to think atomistically.  Someone was an atom unto themselves.  Everything was about "Me."  Given someone was in sin during the Reformation, he may have needed to tell himself the lie that his sin didn't effect anyone other than himself.  The Bible teaches an Organic Society.  Christians are a Body of Christ, and the Body of Christ is society.  

The Bible has big genealogies.  Family is important.  Many people, thinking atomistically, thinking of only the individual, they may have been blind to generational curses.  LGBT is an example of generational curses being worn pridefully, as something good.  Christians need to separate themselves from non-Christians.  

Sitting around my apartment yesterday, this topic came to mind.  I could write a lot about it, and show people a lot of interesting things.  The context I have been writing, is the context it came to me in. There is a reality to a generational curse or generational spirits.  They may be removed.  Just going to Church, that doesn't remove them.  To potentially remove generational curses or spirits, they need to be identified and addressed. 

Allegorical Thinking Part 2

 Yesterday, an article was linked that taught about some very particular concepts from The Bible. 

Post:  "Prophets and God and Allegories" on /r/Theology.  

The Question:  Have certain people been using this knowledge in a corrupt way, and where did they learn it? 

Watching the news day to day, occasionally I find something. 

  • A few weeks ago, I was watching some news about the Palestinians.  There was a pro-Hamas family.  The family, to include children, they were eating a cake, like a birthday cake.  This cake was decorated with the flag of Israel.  They would eat it with their hands like they were devouring Israel.  
  • During Brexit, there were some protestors.  The protestors were in body paints.  One was painted in the British flag.  The other was painted in the European Union flag.  They were kissing.

 These are both examples of the concepts I highlighted in the article.  I haven't seen someone use the concepts much, I have noticed it from time to time.  

To Occult - To Hide Away.  

What does a Pastor or Priest teach about?  What they were not teaching, and why, may say a lot about them.  Are there elements of Christianity, and Christian Spiritualism or Mysticism, that someone may have been aware of in 1820, but are blind to today?  Given there was, that something was occulted.  There has been a lot of knowledge of God, and understanding out there.  Some people have worked to hide certain understandings away. 

God Almighty is God you cannot control.  Pagans made gods looking to control something. 

 What the Palestinian was doing with the Israeli cake, that was a kind of sorcery, where someone was outside of God, looking to control something, to force his will over something.  A Prophet of God, he was a servant, serving God.  A Prophet was "In God."  The Will is a major theme in comparing and contrasting mysticism.  Was someone Willful like a Harry Potter, doing whatever he wanted to regardless of authority?  Was someone Willful like Fredrick Nietzsche and The Will?  A Christian is humble and penitent.  His will was brought low till it aligned with God's will and good plans for him.  God's plan is God's Kingdom. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Allegorical Thinking

 The Question:  How can someone learn to understand Bible Allegories better, and where did you, Man on Fire, where did you learn? 

I learned from The Holy Ghost. 

It may be that someone may be mentored into being able to think in Bible Allegories.  Lets start with learning from The Holy Ghost. 

  • I don't know.  
  • I don't care.  
  • Be teachable.  

Was someone a Catholic, and a Bishop or Pope was doing something wrong?  I don't know.  I don't care. 

Was someone protestant and their Pastor was corrupt?  I don't know.  I don't care. 

Was someone a Protestant, and the Catholics were right about something or vice versa?   I don't know.  I don't care. 

An Academic somewhere, he needs to produce something.  He needs to produce something to graduate, and to potentially please his peers.  Who were his peers?  Who was someone trying to please?  Man or God?  Doing things that are pleasing to God, a man may be hated.  Teaching good theology at Harvard or Yale in 2025, someone may be hated.  They hated Jesus first.  (John 15:18)

In a doctor's office in the US, there may have been some toys laying around for toddlers.  There may have been a toy with some shapes.  There is a square, a triangle, and a circle.  A toddler needs to fit the right shape into the correct hole or form.  Given someone needed false things to be true, like an Academic promoting their newest Theological Doctrine, it may have been like trying to force a circle into a triangle.  It doesn't work.  Someone was selectively reading or worse. 

How does someone learn to listen to the Holy Ghost?  They were seeking God with all their heart and soul and strength and mind.  They don't know, and they don't care. 

God's plan is The Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom of God has particular values.  Was a pastor or a priest doing something wrong, ceding things to Satan, or otherwise being a false teacher?  We may care about this.  Towards getting there, where someone is in God. I don't know, and I don't care.  The goal is to be In God, where someone loves the things God loves, and hates the things God hates.  This is taught to someone by God. 

An understanding of allegories is an understanding of the Spiritual.  To understand the Spiritual, someone may need to understand The Prophets of the Bible. 

Post:  "Prophets and God and Allegories" on /r/Theology. 

Reading Here, Some May Need This

Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...