Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Sudden Ending

 This blog sort of just cut off one day.  I was relating a lot of the most awesome things I received from God.  Some of it hurts, and the most important part is someone has God.  The Holy Ghost is a teacher and a councilor. 

Given someone is reading here, I recommend going from start to finish, slowly, taking your time, and using the blog as a "Bible Study Helper" giving context to somethings. 

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Authority and Principalities Part II

 Question:  You have inferred that The Pope, Patriarchs, and Bishops may have ended up tied to the Principalities in some way.  Can you expand on this? 

I became aware that Satan has like to steal anointing like The Anointing of Kings. For example, are you aware of the coronation ceremony for the Kings and Queens of Great Britain?   The ceremony hearkens back to Prophet Samuel anointing Saul as the first King of Israel.  Does that make the Queen of Britain, who is also Governor of the Anglican Communion, does that make her God's Anointed?  Towards understanding that, someone may have needed to understanding The Divine Right of Kings. In public education in the US, many people have assumed Social Contract Theory?  To understand the principalities, and powers, someone may need to unbrainwash themselves or just "not know."  Say "I don't know."  A lot of how people have been taught has worked to hide or occult away certain understanding. 

The Queen of Britain has been anointed.  A lot of the British system of Government, even if some people don't like that, has been built around a Divine Right of Kings.  Satan has been a liar and a thief.  He has liked to steal anointings.  Satan's goal has been that man is serving himself or something else, anything but serving God.  Also, there may have been a certain mysticism in understanding anointings.  The Queen of Britain, Governor of The Anglican Communion, was married to a Freemason, and has said some off things about  The Lord Jesus Christ.  Who has she been serving?  

Various Kings and Bishops may have received an anointing.  Satan has worked to steal anointings.  That may mean that someone chose to be part of a corrupt ritual at some point.  Evidence of this in the Catholic Church may have been around Bohemian Grove, or in certain seminaries where there was a corrupt culture and/or gay priest culture.  Working for God day to day, I became aware of some things. 

In Ancient Israel, there were Good Kings of Israel and Judah and Bad Kings.  Someone may have anointed of God.  Was he good King or a Bad King?  He was still the King and still anointed.  Have there been Good Popes and Bad Popes?  Authority may still be authority.  

Working to explain everything I have seen may need to come in pieces for certain people.  Some of it may be scary, and some of it may be gross, and/or cause a lot of anger. Anger is not necessarily bad; however, someone needs to be most aligned with God and God's will and plans. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

The Body of Christ

Christians are a Body of Christ. When they take communion they eat of the body and drink of the blood. In the Body, some are the hands, some the feet, some the mouth, some the eyes. Some are Apostles, some are Prophets, some are Pastors, some are Evangelists. We all have a function in the Body. A society of believers. We are a Body of Christ, an Organic Society. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Where this is profound for teachers and understanding:

Atomism - A belief that society is made up of a collection of self-interested and largely self-sufficient individuals or atoms, rather than social groups. (Liberal Belief on Society)

Organicism - A belief that society operates like an organism or living entity, the whole being more than a collection of its individual parts. (Conservative View on Society.)

(“Political Ideologies An Introduction” Third Edition by Andrew Heywood.)

What is an organic society exactly? The US Army may be an Organic Society that has been separate from Civil Society to some degree. In the US Army, there has been Infantry, Medics, IT Guys, and Mechanics. These categories represent a role or function someone is playing in an organic society. Mechanics have a role to play in The Organic Society or Body of People being The US Army. Given they were not doing their jobs well, it may hurt The Body as a whole. People in other functions in the Body may have difficulty getting from point A to point B and completing their tasks. A private, a Sergeant, a Lieutenant, and a Colonel all have functions in The Body. Given Private Jody was fraternizing with Sergeant Battle's wife, that potentially created problems and issues. It creates conflict. Given said conflict is not addressed and fixed, it could potentially lead to some explosive situations that hurt good order and discipline, and people become injured or die. It could potentially lead to a lot of corruption.

Someone who wanted to believe that Society was Atomistic may have wanted to believe that his actions had no effect on anyone else. He may have been in sin, and he wanted to believe that his actions belonged to him, and he wanted to be in denial of the pain and suffering he may have caused people by doing wrong. He who sows of the flesh, from the flesh, sows destruction.

The Body of Christ is an organic society. We all have a function in the Body. Given your left hand causes you to sin, cut it off. Being cut off may mean an excommunication or exile?



Monday, September 7, 2020


 Question-Statement:  What you have been presenting is not hard enough.  In my vision of an Apocalypse_________________.

We prepare for the worst and hope for the best?  I may have become aware of God's Anger and there was war and ugly things rolling through my head for awhile.  Given we need to be hard, we can be hard.  We prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.  God makes promises, he keeps his promises.  Some things may need to come to pass. 

Regardless of what may be happening, there have been a lot of complex moving parts that may need to be addressed.......and during some sort of War, Famine, Plague event.....hammer and anvil. 

What exactly is an apocalypse?  It is an opening of the eyes.  A tearing away of the veil from hidden things.  There had to be a falling away. 

Song: Black Out World 

Authority and The Principalities


The Principalities may be a very complicated subject, and working towards understanding them may lead into what has happened "Behind Closed Doors" in ways that a lot of people may not like.

Before we go on, I have an article and short video. These are brief introductions to The Principalities so we may be more on the same page. You should read article, and watch said video before progressing any further. Is the article or the video 100% correct? They both frame the complex concept of The Principalities in a way that may be more easy to understand, and is a start for a class or lesson or conversation.

Article: Spiritual Realms. Kingdom Watchers.

Short Video: Principalities and Powers - Christian Theology 101

For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the LORD. Live as children of light (Ephesians 5:8)

You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)

Notice in the article, that there may have been part of mankind under God in obedience to God. There may been part of mankind under darkness and forces of evil. In understanding The Principalities, someone may need to understand who the The Devil was, they may need to understand that certain forces of authority have been Evil. In doing so, there may be hard Truth.

Ladders give and snakes take. A snake may have had a tongue of a dragon like the false prophet in Revelations. He has had a Gold Horde. Knowledge is greater than silver or gold? With his lying tongue, he may have worked to "occult" away knowledge for himself, and those whom he cared to share it with. Ladders give. A ladder may be like Jacob's ladder helping someone up to God.

But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. (Daniel 10:13)

I saw that certain people may have become an "anchor" for something.  Someone was in some occult secret society or mystery school, and he was anchoring some spirit.   I may have found some anchors from time to time and dealt with them through God.  Someone may have inherited something from dad or grandad who was in a secret society, and I helped them let go of it.  

In understanding The Principalities, and authority, who has authority and why?  This is where not hating the Catholic Church has been important.  A lot of protestants may  have been brought up to hate the Catholic Church.  I didn't.  I was not trying to force how I would like God to be, but looking at what is.   

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  (Matthew 6:10) 

 In understanding authority and Church history, did a Pope, a Patriarch, or a Bishop have authority?  In a Catholic understanding they do.  I consider a Catholic Exorcist a "mystic."  They may have been receiving some cause and effect with the spiritual, and dealing with the spiritual.  I looked for testimony on exorcism.  I found Fr Ripperger who has some free lectures on Youtube, and testimony that appeared valid based on things I had experienced.  According to him, sometimes, in exorcising certain spirits, he may have needed to go to a Bishop for authority.  This suggests that there has been something to the Catholic claim on authority.  In that understanding, did certain authority pass outside the Catholic Church?  Did something end up occulted somewhere?  There may be some hard to deal with Truths in there. 

I have seen that there may be a need for certain men, in an understanding of Spiritual Warfare and authority, potentially, certain men could end up a ruler of a principality.  The following may not be 100% correct, but it may help in thinking.  We are looking to help some men in thinking towards building the Kingdom of God, and finding certain hidden things, and dealing with them through God.  

Follow me for a minute:

  • Jesus Christ is a Bridegroom looking for a Bride. 
  • The Song of Songs has been in the Bible as a representation of God's love for Israel or The Church.  
  • The Church is a Bride for Christ.  
  • We have The Catholic Church.  We have The Anglican Communion.  Sweden had its own national Church.  Were all of these like God's wives?  

This type of thinking may have been important towards understanding how the principalities have been built like The Stone Rejected by The Builders Becomes The Chief Cornerstone.   Certain understanding of the Principalities has not been taught towards it becoming Occulted, or people may have had to deal with some hard Truths.  What has been going on with Spiritual Warfare?

Song:  A Girl Named Tennessee.  

Song:  Carolina Blues. 

Understanding less may be more towards building the Kingdom of God at this time. Given someone is hearing God, they should follow instructions.  A man may have become a servant to his sorrow.  Why are we claiming up authority?  Towards building the Kingdom of God.  Men growing in Faith may become "One Mind" with God.  They are coming to same or similar conclusions and learning to think more alike. 

Also:  Kingdom of God Shadow War.  

Question:  Does it have to be a Shadow War? 

Dealing with extreme Spiritual Things may be difficult for your average person at this time.  Some people may need to be lead into understanding.  We guide people to understanding.   Dealing with Extreme Spiritual Things suddenly may be rough.  I don't know that it is wrong to under certain conditions in God's plan.  Christians should lead people into the Truth gently. 

Being and Doing

 There may be a lot of interesting things on this blog.  Things that are scary and entertaining. Things that hurt and things that heal.  Things that may help inspire and help someone find God in a big way.  The last few years I have been around more academic people online.  There tendency has been to "view things from the outside."  They would like to be outside observers, and talk about things in more of a vacuum.  That has been part of why many have had no legitimacy or authority.   They have not been actively engaged in something.  Given we are bearing our cross, and loving God and our neighbor, we are "doing" and "being."  Loving God may not have started as soft love feelings someone has.  Loving God may be more doing.  Love is a two way street.  Jesus bore his cross.  Have you been bearing yours?  God's plan is God's Kingdom.  Lets build the Kingdom of God together. 

Post:  Power of the Tongue  

I can teach someone about The Power of the Tongue.   The Power of the Tongue, I learned, through God, by doing. I was in The Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God is like a train at a constant rate of motion.  The destination?  God's Kingdom.  Given we are on the train, we may be able to see where God has been, and where God is going, at God's pleasure.  Everything may start with prayer.  We pray. 

God I would like to give my life to you if it would bring you Glory.  Then you go about your business. 

Given we are in The Spirit of God, on the train, it may be like everyone else is moving in particular ways, and connected together, and we are on The Outside.  We may get a "feel" for certain things.  Feeling and perceiving, and The Holy Ghost is how we more develop The Power of the Tongue. 

In understanding The Power of the Tongue, at times, I have felt "More of The Spirit of God."  When I was "More of The Spirit of God" I could not write like this.  My words felt like hammers, and anything I wrote was short and to the point.  I tended to "write in Bible."  I may have needed a scribe to write certain things.  Given we are 100% going for complete power of the tongue, that is where we are going to be.  Some days I may have felt more of the Spirit, and some days, God let me go a little, possibly, towards being able to write some things, and give some testimony while living alone. 

Working to understand some spiritual gifts, some people may have awesome testimonies. In The Parable of the Minas there are unequal rewards based on someone "doing."  Did God give you something?  An idea?  That may have been a mina.   Invest your minas.  Some people may have seen or heard some testimony and been down like, "That will never happen to me," or envious comparing themselves off of someone else.  Lets not do either of those.  Instead, we look to be the best we can be and compete with ourselves.  We are happy working to build The Kingdom of God in God's plan for us.  Given we receive some awesome things on our journey, we give testimony about it.  Said testimony may edify the Church, and help others go high or higher.  

Working for God may be like being on a race track.  Everyone has a lane. At times, it may have been a rely.  Just being on the race track is a blessing. 

Given God gave someone something, is someone stepping on someone else's shoes and why?  In brotherly love, we don't do that.  Stay your lane. 

God is love.  God's love is fatherly. 

Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. (John 5:19)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Book of Enoch


The Book of Enoch is Apocrypha. I personally submit to standard Church doctrine on that. I have found that it is incomplete. The Book of Enoch does work with the Bible in certain places. This is Bible study.


Cyrus the Great is mentioned in The Bible 22 times. He is prophesied in Isaiah 45. The Hebrew people felt pretty good about him in The Bible.

Cyrus the Great had 10,000 Immortals. 10,000 Immortals like in The Book of Enoch.

And behold! He cometh with ten thousands of ⌈His⌉ holy ones To execute judgement upon all, And to destroy ⌈all⌉ the ungodly: (Enoch 1:9)

Enoch is mentioned in the Book of Jude.

Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: "See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones

Nothing new happens under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9-19)


Another part of the Book of Enoch I found profound is where he starts to compare men like Cattle or to animals. The Lord is a Shepherd. (Psalms 23) A Priest has a flock. Are you in The Fold?

Given men are cattle, then we have Cowboys instead of shepherds, and a whole different understanding and perspective of life.

I have some songs I found to celebrate your new understanding.

Ghost Riders "The Outlaws. Technically, The Internet is in the Sky.

"Cowboys from Hell." Pantera For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.(Ephesians 5:8)

Sing unto The Lord a New Song. (Isaiah 42:10)

Song of Prophets and Cowboys. God is Hard.

"American Outlaws." Whiskey Myers.


Reading Here, Some May Need This

Dark Night of the Soul Testimony

May 24, 2014, I was about to be homeless. I had kept being arrested for things like walking home from a bar, and being held with the...